But the Demons still remained walking free. Finn was more determined than ever to speed this investigation along to change that.

“Those buys hardly make a dent,” Decker said, “when they’re transporting five kilos a month from Mexico.”

“And it’s our job to cut that down to zero. But we need to do it right and not rush the process.”

Finn sighed impatiently and scraped the tip of his thumb across his forehead. “Okay, soooo… What am I going to do now that I’m banned from the club?”

Don’t fucking say surveillance.

“You’ll be assigned to watching the camera feed once we get them installed.” The task force leader grinned. “What else?”

“Christ,” came out on a groan. That was almost as bad as surveillance, which was like watching paint dry. Or watching golf.

“Well, since you lost your fucking temper and K-O’d a Demon prospect, you no longer have physical access to the club, so, lucky you, you’re now stuck with digital access.”

“You would’ve done the same thing.”

“You’re probably right. Men who abuse women need their asses handed to them. But you still have a job to do, so you’re going to suck it up and do it. Especially since the sooner we wrap this investigation up, the sooner your girl will be out from under the Demons’ thumb. That’s what you want, right?”

For fuck’s sake, he hated when Crew was right.

Chapter Twenty-Three

He kept moving and never lingered in one spot, his feather-light touches whispering over every inch of her heated skin. Add in the teasing flicks of his tongue on the sensitive tips of her pierced nipples. The fleeting brushes of a fingertip across her pulsing clit.

All in an attempt to drive her out of her freaking mind.

He was succeeding.

Planting a hand on the mattress, Finn lifted his torso but dropped his head until his parted lips hovered over hers. With their mouths only a hairsbreadth apart, their warm breaths merged into one.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Finn was in no hurry tonight. He was traveling a slow path to push her to the very edge of her sanity.

“I can’t take anymore,” she groaned, rolling her head from side to side.

She wanted him to hurry up, to be inside her. But, damn it, she also wanted him to continue on this torturous path of pleasure.

Frustrating for sure, but it also fanned the fire in her belly, causing flames to sweep through her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

He slid his lips lightly up her jawline and pressed them to her ear. “Are you telling me to stop?” His voice, whether he meant it to be or not, was soft but firm. An intoxicating mix of both a commanding cop’s, but it also held a lover’s promise.

“Don’t you dare,” she warned him.

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to suffer needlessly.”

“Of course you do.”

Shaking with laughter, he skimmed his lips along her arched throat, only pausing for a heartbeat at the hollow of her neck before moving on… across her right shoulder, around the outer curve of her breast, down her belly.

Digging her fingers into his short hair, she clung to her wits as best as she could as he continued lower…


When she tipped her head down, his darker than normal hazel eyes locked with hers while he took his time settling his muscular bulk between her spread thighs.

She could only imagine that if him taking his time was torturous to her, it had to be excruciating for him.

Even so, she wouldn’t feel bad for him. Not one bit since he caused it.

Every night and again every morning for the past few days, he hadn’t gone slow. Hell, she hadn’t, either. It had been more like a sprint than a marathon.

As soon as they’d walk through her front door after he picked her up from work, they’d be on each other like two animals during mating season. Kissing, biting, clawing at each other’s clothes. Leaving a path of shoes, jeans and underwear behind them like bread crumbs.

Last night he had even carried her upstairs naked with her arms hooked around his neck and her legs wrapped around his equally naked waist. Amazingly enough, when he reached the loft, his panting wasn’t from exertion but from his impatience to be inside her.

But tonight was different. He had switched from the left passing lane to the right cruising lane and drove like a ninety-year-old behind the wheel.

His murmur against her skin drew her from those thoughts but she was unable to make out whatever he said. His eyes lifted, catching hers once again and holding them.

Him eating her pussy while watching her reactions might make another woman self-conscious, but not her. All it did was turn up the dial from hot to scorching.

Her clit was already swollen and throbbing when his warm breath enveloped it, making her groan in frustration.