Page 71 of In Pieces

Buzz’s fingers left my ankle and worked up my calf, over my knee, to my thigh. When his thumb brushed near my center, I tried to buck away, but that only made Buzz chuckle darkly. He leaned over me then, making his face clear in the darkness. His sneer was predatory, and I tried to buck up to headbutt him. He was too aware of my antics, probably after seeing the bite on Lyle’s face, and backed up to avoid the blow.

“You are a wild one. Lyle will enjoy breaking you of all that. I know that’s what he plans. But I want you a little wild, makes me hard.”Buzz ground his crotch into my stomach and I once again could feel his hardness.

I turned my face away from him, not giving him the satisfaction of the tears that were in my eyes. It was the only piece of defiance I could still have. Fingers grasped my chin, and he forced my head back toward his. He smashed his lips ontomine and I immediately bit him, causing him to pull back and a string of curses left his mouth. Instead of stopping, he grinned down at me with a trickle of blood creeping down from his lip.

To my horror, he began to fumble with his belt, the sound of his zipper as loud as a gunshot in my ears. I heard another noise that I thought was an animal. For a moment I wondered what kind of animal was in the warehouse, but then it occurred to me that the growling and crying was coming from my ruined throat. I thrashed my body the best I could, ignoring the pain as the hard floor cut into my hips, shoulders and arms, where they were secured behind my back.

Buzz tripped in his excitement of trying to get me. It was then, when I could see behind him, that I realized the door was open again. A shadowy figure, hunched, crept up behind Buzz. My eyes were locked on the figure, unable to decipher if they were another of Lyle’s people or Lyle himself. As it approached, the figure straightened to a towering height, and I knew it wasn’t Lyle.

The flash of silver was almost lost in the darkness, but I didn’t miss the way Buzz’s body froze in an instant.

“What the fuck?”Buzz’s voice was high pitched and laced with fear that felt like a balm over my body. I wanted him to be as afraid as I felt.

“Did he touch you?”The voice wasn’t recognizable to me, but I knew he was addressing me.

I shook my head, assuming the figure could see me. Lyle had probably given instructions to other people to ensure I wasn’t touched, and this man just caught Buzz before he could get his pants completely down. Suddenly, Buzz’s body disappeared, as the large figure tossed him to the side. I could hear Buzz sputtering on the ground and the figure followed. The sound of flesh hitting flesh reached my ears until only the figure stoodalone against the light of the doorway and Buzz’s body was a crumpled ball on the ground.

The shadowed figure walked toward me and I could see a blade in one of his hands. I started to struggle again, afraid that he was going to use the metal on me. Abruptly, one of my ankle restraints went limp, and I was able to pull my legs closed. My hips ached, and the movement felt difficult. My other ankle went free as well and suddenly the man was kneeling near my feet, slowly coming closer.

“No, no, stay away,”I tried to say. My voice came out rough and unrecognizable.

All at once, the room became awash with light. I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to handle the amount of light shining on my face. I felt a touch on my shoulder and I shimmied away, making small noises of protest.

“Shhhh, it’s ok. I’m here to help,”the man said.

I peeked one eye open, forcing myself to handle the light so I could see my newest attacker. This man didn’t look like anyone I would assume was with Lyle. Kind hazel eyes peered at me, though the rest of him looked rough. Most of his exposed skin was covered in tattoos, including a skull on his throat. A lip ring glinted in the light, something that caught my attention for a moment. His flop of blue hair did little to make him seem less imposing, especially with the bloody knuckles he now had.

He reached out one of his hands again, the other holding a phone to his ear, and I cried out and moved back, unable to accept that he was actually there to help me. I felt like I was in the middle of a nightmare, a game concocted by Lyle, to break me down until I gave in and became the obedient little girl he wanted. I knew this man was another test, something I could fail and pay the price for later. If I took his help, Lyle would make me hurt in ways I wasn’t sure I would live through.




We couldn’t handle waitingaround the house longer than necessary. Cain was right, that we needed to wait for the cover of darkness, but sitting in the house, thinking about what could be happening to Brooklyn, was making us all too unstable. I dressed in all black, slipping my small handgun at the small of my back. I didn’t have need of it on many occasions,but there was no way I was walking into the warehouse without being armed.

Sitting in Cain’s Charger, the five of us were silent, willing the sun to go down faster. We were parked in a place where we could see movement to and from the warehouse. We hadn’t seen anyone come or go and we weren’t sure what kind of sign that was. Cain had a group of men posted two blocks away in a black van, waiting for our call if we needed back up.

The moment the streetlights came on, my brothers and I climbed from the car. Cain followed closely, ready to go to war with us if necessary to get Brooklyn back. I could appreciate the help. We had no idea what Lyle had cooked up with Missy and possibly Jaxon’s father as well. The possible connections were something we would have to worry about later. Right now, we dealt with what was right in front of us and that was the possibility of rescuing the woman that had captured all of our hearts.

Gideon took the lead at the door, opening it and swinging his gun down the two halls before we followed him in.

“That was a bit too easy, yeah?”Cain’s voice was a low whisper behind me.

I nodded, but didn’t answer. I did think the doors would have been locked, keeping secure what Lyle had taken. If the doors were wide open and no one was inside, did that mean we were too late?

“We need to split up,”Gideon said.

We didn’t know the layout of the warehouse and the idea of splitting off from my brothers made me anxious. I could see from how Oliver shifted nervously that he wasn’t thrilled with the prospect either.

“Teams?”Cain suggested.

I nodded my agreement. Gideon and I paired off while Jaxon and Oliver headed off in a different direction. That left Cainalone, but he grinned like a goofball and ran off. The hallway Gideon and I went down had an old office and supply storage. Both rooms were filled with leftovers from whatever company used the building before.

We took a second hallway that lead to a loading dock and rolling door. As we were about to enter, voices could be heard and Gideon stopped, causing me to almost run into his back. He peered around the corner and then motioned that there were two people inside.

“Lyle?”My voice was barely a breath, but Gideon heard and shook his head no.