"I ... I can't," Rosalie said, her voice cracking.

Dominick didn't react at first. He kept his stern, amber eyes trained on her, and he whistled without moving his eyes from her. The doors behind him burst open, and two guards came in dragging in a wriggling Jay.

"Jay!" Rosalie screamed. "Jay, are you all right?"

She moved in his direction, her heart breaking bit by hit as he cried and thrashed to try and escape the guards, but it was no use. He was mostly human, with only the smallest vampiric traits taken from his father. So, no one had ever noticed anything strange about him.

"Mom!" Jay cried out as soon as he saw her, too terrified to keep the charade up anymore.

The look on Dominick's face shifted at once. A series of emotions crossed his face simultaneously, collecting into an unreadable expression of agony, hate, and anger.

"Mom?" Dominick replied, his voice so distant it was almost a whisper. "You're his mother, Rose?"

She couldn't lie anymore. For Jay's sake, she had to tell the truth. If anyone should take the fall for this, it was her, not him.

Chapter 8 - Dominick

"Yes," she whispered. "I wanted to tell you, but—"

Dominick's head whipped up in a rage. "You had a child with another man? You whore! You'remine. You’ve always been mine! How could you?"

"Don't you speak to me like that!" Rosalie replied, standing her ground and matching his anger. "You have no right to talk to me like that! No matter how much you tried to make me one, I'm not your possession!"

"So that's the truth, then," he snarled. "You didn't want to become a vampire because you believed I would have owned you."

"I don't believe it. Iknowit. I know who you are, Dominick, and you would have never let me go if I had stayed with you."

"That's not true. You never tried to imagine what we could have been together. You jumped to conclusions and instead chose to betray me rather than work with me!"

"Betray you?" Rosalie laughed, her voice filled with spite and hate. "You never listened to me. All you cared about was yourself!"

"That's not true. I cared about you. I wanted to make you happy." Dominick's face contorted. "But now ... now you've shown your true colors, Rosalie. You want me to stop caring? Consider it done."

Rage clouded Dominick's senses as he looked at Rosalie. He wanted to lash out at her, to punish her for her betrayal of being with another man. He wanted to make her feel the same hurt as he did at that moment, the hurt that came from years of longing for her, only to find that she'd found someone else and never told him!

His instincts had been right all along: Rosedidhave a secret lover out there somewhere. Jay was proof of it.

The small boy clung desperately to the guards, tears streaming down his face. Normally he would never hurt a child, especially not one as potentially valuable as Jay. But he represented everything that turned Dominick cold and dead inside. Evidence of an affair that symbolized how unattainable Rosalie truly was.

Everything between them tonight had been fake. She'd played him, and she'd played him hard.

Why hadn't he seen it?

Because he'd been a love-addled fool, that's why. But never again. Never would he let a woman make a fool out of him again.

Anger seethed in Dominick's veins. He clenched his fists, every instinct in him telling him to lash out and destroy the source of his pain; it was the only way to release the hatred raging through him.

"I'm going to make sure you regret ever letting another man near you." Dominick's voice was deadly as he stepped away from Rosalie and made toward Jay. "This is what your betrayal will cost you."

"Wait—no!" Rosalie screamed as Dominick moved, but another set of guards had appeared and grabbed her, preventing her from pursuing him. "Jay is my son and has nothing to do with you. Leave him be!"

Dominick's jaw was set in a hard line as he approached Jay. "He has everything to do with me, Rose."

His mind wasn't his own anymore. It was as though when he looked at this young boy's pleading eyes, he wasn't even a child anymore. He had become a monster, just like Dominick. They were both evil creatures that had to be eradicated.

But unfortunately for Jay, Dominick was bigger. Stronger. Older.

And he had the instincts of a killer.