Sienna’s eyes are closed, her long lashes making two dark fans atop her cheekbones from my angle. Beneath and between, her perfect nose releases an exhale, long and audible even over the ocean sounds playing throughout the truck. It sounds like a sigh of relief, maybe excitement, but it’s positive either way, and that’s confirmed when her tongue disappears back inside her mouth, followed by the head of my cock before she wraps her full lips around me, just below the ridge.

The words start pouring out of me before I can stop them, but her reaction to them is all the consent I need to keep them flowing.

“That’s a good girl.” Her hand around my shaft tightens. “I’m so proud of you, sweetheart. You worked so hard to get your writing done so we could see each other tonight.” The inner end of each eyebrow lifts as her lashes flutter, but her eyes stay closed. If they were open, I’d look for welling tears. “You’ve made me so happy today. You can’t even imagine. First, getting to see you this morning, and then you sent me lots of messages throughout the day, which let me know you were constantly thinking of me, even while you were getting your work done. And now, my brave little princess, fighting your nervousness and following orders just to please me. And you have, sweet girl. You’ve pleased me so, so much tonight. And you’re pleasing me even more now, getting to feel that hot little mouth wrapped around me. Can you take me deeper, little one?”

Her immediate response is to slide her hand farther down my shaft, leading the way for her lips. I hear her jaw pop as she opens her mouth wide enough to fit around my girth, and even with the projectors turning everything blue, I see her cheeks darken as she blushes, clearly having heard the sound too.

“That’s a good girl,” I tell her again, reaching my hand up from where it’d been resting on my thigh to push the hair that had come loose from her bun back behind her ear. She shudders at the gentle touch, the reaction genuine, clearly not just an act for my benefit, because every inch of her exposed flesh rises with goose bumps. So I leave my hand there, my fingertips toying with the extra-soft bit of skin right behind her ear, and she whimpers, tilting her head into my hand the way she did before. But she doesn’t pull me from her mouth. Her grip on my cock tugs me along with her, slowly starting to jack me up and down as her lips circling my girth keep the same rhythm, my dick diagonal to the rest of me now as she tries to get closer to my touch. It’s the same move every pet on earth makes when their master scratches that sweet spot where the back of their ear and their neck blends. If she wasn’t currently using my erection as a handhold along with the suction of her mouth at the end of it, I have no doubt she’d have the same end result as all those cats and dogs too—toppling from leaning too far over and falling, both trapping Master’s hand to keep up the scratches and using it as a pillow.

I wonder if the sweet sub knows all her instinctive reactions mirror those of a “little,” a role in the BDSM community that’s grouped along with the “Daddy kink”—aka ageplay—and with petplay. It didn’t escape my notice earlier when she realized who I was that she called me “Dumpster Daddy,” and while she was unknowingly speaking her thoughts aloud, I’m pretty sure I heard her call me Gym Daddy as well. It made me smirk, even though I’ve never been big on being called “Daddy.” Not because it’s a turn-off, but because it’s so overused—and incorrectly. Everywhere you look, there are girls on the internet and TV and in songs calling just anyone “Daddy,” whether it’s just because he’s an older man or because he has money, or both I guess. And it frustrates me that a part of this lifestyle I believe in so wholeheartedly is becoming the butt of a joke, when before it was “cool,” not many people took the time to understand the DDlg—Daddy Dom and little girl relationship.

It's one of the most healing D/s relationships there is, for both parties involved. For the longest time, and actually still to this day, more often than not, people don’t “get” the Daddy kink. Their mind inevitably turns the relationship between the Dom and sub filthier than it really is—as in they think more along the lines of pedophilia and incest, when that is not that case at all. Not even close.

And having a Daddy kink doesn’t automatically mean “Daddy Issues” either… but… I can’t concentrate on that line of thinking when this particular little sub is working her mouth and hand in tandem and in a way that is highly distracting and even more pleasurable.