Tapping the base, the wanderer began with an earthy beat, drawing silence from every corner of the camp. Then he added the strings, threading a higher pitch note with the rhythmic thud, casting the night with music.

Tiptu rested her head on Tral’s shoulder and Solin stretched out his long legs.

Rakka threw me a coy smile, his eyes lingering on where Aktor held my thigh before licking his lips and launching into song.

“This is a tale of the Wai and their eggs,

Who couple underwater with fins and not legs,

They swim as they breathe, through gills made of weed,


what’s most exciting

is when lust starts arising...

the Wai are the ones to watch.

Oh, oh, oh...”

He threw his head back, tapping his instrument before launching into the next verse.

Fucking on land is boring,

Fucking with tails is better,

Rutting like beasts is tragic,


thrusting on cocks

atop great ocean rocks

is just how the Wai prefer it.

Oh, oh, oh...”

He waggled his eyebrows, laughing as Nhil blushed at such crude words.

“The Wai and their lust are legends,

With reputations of being great lovers,


The part where they shudder

and shiver

and quiver...

is definitely a skill to master.

Oh, oh, oh....”

He blew a kiss to Niya who sat stiffly with Hyath, both their cheeks blazing. My own were just as hot, my heart pounding with such blatant descriptions.

“So go ahead and try it, leap into the sea and wish,

Experience the joy of fucking a fish,

And see why they’re masters of kisses,

But remember this song if you catch one,

Mount it quick and hold your breath,

For down and down they’ll take you,

to fuck you right to your death!”

Rakka looked at the wide-eyed crowd, his fingers halting on his strings.

My mouth hung open.

I caught Darro’s dark gaze.

For a moment, no one moved.

But then someone snickered, followed by a guffaw, and suddenly, the entire clan was in hysterics.

Darro never took his eyes off me.

My skin prickled with so many things.

I wanted him.

I wanted him as much as the Wai wanted each other.

And it made me so angry and frustrated and mad at everyone and everything.

Even him.

I was mad at him for staying away. For not touching me. For not kissing me—

His lips quirked into a smirk and the preposterousness of our situation suddenly snapped. The painful barrier that’d been between us ever since he’d walked away after the kiss in the river, broke with a gush of shaky desperation. All the stress and sadness from the past few weeks dissolved.

I laughed.

I laughed while holding the mirthful, smouldering gaze of the male I wanted more than anything, standing with shadows pooling at his feet. A male with skin that gleamed silver and eyes that glowed sterling. A male who suddenly seemed so much more than what he was and had somehow become all the more real.

Love punched me in the chest.

And nothing else mattered. Our separation and struggles, our wonderings and worries...they were nothing compared to how lucky we were that we had each other. That we’d found each other against all odds. That we were still together, even if it wasn’t in the way we wanted.

One day, we would be.

I knew that in the core of my spirit.

It was fate.


And that...

That was worth celebrating.

I sank into the weighted heat of thankfulness.

I welcomed sunlight to glow around my bones and shuddered with bliss as the cloak of silence and honey-sticky nothingness surrounded me.

I didn’t have to summon it this time and it didn’t take as much effort as I reached for him, found him waiting for me, and our hearts snapped painfully into one.

“Now I know where you heard the word fuck from.” I smiled.

His eyebrows soared before hooding over his gaze. When he replied, his inner voice was as gravelly as I imagined his true tone to be. “I don’t recall any fish-folk in my travels, Runa, but I think we should visit them.”

I laughed again. “Why, so you can learn more dirty words?”

His eyes burned into mine. “So I can do dirty things to you. Every night and every day of our existence.”

My breath hitched as heat flooded through me.

He shifted on the spot, his hands pressing against the front of his wolf pelt as if preventing the fur from tenting. “I want you, Runa. So fucking badly.”

I swallowed a moan.

Aktor threw me a suspicious look, but his fingers loosened on my knee, stroking my thigh as if he believed the lewd song had made me more receptive to him.

“Fuck, Runa...” Darro’s voice slipped through my thoughts. “It’s killing me seeing him touch you.” He snarled and it slunk around my thoughts like a stalking wolf. “I want to rip him apart.”

Thanks to the bind with Darro, Aktor’s touch meant nothing. It was just a bug crawling over my skin. Inconsequential and utterly ignorable.

“I’m yours, Darro.”

Darro’s chest strained in the moonlight. “I will find a way to free you. Before it’s too late. I vow it on my life.”