I didn’t answer.

I didn’t take my eyes off Aktor as he stood stiff, temper flashing in his eyes to be kept waiting.

Slowly, the Nhil heir stretched his lips into a smile at the Spirit Master. “Solin, I respectfully ask for some privacy. What I wish to say to Runa is...important.”

Solin spun to face him, his hands balled and dripping with water. “You know what I’ll do to you, Aktor, if you step out of line. What Darro did last night is a mere trifle to what I’ll do if you hurt her. Only difference is, the fire will let me discipline you and not transfer that pain to my daughter.”

My heart squeezed at the way he used that term so easily, as if I’d always been his to cherish and care for. It hurt to have part of me burn with such affection for him only to turn cold with despair at what he’d done.

“It’s okay, Solin.” I gave him a strained smile as I stood from my furs and brushed down my deerskin. The tingle of lifeforce no longer occurred but my stomach clenched with memories of Darro giving me the hide. Of his unskilled hands scraping and curing the underside. Of his primitive eagerness after living with a pack of wolves, finally finding a girl he wanted to share his life with.

A girl who’d been too skittish and stubborn to admit she wanted that too.

A girl who’d known him for so, so much longer than she realised.

My heart didn’t just hurt this time, it plummeted from my chest and bled out all over the floor.

Where are you, Darro?

Tears stung my eyes, but I crossed my arms and glowered at Aktor. “You can go, Solin. I won’t be long.”

The Fire Reader glanced from Aktor to me and back again before exhaling heavily and nodding. “I’ll be outside. Come find me when you’re through. We can begin your lessons if you feel strong enough, or just grab some food if you wish to rest.”

With a lingering look, Solin marched to the exit and disappeared into the bright yellow morning.

Aktor didn’t move from his spot by the fireplace; I didn’t leave my sleeping furs.

We watched each other like two wolves about to fight for scraps.

Keeping my chin high, I refused to be the first to speak. He’d come here. He suffered the same aches and bruises I did because Darro had done what he thought was right to protect me. I hated that we had that pain in common, that we shared things. Complicated and entangled things like heartbeats and longevity.

Finally, Aktor said, “I see your savage wolf boy has left and not come back.”

My nostrils flared.

I would never discuss Darro with him. Never.

Anger etched his jawline as he festered in my silence. “If he steps back into our camp, he’ll be beaten and thrown out—”

“Do you honestly think he’d let you strike him again?” I laughed coldly. “You can’t touch him. No one can. Not now he has his shadows.”

Aktor grinned. “But how is he to stop me from doing whatever I want? He’s learned the hard way that to hurt me only makes you suffer. He can’t lay a finger on me.”

“I would gladly take the pain if it means you’re reminded of how a decent mortal should be.” I sniffed. “And whatever flame-bind exists between us, I won’t stop looking for a way to break it.”

“Break it?” He cocked his head, his braid swinging. “You agreed to it. You said the words last night, no one else. You didn’t run when Solin put your hand in mine.”

Temper flowed down my legs.

Dropping my arms, I shot forward.

His eyes widened as I slammed to a stop only a few feet away, his gaze dropping to my chest as I panted hard with ire.

My skin crawled at having his attention on me, but I kept my head high and bravery bold. “I didn’t agree. I would never have agreed if I’d known. The fire kept me hostage. It stopped me from running and held me trapped.” I smiled icily. “So don’t think I accepted you, Aktor. Don’t think I agreed to be yours willingly. I didn’t, and I won’t. I will never accept you. I will never let you touch me or bed me or make any claim on me whatsoever. I will never be your mate, and that is a blood-given promise.”

“Accept me or not, you will be mine at the end of autumn. You are bound to me for life, and life is a very long time to make promises you can’t keep.”

“A promise I intend to keep until my final breath.”

He stepped toward me, his tall height imposing.

I didn’t back down or look away from his intense ebony stare.

“Our bind is absolute and indestructible. But by all means, if it will make you happy, then try. Try to break it. Speak to the fire. Beg for it to release you. Run away and try to find your savage.” He reached out and grabbed my wrist. “But when you’ve felt your heart fail from being too far away from me and your dreams become full of images of us sharing pleasures, then you will understand that our union is your only path forward.”