“That’s my good girl. Now, sit on your heels like you were before. No, little one, don’t lean back. Pull your legs up underneath you so you’ll stay close to me. That’s it. Just like that. Hands in your lap.”

I feel his hand on the inside of my knee and realize I closed my eyes at some point, so I force them open, not wanting to be afraid of looking him in the eye anymore, when he said he’s not a Dom who wants that. When he said others had the audacity to tell him his beautiful eyes made them uncomfortable.

His voice is a constant flow of easy commands, gentle corrections, and genuine-sounding praise, and again I’m struck by how soothing it is. How could anyone have told him he talks too much? I never want him to stop.

“It pleases me most when your knees are spread as you sit and wait for my command. You should always be open, presenting yourself to me, so I can easily access any part of you I want,” he says, and I do spread my legs an inch apart, but sitting between his, I don’t have much more room. “It’s okay to touch me, sweet girl. You won’t get in trouble for your legs pressing against mine.”

I nod, nudging them another inch apart, the outside of my knees now pressed to the inside of his thighs, and the feel of his hairy legs against my smooth ones seems incredibly intimate for some reason. Even more than when he was touching my naked breasts.

He leans closer then, the way he did before, putting his mouth right by my ear so all I’m aware of is his presence. “You won’t get into trouble for touching me wherever and however you like, and unless you’ve been given an order otherwise, you have permission to do just that. In fact, it’s welcome. If it were up to me, I’d have your hands, mouth, and pussy wrapped around parts of me every minute of every day. It’s your obedience and willingness to please and nurture that I crave most in this world. It’s what makes me feel alive. It’s what makes me feel loved and wanted, a sub who can’t get enough of me, who feels like a part of her is missing if her hand can’t reach out and touch me.”

His voice drops even lower, his lips even closer, as he tells me, “But right now, tonight, it’s not about my pleasure. It’s about yours. It’s about the reward you earned by being such a good girl and getting your work done to please me. And it’s about you exploring and deciding if I might be worthy of your submission someday, princess.”

With that, he picks up my right hand that was resting on top of my right thigh and places my palm against the side of his face, his hand covering mine to mold it to his cheek and beneath it. The move means I’m now cupping his chiseled, salt-and-pepper beard-covered jaw, holding him, pressing the other side of his face to mine now, since he never moved backward from where he’d been speaking in my ear. Which also means I’m hidden from his view and free to explore without being self-conscious, since he can’t watch whatever involuntary reactions and expressions that might take control of me.

But I don’t explore just yet, because this feels too nice.

For so long, I crushed on this man at the gym.

And now I know he’s also the man who was so caring when he carried me out of the dumpster and bandaged up my hand.

And then I’ve gotten to know him over the past few weeks, and everything he’s said, every message he’s sent, has done nothing but confirm he’s not only the real deal but special. Yes, he knows all about the lifestyle. He understands the psychology of BDSM and is experienced in the practice, not just knowledgeable from studying it. But he himself is a special man. A special Dominant. I know a lot of experienced Doms who are righteous and deserving of respect, since I’m lucky enough to be a part of a club that insures those are the only Dominants allowed in. But on top of all that, my Gym Daddy has something extra. Something about him that sets him apart from even the best of the best.

There’s a passion in him when it comes to the lifestyle. There’s… it’s almost like he has a belief in it, as if it’s a religion and he’s a loyal disciple of its teachings. And that’s so fucking attractive to me. I can’t pinpoint why. Maybe because I also know the psychology of it, the depth one has to dive into it to “get it” like we do, and because I know the positive effect it can have on someone’s life. So if someone believes in BDSM that soul-deep, then that is a person I can trust. That is a man I can open up to and safely connect with on a deeper level.