She shuddered as I squeezed. She moaned as I pinched her nipple.

“Tell me.” I bit her neck, driving my cock as deep as I could.

“It if you’re tugging on a string, pulling me tight.” Her elbows gave out, her forehead pressing on the floor.

I groaned as the new position made her even more vulnerable.

I sank even deeper.

With a tattered moan, she tried to lift back onto her hands, but I flattened myself over her, keeping her prone with her rear up, my cock deep inside her, and her cheek flat against the wolf fur.

Fuck, she was stunning.

My heart overflowed with blistering devotion, bleeding into darkness the more I ravaged her. I found her breast again, squeezing hard. “Tell me how it feels in here.” I rubbed my knuckles over where her heart pounded, where that awful brand from the fire marked her. “I want to know how it feels in your mind, your spirit. I want to know your deepest, darkest secrets.”

Her breath caught and an odd stutter of her heartbeat made me pause, but then she submitted entirely to me with a stream of unfiltered consciousness. “It feels as if I’m lost and found, afraid and ecstatic. Every time you fill me, I climb higher and higher into a feeling that promises to smash me apart and I don’t care what sort of pieces remain.” Her golden skin sheened with sweat. “I feel invincible and corruptible. I’d happily forsake everything to stay here...with you.”

My heart swelled.

“Go on,” I grunted, never stopping my rock.

“I-I feel...” She gasped again, a ripple working down her spine. Her legs trembled against mine and the strength in her body faltered. “I feel...broken.”

I went ice cold. “Broken?”

I let her breast go.

I reared up and looked at where we were joined. My flesh vanished into hers, wet with her arousal. My heart pained to think she felt such things—

“I’m broken because I know where I belong,” she murmured, rising up on her knees, standing as upright as she could while my body speared inside her. “I’m broken because I’m whole when I’m with you and just the thought of saying goodbye—” She jerked and sucked in a breath, her golden skin flushing as white as her hair.

Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around her from behind, cradling her close, shuddering at the new intense angle. “You don’t have to say goodbye. Ever. I’m not going anywhere.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks. “Quelis keeps drowning me in visions.” She cried out as her spine arched. Her eyes shot blank as if she saw a different time, a different place.

“Runa...” I hugged her close. My body twitched in hers. “Runa!?”

For the longest age, she remained frozen in my hold but then she flopped forward as if the fire element had released her. A strange shudder worked through her body as she blinked and found herself back in my arms, where she belonged.

A terrible foreboding filled me, seeping through our heartlink.

What did she see?

Turning her head, her glowing golden eyes met mine. They dropped to my mouth and the agony in her face undid me.

“Tell me what I can do.” I pressed my forehead to hers, plastering my front to her back, my cock so deep inside her.

“Just love me.” She arched her chin. “Make me forget.”

I dropped my head.

And when our lips met, it was as if two worlds collided.

Light and dark.

Life and death.

The earth rumbled with a threatening groan. The stone walls of the cave cracked and splintered. The rock beneath our knees shuddered, but we didn’t stop kissing.

I opened everything I was to her.

I let her ransack my spirit.

I held her tight as my hips drove relentlessly into her. Sounds of need and feral desire spilled from both of us as I fucked her.

A cry spilled from her lips as I bruised her deliberately.

Wounded her like she wounded me.

She tumbled forward, taking me with her.

Cushioning her fall with my embrace, I laid her down and our legs kicked out, pressing her belly to the ground and my belly to her spine.

The world continued to rock and tumble.

A roaring shake and cracking boulders sent Salak howling outside. My shadows whipped into a frenzy on the cave ceiling.

But I didn’t stop.

She didn’t want me to stop.

I drove into her, harder, deeper, wilder, meaner.

My skin gleamed a brighter silver, matching hers as pearly gold cascaded from her hair.

My pulse thundered. My skin prickled. Our need cracked through the earth, adding to the quake, the shake, building into a spirit-splitting crescendo.

I became weightless all while so endlessly heavy.

I felt freed from everything yet clouded with so many fears.

Our bodies had brought us to this place of piercing intensity but our spirits took over. They braided and bonded. They danced and knotted until she was a part of me. She always would be. I would always recognise her, find her, keep her, love her.