When an undercover assignment ends up literally under the covers…

As part of the Tri-State Federal Task Force, Daniel Finnegan, road captain for the Blue Avengers MC, is investigating the Deadly Demons, an MC trafficking drugs into Pennsylvania. When he reluctantly goes undercover as a dancer with an all-male revue at a club recently purchased by the outlaw bikers, he comes face to face with Melina Jensen.

As manager of The Peach Pit, Mel could be an important asset for the drug task force with her unfettered access behind the scenes. Unhappy with the way the Demons are destroying the business, it doesn’t take much for Finn to convince Mel to work with him as a confidential informant. Even though becoming a CI for the task force isn’t without risk, Mel’s willing to help in any way she can.

To give Finn better access to The Peach Pit and the illegal dealings without raising any red flags with the MC, they start to “date.” Only, what starts out as a fake relationship ends up being anything but. Until eventually, neither can no longer dance around the truth.

However, once Mel’s safety is threatened, it’s up to Finn to find a way to protect her without blowing the entire investigation.

*************FULL BOOK START HERE*************

Terms Used

PLCB - Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board

LEO - Liquor Enforcement Officer and/or Law Enforcement Officer (used for both)

PSP - PA State Police

The Plant - a place away from stations/barracks/etc. for law enforcement/a task force to conduct clandestine criminal investigations.

Plant Manager - in charge of wiretapping/transcribing calls

Bid - prison sentence/jail term

MC Chapter - The national club with a national exec committee (President, VP, etc.); Ex: Deadly Demons MC

MC Charter - Each charter is run independently, does not answer to a mother charter or a national chapter; Example: Blue Avengers MC

Sled - biker slang for motorcycle

A-Cert - Wire-tapping certification

TFO - Task Force Officer

UC/UCO - Undercover Agent/Officer

Printing - the outline of a concealed carry gun showing through either a shirt or garment that the person is wearing

AUSA - Assistant US Attorney

RICO - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act

Thrust stage - a stage that extends into the audience on three sides and is connected to the backstage area by its upstage end.

Adonis belt - the V-shaped muscle that runs diagonally from the hip bones to the pelvic region.

CW - Cooperating Witness, unpaid

CI - Confidential Informant, some are paid

Stash vehicle - a place to store their supply of drugs for dealing.

Re-up - to refill one's drug stash

Fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine - Extends the exclusionary rule to make evidence inadmissible in court if it was derived from evidence that was illegally obtained

Probable cause (PC) - a legal requirement that reasonable grounds must be met before a police officer can make an arrest, conduct a search, seize property, or get a warrant.

Character List

BAMC (Southwest Regional Charter):

Axel Jamison - President - Sergeant, Shadow Valley PD

Shane Fletcher (Fletch) - Vice President - Trooper, PA State Police

Antonio Alvarez (Rez) - Sergeant at Arms - Officer, Southern Allegheny Regional PD

Aiden Cross - Secretary - Corporal, Southern Allegheny Regional PD, Nash’s (DAMC) husband

Mike Miller - Treasurer - Officer, Pittsburgh PD

Daniel Finnegan (Finn) - Road Captain - Officer, Southern Allegheny Regional PD

Bradley Lennox (Nox) - Officer, Shadow Valley PD

Colin Crew - Senior Special Agent, DEA, Tri-State Task Force Leader

Owen Decker - Trooper, PA State Police

Danielle Montgomery (Monty) - Corrections Officer, SCI Greene

Timothy Frasier - Liquor Enforcement Officer, PA State Police

Roland North - Lieutenant, Pittsburgh PD

Other Tri-State Drug Task Force Members:

Luke Rodgers - DEA Special Agent

Luis Torres - DEA Special Agent

Ian Butler - Corporal, PA State Police

Ken Proctor - Officer, Uniontown PD

Carl Powers - Trooper, PA State Police

Sam Kruger - Corporal, Greensburg PD

Warren Reynolds - Corporal, PA State Police

Don Mullins - Narcotic Detective, Pittsburgh PD

Nova Wilder – FBI Special Agent, Organized Crime Division


Melina Jensen (Mel/MJ) - Manager at The Peach Pit

Mitch Jamison - Former BAMC President, Axel & Zak’s father, retired from Shadow Valley PD

Bella – DAMC born and raised, Axel’s wife

Valerie (Val) - Decker’s adopted niece

Liam & Laney Jamison - Axel & Bella’s twins

Nash - Cross’s husband, Member of Dirty Angels MC and the band Dirty Deeds

Sapphire - Mel’s best friend and hostess at The Peach Pit

Saint - Deadly Demon in charge of The Peach Pit

Ringo, Popeye, Mutt, Chubs and T-Bone - Prospects working at The Peach Pit


Finn and Mel dance to the following songs:

Hot in Herre - Nelly

Burn It to the Ground - Nickelback

Closer - Nine Inch Nails

SexyBack - Justin Timberlake

I Like the Way You Move - BodyRockers

Yeah - Usher

Candy Shop - 50 Cent

Low - Flo Rida

American Woman - Lenny Kravitz

Earned It - The Weeknd

Body Party - Ciara

Dark Horse - Katy Perry

You Can Leave Your Hat On - Joe Cocker

I See Red - Everybody Loves An Outlaw

Partition - Beyoncé

I Feel Like I’m Drowning - Two Feet

Love to Love You Baby - Donna Summer

Perfect - Ed Sheeran

Chapter One

“What the fuck!” Finn screamed at the ninety-six inch TV. “That was clearly holding! You refs are fucking blind!”

“Jesus, dude, you’re going to stroke out,” Monty warned as she bumped his leg with her knee.

He lifted his legs out of the way, but only enough to allow her to squeeze by on her way to the other couch. “Seriously, you couldn’t go around?” He dropped his boots back onto the scarred and battered coffee table.

“I could’ve. But I didn’t.” The twenty-six year old prison guard sank down onto the empty couch to his left, cracked open a can of IC Light and took a long swig.

Three large couches were set up in a U and he was sprawled out on the center one so he could see the Pittsburgh Steelers game perfectly. This afternoon they were playing the Baltimore Ravens and he hoped his team gave their rivals a bad spanking.

Finn wrinkled his nose at the beer she was drinking. “There’s better beer in the fridge.”

Danielle Montgomery rolled her green eyes. “If I wanted another brand, I would’ve grabbed another brand, genius.”

“I wonder about you sometimes,” Finn informed the only female member of the Blue Avengers MC.

“Well, I wonder about you all the fucking time.”