But the curse was gone now, and he could touch Aelwen and everyone else without inflicting agony upon them.

And this fact, being allowed to hold his son for the first time without fear, filled Vinir with an overwhelming sense of love and joy that could not be contained by any language or action. The baby fit perfectly against his chest like he was always meant to be there.

He rocked the little one in his arms. He had Aelwen's stunning golden eyes. "You look like an Aemon to me. What do you think?"

He just yawned and smiled. To Vinir, that looked like an agreement. Glancing back over at Aelwen, she was already fast asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, Vinir sat down on the bed beside her, rocking little Aemon in his arms while she rested.

For her, he would wait an eternity.

Chapter 13 - Aelwen

Vinir seldom slept completely, as vampires only needed to rest for a few hours during the day to keep their strength, and so he was in charge of waking when Aelwen was dead on her feet to check on baby Aemon. Most of the time, he was a little angel, but sometimes he could be a nightmare when it came to sleeping.

Today, however, Aemon was laughing cheekily at a pair of butterflies whisking through the garden while Aelwen rocked him in his basket. Vinir was finally getting his chance to rest, and since it seemed that Aemon didn't inherit his father's sensitivity to sunlight, she was glad to take some time during the day to get out. Most of the time, she slept the days away and had become a night owl to adjust to Vinir's way of life, so motherhood had slightly changed her way of being. At least for now.

The sun was shining brightly that day, but plenty of trees provided shade from its warm rays. Birds chirped happily in their branches while bees buzzed happily between flowers. Some were bright pink roses, while others were deep blue morning glories. Everywhere she looked, there seemed to be something new and exciting in store for them to explore. Leaves rustling in the wind, caterpillars crawling across a leaf, or even an occasional butterfly fluttering by with its colorful wings catching the sun's light.

She could watch baby Aemon for hours, whether he was simply gurgling and occupied with his own fingers or rattling with his toys. He had such a pure wonder about the world, a curiosity that reminded her of when she was just a girl.

Footsteps sounded from the other end of the garden, and Aelwen looked over to find Mori striding through the garden.

"Mori!" Aelwen said. "I hope you brought me some crackers. I’m dying for a snack."

"Of course, my lady, I have just the thing." Mori pulled out a bag of freshly baked crackers and handed them to Aelwen. To her, they were like gold, and she could never get enough of them.

"But that's not why I've come," she said in a hurry. "You have a surprise guest, and he's—"

"Aelwen! My sweet daughter."

Aelwen was on her feet at once, crackers forgotten instantly as she turned to see her father standing there. She opened and closed her mouth, as shocked as she'd ever been. The last time she'd seen him was at her wedding, over a year ago, as Aemon had just turned three months old.

"Father," she whispered. "Is it really you?"

He smiled broadly at her and brought her in for a hug. She stood still for a moment, shocked all over again, as her father wasn't the hugging type. But after a second to adjust, she gladly wrapped her arms around him, too.

"I'm so sorry I haven't come to visit until now," he said while still holding her. "I know I haven't always been the best father to you, but I wanted you to know how proud I am of you. I've never seen you flourish like this, and it makes me so happy."

Aelwen choked back a sob and held him even tighter. How long had she waited for him to say those words? She felt like she was still in a dream, where it seemed like the impossible would keep happening again and again until she finally woke up and had to adjust to reality again.

But she never woke up.

"It brings me so much joy to hear you say that," Aelwen said, wiping her eyes as she pulled away from him. "But you don't have to apologize to me, Father. I understand why you did what you did, and if you hadn't, I would never have married Vinir. We would never have had Aemon."

"Is that him?" her father asked.

"Do you want to hold him?"

Aelwen's father nodded, and Aelwen picked up Aemon and handed him over to her father. He held the baby in his arms like he was a precious gift, cooing softly at him and smiling widely. Aemon looked up at him curiously as if he knew that this man was special.

"He's beautiful," her father said. "Such a special little boy."

Aelwen smiled and looked around the garden, then suggested the three of them take a walk so they could catch up. Her father agreed, and the three of them set off together down the garden’s winding paths.

It seemed like another piece of Aelwen's life was falling into place ... including one that she never expected to happen. But her father's approval was like a shooting star; even if she only glimpsed it for a little while, she would be happy to have at least known he was proud of her for something.

Chapter 14 - Vinir

"Are you sure it's safe to leave Aemon with him?" Vinir asked anxiously, even as Aelwen's sweet lips sucked on his neck and her hand drifted lower toward his crotch.