Page 67 of In Pieces

Missy shook her face free, and Cain allowed it this time. She looked over at me, likely because I had stayed quiet during this entire exchange. It was almost comical to watch her try to put on a face she thought would appeal to me.

“Muscle man, you don’t feel that way, do you? You loved me.”Missy’s bottom lip came out at the end to pout up at me.

Instead of answering her, I looked over at Cain.“What about breaking a finger or two? Maybe that would change her mind.”

“Gideon!”Missy’s voice rose to an uncomfortable pitch as she screamed at me, at the same time Cain laughed and nodded.

Cain moved away from Missy and she started to thrash again. Her efforts were a waste of energy, as she wasn’t strong enough to break any of the ties without a tool. When Cain joined our circle again, he held a hammer in his hand. Instead of approaching Missy, he stood next to me and we all stared at her.

“One more time, yeah? Tell them what they want to know, or a pretty manicure isn’t going to save what I do to your hands.”Cain made his point by flipping the hammer, catching it again by the handle after it flew through the air.

Missy froze and looked at Cain, real fear reflecting in her stare. She might talk a big game, but Missy was the type to cry for a half an hour if she stubbed her toe. Physically, she was too small and skinny to be built for fighting, and she definitely couldn’t sit there and just take her fingers being hammered to mush.

Seeming to understand she was going to lose her hold, real tears began to flood her cheeks. She sobbed and choked as she tried to breathe. The sight would have made me extremely uncomfortable if it had been any other woman. Instead, when I looked at Missy, I saw her for the viper she was.

Her crying jag seemed to slow and Cain moved forward. He used the hammer to push her chin up until she was looking up at him.

“You ready now?”

When she didn’t answer, he moved to her hand. He flattened out her pinky, her long red nail at the end. She started to gasp and struggle again, but Cain looked at her with a hard look. Missy froze and cowered, finally afraid of the man that was clearly willing to torture her. Cain looked back at Aiden and nodded to him to ask one last time.

“Where is Brooklyn?”

“With Lyle,”she replied, her answer still not complete, still pushing the limits that Cain was setting up.

The man in question looked at her, pity on his face. Without warning, the hammer sailed through the air and slammed into the middle knuckle of her pinky finger. Her wail drowned out the sound of the bone breaking, but I had no doubts that finger was going to need some serious help.

Cain let the finger go and Missy cried as she tried to move it, but the mangled digit just laid there. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Oliver look away, not able to handle watching the torture. I forced myself to stay focused on the woman in the chair. Even in pain, the moment she thought she had some sort of sway over us, she would try to use it.

“You know there’s more to that answer,”Cain said, as he came around to stand with us again.

Words began to pour out of Missy then, her crying causing jagged breaks in the story.

“Last I knew, he was holding her in a warehouse I helped him rent. It’s on the water. I really don’t know if they’re still there. I don’t know what his plan was after I left.”

Collectively, we looked at Aiden, waiting to see where he would lead us.

“Address,”he said, his voice rough.

Missy nodded and recited an address. As a group, we turned away from her and headed for the stairs.

“Wait, wait! Aren’t you going to take me with you? You can’t leave me down here!”Missy’s scream raced after us.

Aiden looked at me.“Take her to Lee. Make sure she understands if she talks about this and anything else about us, today will look like foreplay compared to what we do to her.”

“I want to be with you at the warehouse.”I knew none of us wanted to wait long before going for Brooklyn.

“I know. We need recon first. We’ll handle that while you take Missy,”Aiden said.

I nodded and turned back toward Missy. Cain threw me a pair of keys.

“Take my Charger. Just bring it back in one piece, yeah?”

My brothers and Cain made their way upstairs as I pulled out my pocket knife and approached Missy. She flinched away from me, expecting a new attack, but I just cut through the zip tiesholding her. After she was free, she didn’t move, only cradled her broken finger in her uninjured hand. Her eyes watched me closely as I moved around the room, gathering the belongings she had come with.

“Let’s go,”I said.

“Gideon. Please. What are you going to do with me?”Missy’s voice was pleading, but I wasn’t fooled for a moment into believing she wasn’t looking for her moment to strike.