My stomach clenched as pleasure and pain whipped through my blood.

My sensitive gift of feeling the spirits of others exploded outward, sinking me into stillness and home. My heart burst wide, enveloping his, binding us into one glowing ball of light.

He jerked as he felt my power link with his.

He groaned as I spoke silently. In a language all of our own. “I love you.”

He withdrew only to drive upward, harder, meaner, impaling me onto him.

We’d stepped over the line we’d been told was forbidden.

We’d turned our backs on warnings, prophecies, and chosen whatever tragedy awaited us.




“You’re everything to me.” He whispered in my thoughts, his hardness sinking deep, deep, deep, stretching me exquisitely wide. “Forever.”

Our eyes met.

Suns to moons.

There was nowhere to hide, no lies that would be believed, or laws that hadn’t been broken. No matter what binds and beasts had been put in our path, we’d ignored them all.

His hips thrust up, faster and deeper. His rhythm morphed from dark possession to desperate taking. He stretched me in all new ways. Claimed me in every way. Ensured there was no part of me that he didn’t master.

My head fell back against the tree as his hands clamped down on my hips, holding me in place as he took me fast. Our spirits grew talons, clawing at each other, slicing off strips, drawing blood, locking us together in every world and not just this mortal one.

We were lost.

We were found.

We were completely and utterly consumed with this.

I cried out as my heart overflowed and my body drowned beneath feeling. Searing pleasure-pain split me in two as he drove explicitly hard. His lips descended over mine. One hand went under my rear, keeping my leg hoisted over his hip, and the other went to my throat, drawing intoxicating circles on my collarbone, slipping in the rain, making me burn alive as he drove into me again and again and again.

My mouth parted beneath his kiss as every awareness sank into my core, into the wetness where he thrust, into the life that unfurled through my blood.

I glowed brighter, my flesh flickering gold and pearl as he faded into shadows. They peeled off him, curling and snarling, shades and blackness, looping around his throat, his arms, his head.

A crown of them.

A hint at what he truly was.

The emperor of death and ruler of chaos.

My sunburst mark burned painfully as my skin glowed brighter, bouncing off the cavern his shadows had formed.

A bone-quaking ripple shot down my spine.

“Darro, I need—”

“I know.” His tongue shot into my mouth, silencing me as he thrust possessively deep. “I need the same thing.”

I gasped as he stripped me bare.

This was him with nothing hidden.

The darkest truth of his affection.

Raindrops mixed with sweat as he rutted into me.

My hips arched to meet his.

His heart thundered against mine.

We drove again and again.

I cried out as pressure around my spine gathered tighter, hotter. My skin glowed brighter, whiter, and I grabbed onto his shoulders, digging my nails into his back.

He swallowed a curse and took me harder.

I tensed as I sank into tight, tart tingles.

I struggled to breathe as it kept building, building, bruising my bones, scorching my blood, coiling deeper and darker with every thrust.

He didn’t stop.

Taking me, drowning me, sending me higher, higher, tighter, tighter until—

The coiling stopped.

It teetered.

It pinched and teased and hurt.

And then, it exploded.

I went utterly stiff as my entire body detonated with a hundred forks of lightning. I cried out as they crackled through my core, arced between my legs, and drenched me with wave upon wave of blinding light. Spasms and bands of brilliant white shot from me, disappearing into Darro’s shadows, twisting with coils of brilliance.

His luminous eyes met mine as I gasped on the final clenching wave.

He cupped my throat; his fingers tender but threatening as the silver in his stare bled black with night. He bit his bottom lip, staring into me as he felt me come apart around him.

Another delicious clench between my legs as his fingers flexed around my neck.

His gaze hooded, and his hips pounded unforgivingly into me, imprisoning me against the tree, adding to the euphoria of my release with his own impending one. “Watching you break for me...” He kissed me wickedly as a primitive growl echoed through his teeth. “Feeling you pulse around my cock...” With every rock, he seemed to grow in size, stretching me wider, ensuring he took every part of me. “Fuck—” His shadows thickened until nightmares lived within his darkness, twisting and twining, roping over his shoulders and dancing through his hair.

His eyes went utterly black.

His lips pulled back from his teeth.

And with a final savage-deep thrust, he buried his face into my neck and shuddered. His teeth sank into my skin as his release splintered him apart, shadows pouring from the endless power within him.