With one last searing look, she stormed down the hall and out of sight. Vinir watched her go with a deep sigh. It was always one step forward, two steps back with this woman.

He didn't know if she could forgive him for this, but he hoped she would. He had done the right thing and freed the fae from their prison of suffering. He had done his best to show her that he was trying to make amends, even if it wasn't enough.

But as he watched Aelwen disappear around a corner, he knew that all he could do now was wait and hope for the best.

Chapter 9 - Aelwen

Aelwen's head spun around in circles. Nausea struck, her stomach churning and twisting, and she raced to the bathroom. Crouching over the toilet seat, her stomach emptied itself as she heaved out everything that was inside her from last night's meal. Her throat burned, her stomach cramping as she heaved until nothing else would come out.

Tears streamed down Aelwen's face in time with each wave of sickness until finally, her stomach settled and there was nothing left to throw up.

Just then, Aelwen heard a light knock on the door, followed by Lissa's voice. "My Lady, are you all right? I heard some commotion."

"Yes, I'm fine," she said meekly, wiping away any remaining tears with the back of her hand. Aelwen couldn't bear for anyone else to witness her in this state, so she quickly lifted herself from the floor and stumbled toward the sink, where she splashed cool water onto her face.

Only while she was bent over the sink again, Aelwen's stomach heaved again, and she stumbled, falling back onto the floor.

The door flew open, and Lissa was on the floor with her at once, her steady hands helping Aelwen back to her feet.

"Oh, my dear, you're so unwell," Lissa fretted. "Let's get you back to bed."

Aelwen tried to resist, but she was too tired and let Lissa guide her back to the bed in the other room. "I'm fine. It’s just these nightmares, I can hardly sleep."

All she'd been able to dream about since that day at court was the way Sawgar's face contorted. The scream. The look of wicked mania on Vinir's face while he used his cursed hands to strangle the man, almost like he'd enjoyed causing that pain.

And the fae, their bodies twisted with strange markings.

Had Vinir been right all along that she's walked into a monster's den unprepared to face him, and he'd been doing her a favor by turning her away?

The fae hadn’t been there anymore when she checked after Vinir’s announcement two weeks ago, but he could have just moved them somewhere she didn’t know to look yet.

Lissa placed a cool cloth on Aelwen's forehead and brought her a fresh pitcher of water and a glass. Aelwen chugged down two glasses before she relaxed against the headboard, pulling the warm comforter over her.

"My lady, I hope you don't take offense to this question ... but I can't help but wonder ... did you and Vinir ..." She cleared her throat. "Did you ever succeed in your attempts to be intimate with him?"

Aelwen frowned. "He hasn't hurt me in any way if that's what you're worried about."

"No, no, not at all, my queen. You appear to be in perfect bodily health, and I am so glad that you are. I was worried that ... no, never mind, the point is that all is well. I merely ask because ... your sickness ... it looks a lot like ..."

Lissa trailed off, but Aelwen already knew what she was thinking.

Aelwen sat up, her eyes wide with realization. "You think I'm ...?"

Lissa nodded slowly, a smile spreading across her face. "If you are, my lady, congratulations."

Aelwen sank back against the headboard and let out a joyful laugh, her heart filling with incredible warmth. Could it be true? Was this really happening? She closed her eyes and hugged herself, allowing the possibility to sink in before speaking again.

"My Queen, you must see a healer immediately," Lissa said urgently. "We cannot take any chances with your health or that of the unborn child."

"Fetch a healer," Aelwen commanded, still smiling as she thought about the child that may actually be growing inside of her at that very moment.

Lissa dutifully obeyed and rushed off, leaving Aelwen alone with her thoughts—at least, mostly alone. Because if she indeed was pregnant, she would soon be carrying another whole being inside of her, and could she truly call herself alone if that was the case?

Her hands flew to her stomach in wonder. She had always wondered what it would feel like to be pregnant, and now that it was here, she could hardly believe she'd missed the obvious signs.

She had always known it was her fate to be a mother, to carry a king's child and continue her family legacy. However, she’d resisted that fate initially. But now that she was here, with a child possibly on the way, she felt positively giddy, and she had to suppress the urge to run to the balcony and shout to everyone who would hear her.

Of course, she only had to wait for the news to be confirmed.