Ed chuckled low and deep, the sound like a smooth bourbon being poured straight into his soul so that it warmed all the parts of his being. The man did the unthinkable. He extended one finger and booped him on the tip of the nose.

Booped. Him.

“It don’t work that way,” Ed laughed. “You picked me. I don’t know why, but you did. You’re stuck with me until I know you’re safe.”

“What if I unpick you?” Max quickly countered. Joy was bubbling up in his chest from out of nowhere, and there was no fighting it.

Ed’s smile grew wider. “Is that what you want? You unpicking me? If you could go back in time, would you pick someone else? Kairo? Izzie? Some other guy in the airport?”

Max slumped against the wall, his lower lip jutting out a bit as he pouted. He was more irritated with himself than Ed. The man was right. If he could reverse time to that moment, who would he pick? It wasn’t a matter of choosing someone else. There was no one else. When he’d set eyes on Ed in that crowded airport, everyone else had disappeared. He didn’t even remember seeing Kairo and Izzie, though they were supposedly right there next to Ed.

“No. I’m not unpicking you,” Max mumbled. “You’re perfect.”

Ed’s deep laughter filled the alley, and Max rolled his eyes. Really? Could he sound more sullen about that statement?

Ed straightened, still chuckling. “Come on, Mr. Egyptologist. Let’s head to the rest of the group before Kairo gets his panties in a bunch because we’re taking too long.”

“That’s Dr. Egyptologist to you. I didn’t spend all those years in boring classes to be a mere mister.” He caught Ed’s hand as he began to open it to reveal the earpiece. “And thanks for saving my life. Twice now. I’m not used to people protecting me like that, and it makes me kind of shitty about showing proper appreciation. So…thanks.”

That was stupid.

So fucking stupid.

If he could slam his head into the wall and knock himself out so he didn’t have to die slowly of embarrassment, that would be great.

This was why dead people were better. He didn’t burn up from embarrassment around the dead.

Except Ed was now smiling at him so sweetly, as though Max had handed him the best gift in the world.

Okay, so maybe Ed was better than dead people.

But that was it.



“Whoo!” Max exhaled as he flopped into the back seat of the cab next to Ed. Their shoulders bumped together, and Max slumped low, leaning on him. The most wonderful smile spread across Max’s lips, and Ed was stuck with one thought—he should have kissed him.

That moment when Max had stared up at him with those big green eyes. He’d somehow looked vulnerable, out of sorts, and cocky all at the same time. The combination was so enticing. Ed should have kissed him.

But he was slow about these things.

Charlie would have done it. Soren too.

Kairo would have talked his way into Max kissing him.

West would have grunted and stalked away, annoyed with the very concept of kissing.

Fine. He wasn’t a total loss.

But the moment was gone, slipped right through his fingers. They were in a taxi on a public street in Cairo. There would be no kissing now, even if Max would welcome it.

Could he kiss him at the house? Maybe. He’d have to plan that. Yes, that was an excellent idea.

With that idea forming in his mind, he gave the driver an address a few blocks over from where they were all staying. It was safer to approach the house on foot so they could more easily see if they were being followed. Kairo also had a couple of surveillance cameras hidden around the neighborhood that allowed them to watch for people paying too much attention to their place.

“That was a bit more of a mess than I’d been expecting,” Max said. He tipped his head up and to the side so that he could meet Ed’s eyes. “Have you heard from the rest of the gang? Are Charlie and West safe?”

Ed grunted. There had been a bit of chatter over the earpiece as Charlie caught up with their grumpy sniper. They were on their way to the house. “Both are good. They’re taking the long way. We should beat them there. Izzie and Alexei also have some clothes for you. I’m sorry Izzie hasn’t heard from his people in Athens about your missing bag.”

Max huffed a laugh. “No big deal. It was a long shot to begin with. Besides, it’s some clothes and a spare pair of sneakers. Though, it’s a shame to lose the shoes. Had them broken in just right.” He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. I always travel light when I’m working on a dig. You never know when stuff is going to be lost, broken, or stolen.”