I had to get back to Salak before I couldn’t travel.

I needed somewhere safe so I could rest and heal.

But I couldn’t leave until she agreed to follow.

I might not have this chance again.

All those males in that camp.

The older male in particular—the one who’d held blazing fire in his palms and spoke to the gathered clan with importance—had watched her in a way I didn’t like.

The world turned dizzy again.

I groaned and hung my head.

I didn’t know how long I sat on that rock, willing the world to turn stable, but eventually, the softest, sweetest touch landed on my bare thigh.

My eyes wrenched up.

She was right there.

So close.

So unbelievably, wonderfully close.

Touching me.

The faintest coil of worry ran through my gut.

She’s touching me...

That wasn’t allowed.

Not permitted.

My eyes shot to the moon, searching the star-spritzed darkness for punishment.

What am I doing?

Embarrassment filled me for doing something so strange, and I hurriedly dropped my chin.

“You looked at the sky,” she whispered worriedly. “Why?” Her fingers slid off my leg as she stood upright, searching her hands as if looking for contamination. “Was it because I touched you?” Her eyes met mine, glowing faintly in the night.

I couldn’t remember.

I must be sicker than I thought, tripping into fears that made no sense. Shaking my head, I swallowed the sudden sourness on my tongue. “No, I...” I shrugged. “I like you touching me. I want you to touch me. Wherever you want. Whenever you want. Why would I fear it?”

She stiffened and pursed her lips, refusing to give me an answer, but then she glanced at the moon glimmering silver and murmured, “Sometimes, I get a terrible feeling that something bad will happen if I touch someone or they touch me.”

Forcing my legs to stand, I searched her stunning face. “Bad like what?”

“I don’t know.” It was her turn to shrug. “It’s silly, I know. I suppose...after so long of being alone and not remembering, my mind finds it hard to accept company.”

The strain and pain in her voice ripped a hole in my chest. I raised my hand and cupped her jaw, drawing a thumb over the delicate curve of her cheekbone.

She sucked in a breath but didn’t move or stop me.

She stayed close enough for me to touch her, her bare chest rising and falling with quick, shallow breaths.

Did she notice she hadn’t replaced the fur that covered her breasts? That her kindness at saving me had removed all thoughts of needing to hide? I wished she hadn’t tied the one around her hips. She was beautiful without it. With it...she looked like one of them.

I drew her closer with my palm on her cheek.

My heart swooped to my stomach as she obeyed. Her feet shifted closer, and the crackling awareness whenever she was near fed into my feverish blood.

I fell into everything about her.

Her scent.

Her shape.

She smelled as fresh as the river and her colourless hair was solid silver in the moonlight, drenched and straight down her back. Even her gold-earthen skin looked darker, setting off the burnished orche of her eyes.

My body turned heavy, achy, and the part of me that separated me as male compared to her female hardened against my control. My fingers tightened on her cheek. My head bowed until our noses almost touched.

Just a kiss.

If I could steal a single kiss, I knew she’d feel the same way I did.

She shivered as I drew my thumb over her bottom lip, transfixed at how warm and soft it was.

The tip of her tongue ran over her bottom lip where I’d touched.

I groaned as baser urges filled me.

Dipping my head, I pulled her closer.

Her eyes hooded.

The world swam.

My heart thundered as if I’d swallowed a storm inside me.

Our mouths were so close...our lips about to graze—

A savage snarl ripped through the night.

With a strangled cry, the girl tripped back, breaking my hold on her cheek. Her ankle rolled on sharp river rocks, and she hissed between her teeth as her head whipped to the side where the moon couldn’t reach, unable to cast the shadows with its silver glow.

I didn’t need it to.

I already knew we had company.

Gathering my flagging strength, I bared my teeth as the lynx padded into view. Its two tails lashed left and right, angry and cutting. Its fangs gleamed white, and its pink tongue flashed as it licked its jowls, ready for another taste of my blood.

Sinking low, I prepared for it to pounce.

I didn’t know how long I’d be able to fight but—

“Syn, enough.” The girl darted in front of me, her back tense and hands open at her sides.

She shielded me.

She put herself in harm’s way for me.

If I hadn’t already spent an eternity loving her, I would’ve fallen to my knees in worship then and there.

“I’m not in any danger from him.” Walking slowly toward the spitting, snarling cat, she murmured, “Relax, Syn. He’s a friend. A friend you don’t need to fear.”