Page 15 of My Dreamy Holidate


Standing up, I leave a hundred-dollar bill on the bar and smack Evan on the shoulder. I’ve decided. The damn fortune cookie has screamed in my face. It’s time to trust my heart, because, for once, I will get the one thing I want more than anything else and I will do anything to keep it.

If I have to crawl on my hands and knees to get her to take me back, to give me another chance, I’ll do it. I’ll spend the rest of my life making my fears and uncertainties up to her. My love for her is so all-consuming that there is no way that we can mix it up into a savior feeling.

Nicklin is my true love. I know that. I just needed a knock on the head by the universe to remind me.

“Where are you going?” Evan asks, spinning on his stool.

“I’m gonna get my girl.”

Evan grins. “Atta boy.”

I throw on my jacket and rush to the door when the air is knocked right out of me. Standing just inside the door is the love of my life, and I want to punch myself in the gut.How could I have ever believed that she didn’t love me?

She genuinely loves me. The same way I love her. The sorrow in her eyes, with the flash of hope that flared within them, was the only proof I needed.

Her best friend leans over and whispers something in her ear, and Nicklin shakes her head. Lindy sighs, gives me the death glare I deserve, and walks away.

Nicklin straightens up and keeps her head held high as I make my way over to her.

“Nicklin, I…” Stopping in front of her, I gaze down into her angelic face, and ache at the pain I put there. “I’m so sorry. I know… I believe you love me."

Her jaw tightens, and she lifts her chin higher. “How can I trust you won’t get scared again? That you won’t shut me out and drop me like my feelings don’t matter? Or come up with another excuse?”

Shame fills me. Regret consumes me. She’s right. I did those things, and it was wrong. That’s not how you treat the person you love. I’ll grovel for the rest of my life and make her happy.

“I can’t promise I won’t get scared.” I tentatively reach out and grab her hands. Elation fills me when she doesn’t pull away. “But I’ll tell you when I am, and we’ll work through it. I will listen and communicate my heart with you. Sweetheart, I love you. You are everything to me. I don’t want to be married to my job. I want to be married to you.”

Nicklin’s jaw drops, and her eyes open wide as saucers.

I hear Lindy in the background, “Holy shit!”

Nicklin closes her mouth and licks her lips. I shiver seeing that little pink tongue and remember how soft it is and what she can do with it. “Let’s go on another date first.”

I wink at her. “Bartender, two mimosas, please.”

Leaning down, I take her in my arms and kiss her as if she is the air I breathe because she is exactly that. She is life fully wrapped in my arms.


One year later- Valentine’sDay


I lean back and rub my stomach. “I swear we ate more this year than last, and I didn’t think it was possible.”

We’re back at the same Thai restaurant and I’m stuffed again this year. We haven’t had dessert yet, but I don’t think I could eat another bite.

I’ve been on a healthy eating kick as we’ve talked about starting a family. But since my first song—Man of My Dreams—just came out two weeks ago and has been holding steady in the top 100 on the charts, and I might be going on a brief tour, feeling my best is probably a good idea. I need my energy as this man keeps me up a few nights a week and I enjoy every minute of sleep that I don’t get.

Riggs kisses my temple. “We gave it an excellent shot. But I think there’s one more thing to eat.” He holds out the fortune cookies. “Left or right?”

I don’t even remember the server bringing them to the table.

“Um… right.”

He flips his hand over and holds the cookie to me, but when I go to reach for it, he pulls it back to his chest. “You’re sure you don’t want the left one?”