Page 37 of In Pieces

Pam nodded.“I put her in the conference room. I’ll stay close by.”

I made my way to the conference room. The wall was composed of windows, making it immediately clear who was waiting for me. Eyes turned my way, and it was clear I was being put under a microscope. There was no smile on the face of the small brunette from Club 4 as she watched me walk slowly toward the conference room door.

Suddenly, I regretted not bringing someone with me to the room. I didn’t know what she was doing here, but it was definitely about The Knights and it was unlikely to be anything good.

Pam hadn’t been wrong. She was dressed like one of our wealthy donors. She was wearing a suit that looked perfectly tailored for her body. She didn’t have a shirt under the jacket, allowing a generous view of her cleavage. Diamonds dripped from her ears and circled her wrists. Definitely more than was necessary for an office meeting.

My hesitation caused Pam to rush from the hall, but I couldn’t focus on what she was doing. I straightened my shoulders, and I saw an emotion cross the brunette’s face, something like humor, but it disappeared quickly. I stepped intothe conference room, prepared for whatever the woman was there to throw at me.

“Brooklyn, so nice to actually meet you,”she said, her voice taking on a fake sweetness that made my teeth hurt.

“I’m sorry, but you’ve caught me at a disadvantage. I don’t believe we had a meeting,”I replied. I kept my business mask on, keeping my roiling emotions off my face.

Suddenly, she raised her hand and wiggled her fingers at someone at the window. I turned just in time to see Frank’s mouth drop open and his eyes flash to me. He started for the door, but I held up a hand and shook my head to stop him. This woman couldn’t do anything to me in the middle of my office and frankly, something in me needed to hear what she was going to say. Frank shook his head and disappeared again.

“He’s like a trained puppy, isn’t he?”The brunette giggled.

“He’s good at his job,”I replied.

Her hand swept across the table, indicating the chairs on my side of the conference room.“Have a seat, Brooklyn. We have things to discuss.”

“As I didn’t have a meeting on my calendar and I still don’t know your name, I don’t know what we could have to discuss.”

“This isn’t about business, dear. I think you know that,”she replied. Her voice took on a venomous edge and for a moment, I could see through the veneer she was trying to throw up.

I pulled out a chair and perched on the edge, ready to jump and run if things did go badly. The woman smiled and nodded as she settled back into her chair, getting comfortable now that she had an audience.

“My name isn’t really important, but I’ll tell you, anyway. You can call me Missy,”she said.

“How can I help you, Missy?”

“Oh, I’m just here to chat, sweetie. Seems you were getting quite comfortable with my boys and I thought we should discuss that,”she said.

My heart sped up in my chest until I could hear it thundering in my ears. She had called them her boys at the club, too. Gideon, Oliver and Jaxon didn’t seem to be happy to see her, and I still wasn’t sure about Aiden. I had left before he and I really had the chance to discuss everything that had happened between us.

“Oh, sweetie, you’re surprised. I’m sorry,”Missy said, though her voice was anything but sorry.

I looked out the window of the conference room, not sure what I had hoped to find. The hallway was empty except for Pam watching from a distance. She had a hand to her mouth, chewing on her nails, her nervous tick. In the back of my mind, I wondered where Frank had gone and realizing he clearly knew the woman.

“I had assumed you’d have questions, but I seem to have caught you off guard. Cat got your tongue?”Missy asked.

I swiveled back to look at her, study her closer. My scars had been the things I hid from the world, the things I thought made me unattractive. Missy didn’t have visible scars, though she clearly had work done, without a line creasing her face. If I had to guess, she also had lip filler and a nose job. I wouldn’t have thought she was attractive, but I realized that was because her eyes allowed her ugliness to show.

“You clearly have an agenda to come here. Why don’t you say what you need to say?”I finally said.

“The Knights and I have history, old history, that ties us together. You’re really just a temporary distraction for them. From what I saw, you aren’t even good enough for Aiden,”she said.“Too early to have bumps in the road, isn’t it?”

“Everyone has a past. History. What makes you think they want you now?”I asked.

Missy held a hand in front of her hand, studying her nails for a moment. The move was so orchestrated I almost laughed out loud.

“We have so much shared history, things you will never have with them. You probably didn’t even know about our relationship or what they used to do to survive,”Missy said.

“I know enough. And I knew they had a similar relationship before me. They had nothing positive to say about the time. If I remember right, you tried to tear them apart,”I replied.

“We were basically children back then. They weren’t strong like they are now. They couldn’t handle me. I’m sure that would be different now. They all have…grown…into delectable men,”she said, using her hand to fan herself.“You aren’t living with them anymore, are you? Someone is going to need to warm their beds. They loved me. They will again.”

Icy rage pumped through my veins. The idea of Missy touching any of my men made me want to launch myself across the table and scratch her eyes out. I swallowed hard, working to control my face, my posture. My hands were gripped in my lap, my knuckles turning white, my nails digging into my skin. Missy’s eyes watched me critically and a slow smile crossed her face.