An expansive hallway unfolded before her, with King Vinir's lone figure lazily wading down the other side.

"King Vinir!" Aelwen shouted. "King Vinir, you turn around this instant and face me."

He stopped in his tracks and turned slowly. His expression was still unreadable, but she swore there was a hintof amusement in those complicated depths. Something in her stomach fluttered, but it was quickly overwhelmed by her anger. She wasn't here toamusehim. She was now his wife!

Aelwen marched up to him. Her fists clenched at her sides. "What in the world was that? Why didn't you kiss me like you were supposed to? Why did you leave me there?" The questions tumbled out of her mouth in a rush. "That was so humiliating! Explain yourself."

He simply stared at her. His lips pressed in a firm line. Aelwen felt like she was going to burst waiting for an answer.

Finally, he spoke. "It's not wise for us to show affection in public," he said slowly. His voice held a hint of chill that chilled Aelwen more than the cold stone walls around them. "This is a political arrangement and cannot be seen as anything else."

Aelwen shook her head in disbelief. "But we're married! That's what people do when they marry. It's part of the ceremony!" She gestured wildly before folding her arms across her chest in frustration.

"I understand your confusion," Vinir continued calmly, seemingly unfazed by Aelwen's outburst. "But I will not give my kingdom any indication that I am making decisions based on emotion rather than reason." He paused briefly before adding, "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you."

She gaped at him, incredulous by how easily he dismissed her and traditions that were thousands of years old. "I realize exactly what this arrangement is, King Vinir, and it's insulting that you would suggest I came here with fantasies of courtship and romance. I did not. But Ididexpect you to fulfill your husbandly duties. You intended to walk off without any attempt to consummate our marriage, either?"

"In fact, that's exactly what I intend to do. I didn't expect you to be so insulted by not being forced to come to my bed."

Aelwen pursed her lips, willing her cheeks not to enflame. "It would not be by force because I knew what I was getting into when I arrived at the castle today. I know my obligations as a wife to a king, and I came here prepared to fulfill them. If that's not what you want, what is?"

Vinir shook his head. "I don't expect anything from you, Aelwen. You are here to strengthen my kingdom and help me fulfill my obligations as a ruler. That is all. This is a marriage of convenience, and I will treat it as such."

"Isn't one of your commitments to your kingdom to secure your lineage? Does that not start with the marriage bed?"

He arched an eyebrow at her, his lips sliding into an infuriating smirk. "Are you disappointed, my queen, that you won't get to spend the night with me?"

"You—you and your ego! This has nothing to do with my wants or needs but yours."

"On the contrary, I've expressed my wants already, and you've ignored them. This conversation is all about you, I'm afraid."

Aelwen shook with rage. "Fine, if you're not ready for that part of our ceremony, I suppose we can wait until you are. It makes no difference to me. But leaving me alone at the altar? There's no excuse for that. If you believe otherwise, the least you could do is explain yourself," she demanded. "So? What reason could you possibly have for abandoning me there like that?"

Chapter 2 - Vinir

There was a spectacular fire in his new wife's eyes, and a part of him longed to kiss her and make her shut up before she pissed him off andactuallymade him mad. Her efforts at looking intimidating and as though she had any control over their relationship were more amusing than anything.

She was lucky he wasn’t whisking her away and having her dissected for the crime of being a fae.

"Perhaps I could have handled the situation more delicately," he conceded, "but the end result would have been the same. I had no intention of kissing you then, and I have no intention to do so now. And yes, that means we will not be consummating our marriage now or, very likely, ever. This marriage is for show, and I have no interest in you whatsoever."

His words hit her like a slap. She recoiled, lips twisting with unsaid words. "Then everyone is right about you."

He arched an eyebrow at her. "Oh? And what whispers have you been listening to this time?"

"You're cruel and heartless."

He threw his head back and laughed. "That's the least of what I am, my darling wife. You will soon discover as much."

Aelwen's eyes narrowed. "I'm not your darling," she snarled, her voice laced with venom. "And I don't believe a single word that comes out of your mouth. Do you think you can just say whatever you want and get away with it? No. I won't let you off the hook that easily." She stepped closer to him, squaring up to look him in the eye, her chin raised proudly. "You need to explain and make amends for what you've done because I will not tolerate being treated like this."

Vinir could feel his temper rising, but he kept it in check through sheer force of will. He had no desire to start an argument with her right now. All he wanted was peace and quiet so he could be alone with his thoughts.

"No, I don't expect to be explaining anything," he decided. "I've given you my answer, and if that isn't satisfactory, then that is your problem, not mine."

"That's because it's easier for you to be callous and unfeeling than to take responsibility for your actions," she retorted.

Vinir's gaze swept over her body, all slim angles, and willowy limbs. Her gown of white petals and silk pushed up her breasts to form the suggestion of cleavage, and he had to admit that he found her quite pleasing to the eye. With skin as pale as milk and hair like spun gold, he wanted more than anything to peel that dress off and kiss every inch of her, marking her as his for every man to see. He wanted to spin her hair around his fist and make her scream his name.