Page 91 of In Pieces

None of them were talking, and it was starting to freak me out just enough that I started to babble.

“I know this makes me more damaged than what you signed up for. I know this changes everything. And I’m so sorry. I tried to fight, I really did. After Lyle had his hands on me…and inme…”I choked on the words, but I had to get everything out.“He drugged me again, because I bit a chunk out of his face and I wasn’t cowering down.”

“You did what?”Oliver asked, shock causing him to blurt out the words.

I continued to focus on Gideon’s hand, keeping pressure, and that helped me focus on pushing out the words without another panic attack.

“I was strapped down. I couldn’t hit him. So, when he got too close, I latched onto his face with my teeth. He didn’t like that. So, he drugged me again. I didn’t see him again before you guys showed up. His guy, Buzz, didn’t get the chance to hurt me before Cain found me.”

I guided Gideon to sit down on the couch and was surprised when he willingly followed my lead. Once he sat down, I kneeled between his legs so I could tie the towel around his hand.

“When I was drugged, I didn’t know…I’ve been scared and worried. But the tests the doctor did came back, and Lyle didn’t rape me. So at least you know that.”

With everything out, I started to stand, my body shaking as I released all the pent up tension I had been holding onto. It was better to have the truth out to them, no matter what they decided. Gideon’s hand snapped out and wrapped around my wrist. Without warning, he pulled me into him, causing me to climb into his lap.

“What did you think we were going to say to all of this?”He asked.

I stared into his eyes, the green a swirl of anger and pain. I felt horrible for being the reason he was suffering and I wanted to put their needs above my own. I wanted to wipe away the knowledge of what had happened, what was putting this rift between us. I just wasn’t sure what to do, beyond being honestabout everything. As an answer to Gideon, I just shrugged, because I didn’t want to put into words my worst fears.

Gideon’s arms came around me and crushed me into his body. I gasped as I was pressed against all the hard planes of his chest as he secured me to him. Tucking my head under his chin, I just let the tears fall. For the moment, I didn’t know if this was a goodbye hug, or more. I just let myself feel the comfort and heat coming from Gideon’s body.

A hand on my hip made me look over and Jaxon was on his knees next to me. He pressed his face against my side, hugging himself into me. His short brown hair was longer than usual and in complete disarray. I swept my hand over it before cradling the back of his neck. Oliver moved to sit next to Jaxon on the ground, bending to lay his head on my uninjured thigh. Aiden moved to sit next to Gideon, where he could slide a hand just under my sweatshirt and span my abdomen.

I knew then, in that moment, that they weren’t saying goodbye. They were telling me I was still theirs; they were still mine. I could feel each of them touching me, trying to connect and comfort me. The tears came faster now, and I buried my face in Gideon’s chest, soaking the front of his shirt.

“Stellina, we are here for you. Nothing you’ve said changes one fucking thing, you understand that?”Gideon’s voice was a rumble under me.

I couldn’t even form words, just nodded and tried to breathe through the grief and ease of fear that passed over me. Gideon’s hand came to my chin, and he pulled me up to look at him. There were unshed tears in his green depths and I couldn’t handle it anymore. I crushed my mouth to his in a messy, needy kiss. He didn’t hesitate to respond, immediately forcing my mouth open and sliding his tongue along mine. His hand slipped to the back of my neck, anchoring me to him, as he explored my mouth, as if it was the first time all over again.

When he finally pulled back, kissing each of my lips and then next to my mouth, continuing up until he kissed each of my eyelids.

“Whatever you need from us, just ask.”His voice had gotten gravely with desire.

For a moment, I caught my breath and looked at the four of them. I wasn’t even sure what I wanted at the moment, my mind was muddled with hot thoughts caused by Gideon’s kiss. But I had a feeling I knew what we all needed.

“Wipe it all away. I need you all to make my body yours again, make me only yours again.”My voice was quiet and everyone was still for a long moment.

Then Oliver bounced to his feet. Jaxon followed. Aiden stood and held out a hand to me. But Gideon shook his head and stood in a swift movement, cradling me against his chest.

“Her room.”Aiden’s voice was more of a command than a request, but no one argued.

Oliver and Jaxon lead the way, with Gideon carrying me and Aiden behind us. When we passed the kitchen, Ash’s mouth dropped open and then she smiled softly. Cain’s face was a mask of nonchalance, but I didn’t miss the flash of heat in his eyes. I couldn’t handle facing that too.

All I wanted was what I had thought I had lost. I needed my men.




The momentI pulled her into my lap, I knew I needed to feel more of her. The fury inside my chest hadn’t loosened, but that wasn’t Brooklyn’s fault. I pushed the images of tearing Lyle limb from limb away, putting them into a box to handle later. My hand ached like a bitch, but that was only helping me focus and contain the emotions that didn’t need to spill over, not now.

She pressed her face into my throat as we climbed the stairs. I didn’t miss the look Cain gave us as we walked by, and I knew we’d have to discuss him at some point. The guy clearly had it for our girl, but the question was what Brooklyn wanted. I didn’t know Cain as well as Jaxon and Oliver, but my brothers trusted him, so I was inclined to trust him as well. He hadn’t left the pool house yet, on the premise that he wanted to help find and handle Lyle. I could admit that his type of help may be exactly what we needed.

Those were all things for later. My girl needed me and I was going to give her everything she asked for and probably more. Oliver pushed open her door, and we all strode into the room, with Aiden shutting and locking the door behind him. For the first time in days, I grinned, knowing why Aiden was making sure to lock the door. Normally, we didn’t lock any doors in the house, there was never anyone to keep out. But right now, we needed the privacy to take care of our girl.

I carefully set Brooklyn on the edge of the bed and she looked at all of us. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were bright, back to the color I was so used to, instead of dull and sad. She bit her bottom lip, and it made me want to dive at her, and just take everything I needed so badly. But I held myself back, knowing this was for her, what she needed, to find the road to healing and to bring her back to us.