“No, you’re—”

“I need to leave. I shouldn’t have this much power. Until I remember everything, I’m too dangerous—”

Swaying forward, I snatched his hand before he could move.

He hissed in a sharp breath.

His eyes darted to where my fingers curled around his.

For a heartbeat, I feared.

I froze for his merciless murder; worried about his control over a magic he’d forgotten.

But then, he groaned.

The world went quiet.

And his eyes closed as he shuddered, permitting me to slink my fingers through his. To hold his hand. To prove to him that he would not kill me.

“See?” I murmured. “You can control it. You can make a choice of who lives and who dies.”

He laughed tormentedly. “Like I said...only a monster could hold such power.”

“A monster with a heart,” I whispered, stepping closer, burning alive with our touch.

His eyes struggled open, hazy with ebony hunger. “You belong to another. Locked in a bind that was done to protect you from me.”

“A bind that means nothing compared to the one I already share with you.” I took a final step.

Our bare toes touched, sending another wash of longing through my blood. “I want you, Darro. Over everyone. I’m sorry it took me so long to understand that. I’m sorry you’ve been alone. And I’m sorry you’ve become something that frightens you.” My voice wavered. “But...you don’t frighten me. You never have, and you never will.”

His head tipped back as he swallowed a primitive growl. “I can’t push you away. I don’t have the strength.”

“Then don’t.”

“I...I have to.” He dropped his chin, his gaze so intense, so raw, it stripped me to my core. My skin shed its mortalness, glowing faintly, warily, gilding the air with gold.

Darro licked his lips, his breathing shallow. Pinpricks of golden light danced in his black eyes as he drank me in with desperation. Desperation to push me away before it was too late.

“Kiss me,” I whispered.

Another groan echoed in his chest. “I can’t.” His fingers twitched in mine.

Such an innocent touch but it twisted my belly and made every cell spark with need. The sunburst mark on my upper thigh began to burn—a faint smoulder turning into a stinging scald.

Smoke filled his hooded eyes. “Do you feel it too?”

I nodded.

He looked at our entwined hands. “It’s warning us to stop. Just like everything else keeping us apart, we’ve been branded by a mark that burns the moment we’re close.” With a wince, he pulled his fingers reluctantly but resolutely from mine. “I’ve ignored it for long enough. I can’t risk putting you in danger. I wouldn’t survive it if I...” He didn’t finish, his voice lingering sadly in the night sky.

“We belong together,” I murmured. “The short memories I’ve had all include you. You were there...with me...in the beginning. It was just us, Darro. Just you and me. And I’m not willing to ignore that anymore. Burn or no burn.” My voice hardened as I forced myself to be brave. “So kiss me. Kiss me and help me remember. We can find ourselves in each other, I know we can.”

“I’ve already found who I am, and I’m terrified of what it means.”

“It only means you are far more powerful than we thought. That you—”

“Could hurt you with a single thought.” He threw a look at Syn and Zetas who stood with tails flicking and eyes narrowed, watching us carefully. “I’m doing everything I can to keep you safe, Runa. Please don’t make me do something that—”

“You won’t hurt me,” I said softly. “You promised you never would, and I believe you. You. Will. Not. Hurt. Me. Regardless of what you are.”

“Have you not been listening?” His eyes blazed with anger. “I will kill you. My heart might never permit me to hurt you but this curse? This power? I can’t control it.”

“I don’t believe that.”

“It’s the truth.” He swooped into me, clamping both hands onto my shoulders, shuddering as lightning arced between us with excruciating need. “I know what will happen if I—”

“Kiss me.”

“I can’t!” he roared, his fingers digging into me, his forehead crashing to mine. “I would give fucking anything to make you mine. Anything. Do you understand? I would slaughter everyone if I knew I could keep you. I would snuff out every bird, bee, and beast if only we could be together.” His nose nuzzled mine as his breath came in hot bursts. “I would rip Aktor into pieces if it would free you from that cursed bind. And I would feel no guilt. No remorse. I would walk over a world of bones. I would climb a mountain of corpses and live happily in the silence of death if only I got to keep you. That’s how much I want you, Runa. That’s how far I’d go. That’s the sort of nightmare I’ve become. And that is why I can’t—”