With her grip still wrapped around my shaft, I see her make a wider opening between her thumb and the rest of her fingers for her tongue to travel from the very tip of my cock, blazing a path downward that seems to take an obscene amount of time, until she reaches the very root of me. At the base, right where the anatomy switches from penis to balls, her full, wet lips join her tongue, making my cock jerk at the unexpected but welcome addition of sensation as she drags her mouth back upward.

Her eyes are still closed, her cheeks wet from her tears, but there is an expression of delicious appreciation, of pure bliss, on her face that’s unmistakable. She’s enjoying this just as much as I am, and that’s a trait in a submissive a Dom should treasure and do everything possible to hold onto for as long as they can. A sub who gains just as much gratification from giving as receiving is a gift herself, and because of that, I’ll make her feel like the treasure she is, and she’ll soon learn what it means to submit to a Pleasure Dom.

Because just like everything else between us, like fate decided to have a hand in this serendipitous match, our roles and desires mesh perfectly, and as much as she clearly loves and gains from following my commands, giving me that obedience I crave more than anything, it’s a reflection of my own passion, which is making a sub experience so much intoxicating pleasure she begs me to stop, unable to take another second of it.

It's how I got my nickname from a former sub of mine—Romantic Sadist. Because truly, I’m not sadistic. I don’t gain sexual gratification from doling out pain, even when the sub is a masochist who needs it. I have no problem providing that for them, even find it amusing, and their appreciation makes me happy, especially when it makes them want to be even more obedient and please me the way I want, but sexual arousal from hurting someone? No.

However, the begging. The sweet, sweet sound of desperation for mercy—that’s what gives me a sexual high like nothing else, but only when it’s a plea for me to stop overwhelming them with “too much” pleasure. Enough pleasure, with so many orgasms, can feel as intense as pain-inducing torture, and it’s that intensity that will make a submissive cry out for help, make promises of unfailing servitude, swear fealty, and offer up their very soul to me, and I never once have to lift a violent or sadistic finger.

A Romantic Sadist. Pleasurable torture. An oxymoron that just works beautifully and makes perfect sense.

Just like the little sub between my legs, who’s still taking her time licking me up and down as she summons the courage to try to deep-throat me for the first time.

Beautiful. And she makes perfect sense. At least to me. I get her in a way I believe no one probably has before, given the way she’s so surprised every time I understand and provide an explanation for anything she tries to clarify about herself. Which tells me, just like she has told me many times now, that I understand her better than she does herself.

And God, I want more than anything for her to allow me inside her, to give me full consent and her submission, so I can truly start helping her learn, understand, and believe what a gift she is, not the burden the world has spent the last thirty-odd years convincing her she is. Because if there’s anything I’ve learned in my almost fifty years on this earth, it’s that a person who genuinely wants nothing more than to make you happy is a rarity, and you should let them be exactly themselves, who they truly are, and protect them at all costs—not break them down and try to kill that desire they have to please others.

“But she’s going to get hurt. Someone is going to take advantage of her kindness, and then she’ll be heartbroken.”

That may be true, but what would be worse? That, or not allowing her to experience joy in the first place by making others happy? People can agree with that saying “I’d rather have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” So why is it so hard for them to understand that same concept when applied to a people-pleaser?

Because if you kill off all the genuine kindness in the world, replacing it with suspicion and selfishness, what will we have left?

I can tell you what we most certainly would not have left.

Sienna Brookes.

The woman who just inhaled a great-big breath and is letting it out slowly, an attempt to relax her muscles and her anxiety, as she finally starts to lower her mouth wrapped around the head of my cock. Her hand retightens around the fully erect rod she coaxed to life with sweet licks of her teasing tongue. I’m harder than I can remember being in a very long time, and my breath catches on an exhale, then continues outward in a groan as her other hand leaves the cushion beneath us to grip around the bottom few inches of my cock.