It wouldn’t do to meet the sweet sub face-to-face and touch her the first time while I’m covered in grass clippings from mowing my lawn.
Although the sexy little plant lover might find that arousing, I think with a chuckle as I brush my teeth. Then I soap up, take the time to thoroughly manscape—after all, it’s the respectful thing to do for a woman who might agree to come anywhere near your cock—and rinse off. I trimmed the rest of my body hair with clippers just a couple of days ago, so I don’t need to waste any more time on preparing myself other than getting dressed.
When my alarm goes off, I snatch it off the nightstand, almost embarrassed by my level of anxiousness to check on Sienna. It’s too close to feeling out of control, and I can’t allow that.
I see she recently wrote two long messages, and I dive into them like I’m on fire and her words are the only thing that can extinguish me.
Obviously, you probably come in contact with a lot of "weirdos," because no one "normal" is drawn to this sort of stuff. And so I figured you probably went into chatting with me knowing I'd be at least a little nuts. But I'm diagnosed OCD with intrusive, repetitive thoughts, so I fully 100% expected you to read the emotional thing and be like... “deuces, I'm out.” ?? Your response was not even on my radar, Sir.
I literally had to invent a whole-ass person, the center of my entire 9-book series, a fictional fucking character, this all-knowing, superhero-like priest—don’t judge me—to be able to write out ME getting to interact with someone who gets me... and you did it in like, a day. So there's that, Sir. And no, schizophrenia is not one of my adorable personality traits, Sir. LOL! Just ?trauma? that happened when my very naive self was finally released into the wild, Sir.
My answer flies from my fingers before I can stop it.
You poor thing. What has society done to you?
Nothing pisses me the fuck off more than people feeling beaten down because of societal norms. I know it’s because of my Level 1 autism, which used to be called Asperger’s, that I can see the bullshit more clearly than someone who’s not on the spectrum, but because of that, it’s even more frustrating to me when someone else allows “normalcy” to greatly affect how they live their life. People go through their entire life suppressing who they are and what brings them joy and pleasure, even dying without letting their real self have a single day in the light, just because they fear being judged and how others might treat them after knowing the truth.
But then, I can’t fault them. Because I do the same thing every day. I’m no “better” than they are just because I’ve found a way to live a secret double life. I understand exactly why they hide, yet I’m no less frustrated with myself than I am with them, which means I’m not a hypocrite, just more of a sheep than I wish I was.
Society, Sir? LOL! Nah, I just have a terrible sense for choosing the people I get close to, Sir. So like… I really hope you’re the same in person as you are in my DMs, Sir.
Wow... you were right, Sir! It is starting to feel weird NOT to put the Sir. Here... let me try.... Nope. Don't like that, Sir. *The Office gif
Also, this just happened. #overachiever
I was just about to ask for her word count to see whether she met the deadline or not, so I could get in the mindset needed for either reward or punishment, and my heart explodes with pride when I read the number in her screenshot.
50945! ???????????????????????
I KNEW you would have no problems.
In all honesty, I was a little worried, since she was spending so much time texting me. But not only did she meet my demand, she blew it out of the water by more than doubling it. What better way to enforce good behavior than to meet it with confidence she’ll then take on herself.
Oh, look, Sir. There's my heartbeat in my eardrums again.
You definitely have earned the right to not be bent over my knee.
This is where you are conflicted, by the way. IS this the reward you worked so hard for?
I grin as I watch her typing bubble appear then disappear several times, questioning herself, questioning how right my observation is, before she finally replies.
Yes, Sir.
LOL! You typed… erased.. typed… erased, then did a rewrite to Yes, Sir. I'm so impressed with you, princess.
I just whimpered out loud. Thank you, Sir.
You almost wrote yourself into being bent over and given things you may not yet fully want. You’ll learn soon enough I’m very protective by nature, and not only does that make me want to take out whoever hurt someone I care about, but it also makes me want to fix and make my person happy again. And the fastest, most efficient way I know how to do that is with physical pleasure.