It was the first place that had come to mind that he knew inside and out.

Okay, the second. His first thought had been Karnac, but there was no way he could get access to the temple complex after hours. It hadn’t been easy for Medinet Habu, but he’d managed it.

A harsh beam crossed over the main entrance into the mortuary, and Max’s heart skipped a beat. Someone was here.

He crossed his arms tightly over his chest both to protect himself from the cool air as well as to hide his nervous hands.

It’s going to be okay. Everything is going to work out just fine.

If he kept repeating that, it would come true, right?

The slam of car doors closing echoed across the distance and there was the distant sound of feet shuffling through the rocks and dirt. The main corridor that stretched from the gatehouse to the final hall was a straight shot. While he stood near the back of the hall, he was in the center, allowing the people who entered to see him clearly.

Even in the dim light, Max could make out the bulky, somewhat round shape of Hudson as he was shoved toward the entrance by a tall, lanky figure. Definitely one of the goons he’d seen in the garage. While he didn’t want anything to happen to Hudson or the temple, he’d be more than happy to see that asshole shot. Except his unworthy blood spilled in this holy place would probably piss off the gods.


Max clenched his teeth and fought to not roll his eyes as his sister’s high-pitched, lilting voice drew out his name in an annoying singsong fashion.

“Amy!” he drew out in the same mocking tone.

There was a low snarl. He couldn’t make out the words, but the anger was clear. He felt better.

Rive’s lithe figure joined Hudson and her hired help. She also had three other men trailing her. They stood gathered at the entrance to the temple, not taking a single step inside.

“You better be alone!” she shouted, her shrill voice bouncing off the high walls.

“You’ve had your people watching this place for hours. You know I’m here alone. Get your chickenshit ass in here and let’s get this done,” Max shouted, earning a deep answering laugh.


He didn’t want to hate his sister. His own flesh and blood. But seriously, she was giving him no choice.

Rive’s team was little more than shadows as they cut through the building. It appeared as if her people ducked into the side rooms, double-checking to make sure no one was lurking in the darkness to ambush them.

When they finally reached the Great Hypostyle Hall, Rive’s smile had spread wide across her narrow face. She held a gun to Hudson’s temple and looked utterly defiant.

“Hey, Bull,” Max said, ignoring her. “Sorry about this. You okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled, his voice sounding tired but not injured. “I think you got it worse than me in the family department. Though I got this cousin who talks to squirrels and tries to bring roadkill back from the dead, so maybe we’re even.”

Max choked, trying to hold in his laugh, but Rive wasn’t amused as she clocked Hudson on the head with her pistol. He dropped to his knees. Luckily, his hands were bound in front of him so he could catch himself.

“Enough!” Max barked. “Leave him alone. You used to have a sense of humor about shit. You’ve won. Whoohoo!” Max threw his hands up in the air and waved them about. “You’ve won. You beat me and Mom. Aren’t you just the bestest fucking criminal there ever was?”

“Ah, little brother,” she cooed, making him wish he had something to throw at her head. “Bitterness like that isn’t good for you. Gives you indigestion and wrinkles.”

“Send Hudson over to me, and I’ll give you what you want.” As he spoke, he reached one hand into the pocket of his cargo pants. All the guns suddenly snapped toward him. Max grinned and lifted his eyebrows in question at his sister. Did she really think he had a gun? Come on! What the fuck was he supposed to do against all of them?

At that look, Rive snorted and lowered her gun. The men she’d brought with her seemed to relax as well. Their guns lowered to the ground, but it wouldn’t take much for them to be pointed at his head and chest again.

Slowly, he pulled a small silver thumb drive out of his pocket and held it up so everyone could see it. “All my research. The information that I submitted to the Ministry of State for Egyptian Antiquities. The two possible locations for Kazemde’s tomb. It’s all on there. Give me Hudson, and I’ll throw it over to you.”

“Give it to me first!” Rive shouted.

Max rolled his eyes. “You hold all the cards. What am I going to do? Grab Hudson and run?” He motioned to the walls that surrounded them, not to mention that Rive and her people blocked the one exit out of the hall. There was nowhere for them to go.