I jolted with piercing pleasure.

His shadows spun around us as our heads twisted and turned, our tongues hunting and licking in perfect destruction.

A trickle of wetness seeped from my mortal form. I moaned as my core clenched, begging him, wanting him, ready for him to—

My back arched as one long finger entered me.

My feet slipped on the damp dirt as Darro pinned me hard against the tree.

“Oh—” I moaned as his finger sank incredibly deep within me.

“Runa...” His tongue dove between my shock-parted lips, forcing me to kiss him. To suck on his tongue and break apart beneath sensation.

It was too much.

So much pleasure.

I cried out as his finger moved, withdrawing before dipping back in, drawing more of the dampness between my legs, making my cheeks blush, and blood heat, and heart tear itself into desperate pieces.

I’d never felt something so encompassing. So intense. Never been so trapped or so willing to be taken.

“Make me stop,” he grunted. “I won’t survive if I ever did anything to—fuuuck.”

I wrapped my hand around his velvety hardness, making him choke on whatever he wanted to say.

He kissed me bruisingly hard, pulsing his hips into my palm. He pushed another finger inside me, stretching me, driving me into madness.

I saw stars.

I became one.

My skin glowed a pearly shimmer, white and light and pure.

I stroked him faster, driving my hand up and down his throbbing, scalding flesh.

“Fuck, Runa.” His wrist undulated between my thighs, moving his fingers within me, making my legs go weak.

I cried out as my body became hungry, greedy.

I wanted something more.

Something only he could give me.


His lips possessed mine, ravaging and monstrous, stealing all my thoughts until I was nothing but liquid sunshine.

His fingers plunged harder, faster.

It was too much.

It’s not enough.

Instinct tore through me, impatient and demanding. I wrapped my fingers tighter around his flesh, punishing him for making me unravel, needing him to cure me, fix me, to somehow heal me of the burning, burning need in my blood.

“Darro...please.” I moaned and spread my legs wider.

He stopped kissing me.

His fingers stilled inside me.

His eyes were molten discs of silver. No black. No shadows. Just moonlight. His jaw tightened, and for a horrible heartbeat, I feared he’d walk away.

He’d leave me panting against this tree, alone in the pummelling rain.

But then his face twisted with darkness and his voice smouldered with death. “I’m sorry.” His mouth crashed against mine again, his tongue tearing past my lips.

I let go of everything.

I was no longer mortal nor magic.

Just lust.

Both hands soared up his tight, muscular chest, and I latched every finger around the back of his neck. I clung to him. I kissed him with everything I had.

He grabbed my leg, and in a perfectly male move, hitched up my thigh until it caught on his hip, then angled his body into mine. He kissed me so hard, he poured the clinking, tumbling pieces of his broken spirit into my being. His forehead crashed on mine as he thrust up.

I cried out at the pressure of his hardness. At the broad crown of his arousal barely breaching my body.

His jaw clenched as he pushed possessively into me.

A breathless cry escaped as discomfort flared. Tree bark bit into me as I rose up on my tiptoes, trying to find relief from the overwhelming pressure of him claiming me.

But he didn’t stop.

He took me like he’d tried to do since we were created, sinking deep, deep within me.

Something pinched and flared, drenching my system in pain.

I cried out.

He stilled for a moment, trembling.

Sucking in a breath, I rode through the lance of agony, then relaxed into him as the pain morphed into pleasure. My wetness welcomed him, even as my body rippled around him, rebelling against his penetration.

With a look that gave me nowhere to hide, he bent his head and kissed me.

He kissed me as he sank the rest of the way, sheathing himself entirely within me.

There were no words.

No mortal ones anyway.

I kissed him back, my fingers returning to his rain-slick hair. He trembled harder as his hands cupped my cheeks, his touch radiating heat as he sucked my tongue into his mouth.

I rocked my hips, just once, needing to move, trying to learn what to do.

Every muscle in his body clenched. With gritted teeth, he withdrew slightly, making me gasp.

“It’s taking everything I have not to rut into you.”

“Take me,” I whispered.

“I already have.” He kissed me fiercely. “I’m exactly where I belong and...” His lips twisted into a snarl. “...I’m never giving you back.”

He thrust.

I cried out as he filled me.

“I love you.” His shadows thickened and parried, blinding the outside world. He thrust again. “I always have.” His eyes were no longer like anything I’d ever seen. They were twin moons, watching me with absolute luminous power. “I always will.” He thrust again, driving me against the tree. “And nothing and no one can stop me.”