"Dominick ..." she sighed, arching into his touch, desperate for more.

While he sucked on her breasts, he trailed delicate touches along her bare skin, making Rosalie feel like she was melting into him even more. His movements were so gentle that she could almost taste how much he wanted this moment as much as she did.

Dominick lifted her slightly to ease her dress from her entirely, leaving her bare before him. His gaze raked over her, and she had a sense of uncanny vulnerability.

"You're far more beautiful than I remembered," Dominick said, his voice coming out husky and deep with emotion. "And I've dreamed of this moment many times over the years."

She didn't know what to say, so she just kissed him again. Their mouths locked in a flurry of desperation, and it only seemed fair that if Dominick got to see how her body had changed after all these years, she got to see him, too. She peeled his shirt off his sculpted form one button at a time, their frantic kisses hardly enough to satiate their raw need.

But as soon as his shirt was off, Rosalie drew back to appreciate his masculine form. Muscles rippled beneath his skin, and she ran her hands along them, exploring every firm bulge that made Dominick so undeniably irresistible. He was a masterpiece, and each part of him was created with perfection.

He smiled down at her as she touched him. "Like what you see?"

"Yes. Very much." She licked her lips. "You're just as I remembered ..." Her fingers flew upward toward one of his pecs, where there was a thin pink scar. "Except this is new. It looks like someone—"

"—tried to stab me in my rotten heart? Indeed."

"There's a story there, isn't there?"

"One better saved for another day."

His gaze burned into her soul as if they were the only two people in the world, and that was more than enough to make Rosalie forget—for now. And when he kissed her again, stealing her breath away, the scar was the last of her worries. More, that growing ache between her legs became unbearable. It had long since become a need that needed sating.

He kissed her with such gentle reverence that made Rosalie want to do nothing more than be wrapped up in the comfort of his embrace forever. Dominick kissed his way down her body, taking his time with her breasts and stomach. She squirmed beneath him, and he had to clamp his hands on her thighs, holding her in place until he finally settled his mouth between her legs. He nipped at her thighs, dragging down her black panties with his teeth, revealing her sex to him.

Dominick brushed his lips against her inner thigh, and Rosalie shivered in anticipation. She knew what was coming next, and she could hardly contain herself. He blew a hot breath of air against her most intimate area, making her gasp at the sudden pleasure that cascaded through her veins. His tongue ran over her clit lightly at first, teasingly, before he began to swirl it around in circles with increasing pressure. He continued this motion until Rosalie felt like she was about to explode from the intensity of it all.

His tongue lapped at her like a wave, and Rosalie found herself growing closer and closer to the edge with each new touch. She couldn't help but moan out his name.

"Dom," she cried. "Please, please, please."

Dominick laughed devilishly. "Please, what?"

"Please ..."

She could barely form coherent thoughts as she writhed closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy. He gripped her hips tightly, holding her in place.

"Fuck, you taste amazing," Dominick sighed into her pussy. "Like a dream come true."

He increased the pressure of his tongue until Rosalie finally reached the peak of pleasure and shuddered beneath him as ecstasy coursed through her body. An intense heat collected in the middle of her stomach, making her feel like she was burning from the inside out, and then one last rough flick, and she erupted like a volcano.

"Oh, god! Dom!" she screamed as she came into his mouth, her hands grasping at the wooden table beneath her, struggling to find purchase against the slick surface.

The heat didn't leave her when Dominick surfaced again, a wicked smirk on his face. "Bet you missed that, didn't you, my Rose?"

"I don't ... don't know what you're talking about," she gasped.

"Don't worry," he purred, "I'll make sure you never forget what it feels like to have me inside of you ever again."

Rosalie hadn't forgotten. Even on the nights she hated Dominick the night, she'd fantasized about their wildest nights together. Indeed, she was loathed to admit that he was always the one she fantasized about, and this was precisely the reason why.

Dominick came in close again to kiss her, and she tasted the tang of her own juices on her tongue as he did. While they kissed, she was conscious of how he was undoing his leather breeches, then seconds later, his large cock was pressed between her thighs, demanding entrance.

She gasped at the sensation, and Dominick used one hand to grip her hips while her hips instinctively tilted up to meet him, eagerly anticipating what it would be like to be filled with him.

But he waited.

"Are you ready?" he whispered, and it somehow shocked her that through all the lust and urgent need, he was still capable of asking her what she wanted.