Page 4 of In Pieces

I opted for a v-neck cashmere sweater with slacks. I had a light day. And even if I didn’t, I would be home in time for family dinner and maybe a movie night with our girl. My brothers were my family, but somehow things just felt more complete with Brooklyn in our lives.




Once my menleft the bathroom, I was able to finish my shower. As I cleaned between my legs, I felt sore in all the right ways and I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face. Morning sex was something I was getting used to, but it often made me run behind schedule.

I quickly dried what I could of my hair before twisting it up into a messy but professional French twist. Light make-up was next, and I was thankful that my morning routine wasn’t long and drawn out. I was never one to wear heavy layers of makeup, normally going for a more natural look for work days.

In my closet, I found a pencil skirt and tucked a loose tank top into it. I added a cardigan to the outfit and pulled shoes from one of the numerous boxes the guys had gotten me. They had told me I wasn’t going to be allowed to pay them back, but I recognized a lot of the labels of the shoes and clothes, and I knew it wasn’t a cheap wardrobe.

Of course, replacing a wardrobe wasn’t something I thought I would need to do. Lyle had other ideas when he broke into my apartment and ripped everything I owned to shreds. I shivered slightly, thinking about the night I found my room vandalized. Pushing away the negative memories, I focused on what was right in front of me.

Entering the kitchen, all four of my men were going through their morning rituals. Aiden, as always, sat at the island with his mug of coffee and newspaper. I had wondered why he read a physical newspaper, but once the reasoning was explained, I never mentioned it again. It was hard for me to picture a young Aiden, searching the classified ads, hoping his father was looking for him.

Gideon was at the stove, cooking what smelled like sausage and likely eggs to go with. I wasn’t used to eating a real breakfast before work. When I lived with Ash, our morning routine was usually a muffin and a cup of coffee. Now, Gideon insisted I eat something before my day started. I refused to admit that it was true. I did feel better throughout the morning with a full stomach.

Oliver’s hair was unruly and still a little wet, but he sat at the island scrolling through his phone. I walked up behindhim and kissed him on the back of the neck. He leaned back just slightly, and I hugged him. He didn’t take his eyes off the phone, checking through his work emails from the evening and morning.

I made my way to the coffeemaker, where Jaxon was already holding a mug of black coffee for me. His eyes warmed as he gazed down at me. Still walking around barefoot, I was at least a head shorter than any of my guys, Gideon being the exception who more than towered over me. I lifted up on my toes so I could quickly kiss Jaxon. He didn’t let the chance go by without wrapping an arm around my waist and deepening the kiss for a moment.

When he let me go, I was slightly breathless and could feel the blush on my cheeks. He grinned down at me and handed me my coffee. I sat on a stool next to Aiden, who flipped down the paper for a second to smile at me. As I carefully sipped my coffee, his hand found my thigh. He squeezed softly, his easy affection often getting to me.

This was how our mornings often were. Quiet, but with purpose to get the day started off right. I enjoyed the time when I could just watch each of them, without their full attention being on me. In the few months I had been living with them, it was a routine I was becoming very fond of. My internal instincts tried to warn me of enjoying it too much. I was living under their roof for protection and eventually I was sure they would insist I go home to my apartment with Ash.

Gideon slid my breakfast in front of me, a kiss on my temple as he stepped away. He also added toast to the plate. They all knew that I had no problems with eating, I enjoyed food immensely. Also, a reason I needed to run every morning. The food I enjoyed would also enjoy sticking to parts of my body I didn’t want it to. As it was, I felt like I had gained weight during my recovery from Lyle’s attack. None of my guys complainedthough, each of them loving my naked body whenever they had the chance.

“Frank will be with you today,”Gideon said.

This was also routine. The typical conversation we had first thing in the morning. We went over my schedule, and Gideon had hired security to escort me everywhere I was going. Frank was my normal guard, and we had struck up an easy friendship. Like all the Knights’employees, he didn’t question what went on behind closed doors or why a different brother was kissing me at the door each morning.

The conversation also started up butterflies in my stomach. I pulled up my calendar on my phone to ensure there weren’t any outside meetings I had. I already knew I didn’t, but I had a hard time looking at Gideon, knowing I was keeping a secret from him. I confirmed I had no outside meetings and agreed to stay with Frank if I left the office.

Gideon looked satisfied, a small smile sliding along his face. I reached over and pulled his beard lightly, as I always loved to do. It was perfectly trimmed and combed. He was my wild man, even when he had his long hair pulled back in a bun like he did in the morning. I smiled a little too brightly, but luckily Gideon didn’t notice.

There had been adjustments made to learn to live with the Knights. They were incredibly protective of me. I couldn’t say they didn’t have a reason to be. Lyle was still on the run, hiding from even Gideon’s deep dives into searching. However, I wasn’t used to being a kept woman anymore. In my head, I knew the difference between Lyle and his controlling relationship and the relationships I was in now. However, sometimes a panic would settle in, feeling like I was in over my head.

So, I had a secret. One that I was pretty sure the guys would be furious to hear about. They really only had themselves to blame. When I had healed from the attack, I wanted to learn todefend myself. The answer was a resounding no from them all. Gideon offered to teach me some things, but after two lessons, it was clear he was holding back and I wouldn’t learn anything that way. When I brought up outside lessons again, the answer was the same.

The only one that knew what I was up to was Frank. Because I’m not stupid. I knew that I couldn’t go out alone. Lyle was likely still stalking me and was keeping an eye on all my movements. Frank only kept the secret, because I was clear if he didn’t take me where I wanted to go, without telling the Knights, I would be going on my own. Which would also get him fired.

I didn’t feel good about the deception. It made me nervous each day. But the power I felt from what I was learning was worth it. Frank tried to talk me out of it almost daily, but he knew it was a lost cause.

“Stellina?”Gideon’s voice broke into my inner thoughts.

His nickname for me,“little star”in Italian, was the one he used when he was especially trying to be sweet. I looked over at him and saw that all four of the guys were watching me.

“Sorry, what?”I asked.

“Lunch?”Gideon asked.

I looked down at my phone and scrolled, knowing damn well I had nothing for lunch. But I needed a way out of having lunch with Gideon, so I didn’t miss my class.

“I have a lunch meeting with my team today. Sorry big man,”I said, without making eye contact.

Lying had never been something I was good at. I was afraid to look at any of the guys, sure that I would blurt out the truth. The idea of hurting them made me feel slightly ill. Then a small voice in my head bolstered me and sent the reminder that this wouldn’t be happening if they hadn’t tried to control me.