Tears welled in her eyes, and Dominick was shocked to see them fall down her face. He had only seen her cry once in all the years they'd known each other: the night they'd broken up because of his cruelty toward her.

His mouth opened and closed, unable to form the words to speak.

"You know I was lying when I said that I was using you," Rosalie said between sniffles. "I wanted to make you hurt. Is that what you want me to admit? That you made me angry, and I wanted you to hurt as you'd hurt me?"

He could have seen her crying face, her shoulders slumped in defeat and claimed an easy victory over her. The mighty Rosalie had fallen before him, her decade-long adversary. But now he only looked at her and felt regret for all the pain he'd caused her.

Tentatively, Dominick rose from his chair and moved to join her at the other side of the table, leaning against the heavy wood. Rosalie stayed standing as well, her hands planted on the back of her chair to keep herself steady.

"I made a mistake," Dominick said at last. "I never should have pushed you to try and become a vampire when I knew you weren't ready, and there was no rush. I should have listened to you and trusted your judgment, not just assumed I was right because I'm far older than you. That was never fair of me, and I see that now."

He stepped closer to her and gently wiped away her tears. "I shouldn't have threatened to imprison you until you saw my way, either," he said. "That was wrong of me, and perhaps it has been a cruel twist of fate that now I am locked in my own gilded prison. Or perhaps this punishment has not been so cruel after all, as it has given me a chance to see how wrong I was, how horribly I treated you, and now, I have a chance to make things right. I want you to know that no matter what happens between us, I will never force you to do anything against your will again."

Rosalie looked up at him with a soft expression on her face. "You're forcing me to be here right now, Dominick," she whispered. "You've taken Jay and given me no choice but to worry about him and obey you or never see him again."

"I promised you I wouldn't harm him. Did you think that was a lie? You did not have to come if you did not want to, Rosalie. When I left to come here with you, I instructed my guards to escort Jay back to his mother."


Her eyes twinkled with hope.

"Yes. You can go confirm it for yourself if you'd like to go."

She hesitated, just as Dominick hesitated to move his hand away from her face. His fingers lingered on her cheek, caressing the smooth skin there. He wanted to believe that part of Rosalie still craved him just like he craved her, and after the two hot, intense kisses they shared in the garden last night, he believed he was on to something.

He stepped even nearer, and the heat of their bodies was almost unbearable. He wanted to pull her into his arms, but he didn't want to push it too far or take too much, too fast.

"Rosalie." He took her chin in both hands and tilted her face toward him. Her jeweled eyes were rimmed with red from her tears, which had since stopped coming. "I never meant to hurt you. You know that, don't you? You're the only one I ever wanted."

Her wide eyes flicked over his face, searching for the truth. Then she sank into his arms, putting her whole weight against him. Trusting him with her body.

"Please kiss me," she whispered.

Dominick wanted to kiss her again—to feel the warmth of her lips against his and taste the sweet nectar of her mouth. He leaned in, close enough that he could feel her breath against his skin, and their noses barely touched. Rosalie tilted her head up and closed her eyes, inviting him in.

Dominick let the moment linger between them before finally pressing his lips against hers, feeling a surge of electricity spark between them. She kissed him with a passion unlike anything he'd felt before. As though a lifetime of love had finally been released between them all at once. They held each other tightly, exploring each other's lips with renewed vigor. His hands moved through her hair, messing up her carefully arranged curls. Her hands snaked around his neck, pulling him closer to her until there was no space left between them, only a pure blissful connection. Holding her felt like home—a home that he'd been without for far too long. And in her embrace, all his broken pieces were slowly mending back together again.

Gradually, Dominick's hands moved to her waist, pulling her closer to him while their tongues intertwined. Rosalie moaned softly in pleasure and melted into his arms despite everything.

Chapter 7 - Rosalie

As their kiss intensified, every nerve in Rosalie's body lit up with desire. Just twenty minutes ago, feeling anything for Dominick would have been an absolute betrayal of her body and sensibilities, but now, she was lost in her need for him. Struck to the core by his thoughtfulness and kindness, she didn't know who he was anymore. Who she was if she couldn't hate him for simply existing anymore.

He kept one arm wrapped tight around her waist to keep her close as they shared this moment of bliss together. The heat radiating between them was so strong that it was almost tangible, and all of their emotions seemed to be concentrated into one passionate embrace.

Rosalie felt like all of time had stopped for those few moments. Nothing mattered except for the two of them. Neither could deny that something had changed between them. Something powerful and beautiful, and Rosalie didn't want it to go away.

Not when she'd lost it once already.

Suddenly, the moment was too intense, and Rosalie reluctantly pulled away. Dominick's arm dropped from her waist, but he looked at her with a desire so intense it made her shiver. He never said a word, but she could feel what he was thinking.

"Dominick," she whispered between heavy breaths, "I want you."

A smile broke out on his face before swooping in for another kiss. "That's music to my ears, beautiful. Let me treat you like the queen you are."

When Rosalie's lips parted to gasp for air, Dominick scooped her into his arms and placed her on top of the dining table. Gently setting her down on top of it, Dominick's hands roamed up and down Rosalie's body as if each touch was an exploration and a discovery of something new that he wanted to find out about her. Every inch of her body was caressed tenderly yet firmly so that no part would be left uncovered or untouched by him. His mouth worked its way along Rosalie’s neckline while he worked to undo the laces of her dress before finally the front parted beneath his insistent touch, and the black, lacy fabric parted, and her breasts spilled into the open.

Dominick paused for a moment to take in the sight of her before finally leaning in and latching onto one of her nipples. He kissed slow circles around it until it felt like she was almost floating away from reality altogether.