The happiness and mischief he’d seen in Max just minutes ago drained out of the man, his slender shoulders slumping. Of course his sister would ruin their moment.

Ed nudged Max with his elbow. “You know, our date isn’t over until I get a kiss.”

“Just a kiss?” A tiny spark entered those green eyes as they lifted to his face.

“Well, there was talking of breaking things…”

Max narrowed his eyes on Ed, his expression growing stern. “No, we’re going to do that. I feel that promises were made. You need to deliver on blowing my mind. Break me, baby.”

Fuck. Now they couldn’t find a taxi fast enough.



They’d barely made it back into the house when Ed pinned Max against the wall next to the front door and kissed the air straight from his lungs. Max clawed at his shirt, pulling him closer while attempting to rip it from his body. He needed closer. To feel all the hot, smooth skin pressed to his own.

“Aahhh! My eyes! I’ll never snipe again!”

Ed broke off the kiss and they both looked down the hall in the direction of the shouts. West stood in the open doorway, one hand holding a beer and the other covering his eyes.

“Every time I turn around, I have to see someone getting fucked. It’s like living in a goddamn brothel!”

A choked sound escaped Max as he tried to hold in his laugh. He had no idea if Ed felt an ounce of pity for the poor single man. It really wasn’t evident when Ed bent and chucked him over his shoulder. A high-pitched squeak erupted from Max followed by wild laughter as Ed practically ran up the stairs to Max’s second-floor bedroom.

“Oh, my God! I had no idea you were in such a hurry to break my ass!” Max gasped as he tried to catch his breath.

It was a heady experience being with someone who wanted him this badly. His life had been a handful of random lovers, but nothing too serious. It had been just sex when it was convenient for the both of them.

But with Ed, everything felt different. He felt sexy and adventurous. He felt fucking desired, and no one had ever made him feel that before. When it came to Ed, sex was fun and crazy. Almost like being drunk without a single sip of alcohol. He wanted to smile and never stop.

“I believe last time you said something about sitting in my lap and riding me,” Ed reminded him as he closed the door behind them.

Excitement bubbled up through Max’s veins and he nearly wiggled to be placed on his feet. He’d forgotten about the promise, and now he wanted that. He wanted it with every fiber of his being. Their first time together had been amazing, and so many brain cells had died in that delicious orgasm. It had taken a day for his ass not to be sore, but it had all been worth it. His only regret was not being able to see Ed’s face when his cock slid deep inside of him.

But sitting in his lap facing him would fix that. It would also make things like kissing and biting possible.

Yes! This was an excellent plan!

The second his feet touched the ground, Max started ripping his clothes off.

“Clothes off! Clothes off! Clothes off!” Max chanted as he toed out of his shoes and pulled his shirt over his head at the same time.

“I don’t know,” Ed drawled. “I’m kind of enjoying this dance right now.”

Max threw his shirt at Ed’s face. “And I really want to enjoy sucking your dick, but I’m not working through jeans, Sexy.”

That got Ed moving. Clothes flew about the room and then crash. Ed grabbed him and their bodies came together in a brain-melting collision of bare skin. The first time he’d not gotten much chance to take in all the perfection that was Edison Walker’s naked body. Each fucking inch of him was rock hard. Scars were sprinkled across his chest and arms, whispering of a dangerous past filled with deadly people, but he didn’t want to think about those assholes right now. If he had his way, no one would ever lay a hand on Ed again.

Not that Ed needed him for protection. He was like a yappy little terrier compared to this amazing hunk of man. And for this short slice of time, Ed belonged to him and him alone.

Standing on the tips of his toes, Max wrapped his arms around Ed’s neck, pulling him closer so that he could steal kisses from those lips. Ed smiled at his struggle but gave in quickly enough so they could both get lost. Yes, the height difference could be frustrating, but Max loved it and he was getting quite fast about climbing on things when he needed to stare Ed straight in the eyes.