He groaned as his hands slid down my back, filling his palms with my rear and yanking me against him as every hint of sweetness disappeared. He grabbed my hips and thrust against my belly.

He kissed me savagely.

His tongue slid and licked and taunted.

He stole me from this elemental, law-ruled world and dragged me into another. One where we were free to be darkness and light, moon and star.

Our hearts slipped into sync.

Our teeth clacked as we kissed faster, deeper.

And then he pulled away, lifted me up, and spun me around as if I weighed nothing.

His fist planted roughly on my lower back.

I tumbled forward onto all fours.

A full body shiver as he reared up behind me.

My head fell between my braced hands as I moaned.

Darro’s thighs burned mine as he rubbed his hardness against my heat. His calloused touch, worn like a wolf’s paw and just as lethal, stroked from my nape to the base of my spine.

My heart skipped one beat, then two.

“I’ve never seen you more beautiful than you are right now.” His voice resembled pure night, deep and endless, monstrous in its infinity. “You can’t run, and you can’t hide.” His thumb dipped between my legs, sinking inside me as his cock continued to pulse against my rear.

My fingers curled and sank into the wolf pelt below, searching for friction, for safety from the storm he was about to unleash.

“Three times your attention has waned, Runa. Three times you refused to share what you saw or heard or felt.” His thumb moved inside me roughly. “But that ends now.”

Withdrawing his touch, he smeared my wetness over my hip.

I struggled to breathe as his weight blanketed me, folding over me from behind until his hot breath tickled my nape and his hardness threatened to penetrate. His heart pounded against my back like the Nhil’s drums.

“I’m going to make you feel everything. I want you to feel the same way I do because I’ve fallen wretchedly in love with you.”

Those words were shooting stars, careening though my tripping, dying heart.

“I need you to know just how much I care, just how much I’ll always care. I would destroy everything. I would end everyone. I would do whatever it took to keep you happy because you aren’t just a mate I’ve chosen or a female I’ve claimed. You are the life in my veins and the light in my black, black spirit.” His teeth landed on the hollow of my neck, biting down. “You are my Destini, Runa. And you’re finally going to understand what that means.”

With another savage bite to my nape, his hips pulled back, his cock found my core, and he did what all beasts do when given access to their opposite.

He thrust.

Chapter Fifty-Six

. Darro .

I’D NEVER FELT ANYTHING AS good as the first domination.

The first plunge.

The first taking.

Runa cried out as I sank hard, fast, and painfully deep.

I didn’t go slow; I didn’t go gentle.

I’d warned her I wouldn’t.

I took her.

Stole her.

Thrust into her delicious wet warmth and didn’t stop until my body completely possessed hers. Her mind stayed resolutely with mine. Our hearts entwined with every beat. Every cell of her fused with every cell of me, drenching me in desire that was so profound, so vividly violent I struggled to breathe.

The fear that she was hiding something receded.

The bond between us that existed beyond mortal realms burned us alive as I withdrew only to thrust punishingly back into her.

Her back flexed with my claiming. Her fingers buried into the pelt beneath our knees. Her head hung heavy as every shred of awareness locked where we were joined.

I withdrew and drove deeper.

I wanted to use the poison in my blood to kill whatever haunted her. I wanted to give her happiness when all I tasted was despair.

She was more than just my mate or lover.

She was my very purpose of existing.

She was worth the pain, the heartache.

She was worth everything.

Placing an open-mouthed kiss on her shoulder, I thrust again.

And again.

She moaned and spread her legs, permitting me to take everything I wanted.

But then she flinched and gasped, her entire body freezing.

The heartlink only fed me so much. A vague sense of unease. A fleeting moment of pain.

It made me rage because I couldn’t stop it.

My body was inside hers. Our hearts were bound. Our blood flowed to the same chaotic pulse, yet her mind kept skipping out of my control.

“Come back to me,” I whispered through our link. “I’ll keep you safe.”

She whimpered as I thrust particularly deep.

“I want to.” Tears tainted her words even though they were silent. “I always want to be with you.”

More shadows unfurled from me, clouding the cave, turning the afternoon into night.

“Tell me how it feels,” I grunted as I planted one fist on the floor for balance and folded deeper into her. “Think only of us, nothing else.” My hips pistoned and our breaths came in short, sharp spurts. “Tell me how this feels.” With my right hand, I reached under her and found her swinging breast.