Page 64 of In Pieces

“Man, she helped take your woman. Why are you even thinking about this?”Cain asked.

I already knew my answer, even if I was taking a moment to think about it.

“Do it. I’ll wake my brothers.”

‘Brothers…,”Cain’s voice was so quiet I barely picked up the word. Guilt immediately settled in my gut, but I didn’t have time to have the conversation I was sure we would need to have, eventually.

“Text me the address once you have her,”I said, before clicking to end the call.

I threw on a pair of sweats and a hoodie, trying to dress as innocuous as possible. Leaving my room, I immediately heard the sound of voices coming from downstairs. In the kitchen, I found Gideon and Aiden sitting around the island with a bottle of scotch in the center. I shot a text to Oliver instead of running back up the stairs and then set my phone in front of me and stared at it.

Aiden and Gideon had gone quiet and turned to stare at me.

“Cain knows where Missy is. I told him to grab her. He’ll text a location as soon as they have her.”

“They?”Aiden slowly set his tumbler down as if he was resisting throwing the glass across the room.

I nodded, not in the mood to argue about the additional liabilities now. Oliver entered the kitchen, his curly hair disheveled, but no indication of sleep on his face.

“We’re in the kidnapping business now,”Gideon said.

Oliver looked from face to face, trying to figure out what was happening. I quickly recapped the call from Cain.

“She took Brooklyn, or at least helped take her. I have no problems going after her.”I crossed my arms across my chest and shot a look at them challenging them to argue.

“I’m not against it. I just want to make sure it doesn’t trace back to us,”Gideon replied.

“We get the information we need out of her and we turn her over to your detective friend. She’s an accomplice, at the very least.”I continued staring at my phone, willing it to light up with a message from Cain.

The four of us sat tense around the island, until the sun had started to chase away the night, a soft pink washing into the kitchen. We had long stopped drinking scotch and moved to coffee to ensure we were awake for the message when it did come. When my phone did light up, I jumped up so fast, I slammed a knee into the island. I cursed loudly, but swiped open the phone to a message from Cain. It was an address with no message.

“It’s on,”I said, turning the phone for my brothers to see.

We strode out of the house less than five minutes later, piling into my Tesla. We didn’t need to risk a driver or make any of our employees guilty by association, in case this went badly. I plugged the address into the GPS as I pulled out of our gates.

“That’s not far from the old neighborhood,”Oliver said, slumping back in his seat.

I nodded, but didn’t respond. It wasn’t a surprise that Cain would keep his business in the same place he worked. Illegal events were ignored or swept under the rug in that part of the city. No politician or police chief wanted to acknowledge how bad the slums really were. We never set a foot back in the area after we got away from my father. It was a risk going there now, but it was to find Brooklyn. We would do anything.

The house Cain directed us to was nicely kept, despite the area it was located in. The houses on either side looked to be abandoned, which was likely why Cain chose it. No witnesses. I pulled my car around to the back of the house, following tire treads that were years in the making. I parked next to Cain’s black Dodge Charger. Before we even opened the doors, the back door of the house swung open and Cain stood in the opening.

He was dressed in a suit today and I had to raise an eyebrow at him as I approached.

“Had to look the part. It’s easy to get in somewhere if you dress right. People don’t always pay attention to everything else.”He did a little turn, showing the whole outfit, before turning back to us with an ironic grin.

I shook my head, but gestured toward the house.“She in there?”

Cain nodded.“Follow me, boys.”

The house was comfortable and obviously lived in. I highly doubted it was Cain’s actual home, as he wouldn’t bring this type of trouble to where he lived. But it wasn’t trashed like a drug pad and someone seemed to clean on a regular basis. Cain lead us through a kitchen, to a door before we would have entered the living room. When he opened it, a shriek we couldn’t hear before echoed around the kitchen.

“Get in quick. The door and walls are soundproof. The distant neighbors don’t need to be hearing this hag screaming.”Cain motioned for us to walk ahead of him.

We hurried through the door and descended the stairs while Cain closed and secured the door behind us. I noticed he locked it with a key from the inside. I guessed to dissuade the prisoner from trying to leave. When we reached the basement floor, the room was dim, but it didn’t prevent me from seeing the flailing little wench tied to a chair to one side. She was screaming at a man that sat across from her. With Bluetooth earbuds in his earsand a magazine in his hands, he gave the impression he couldn’t care less about her.

When the five of us stopped, we formed a semi-circle behind the man. Cain tapped him on the shoulder and he looked up. He took a set of keys from Cain and disappeared up the stairs. I watched him go before looking back to Cain.

“He can be trusted?”