Page 17 of In Pieces

My phone rang in my hand, and I groaned when I saw Gideon’s name. I had texted, so that I could avoid theconversation I knew he would want to have. With nerves in my belly, I let the call go to voicemail. It immediately started to ring again, the action pushing the nerves out and replacing it with irritation. I locked my phone and pushed it back into my purse.

Ash did a little cheer across from me, encouraging my defiance. I wasn’t going to have one of my boyfriends tell me I couldn’t go dancing. I picked up my drink and downed the last bit, watching while Ash did the same. Suddenly, her eyes focused on something beside me and I looked over to find Frank with his phone in his hand.

“You’re kidding me,”I said.

“Gideon is trying to reach you,”Frank said.

Though Frank was all business, it was clear he was uncomfortable being the middle man. He held out his phone, and I glared at the offending device.

“It would be better for us all if you just talked to him now,”Frank said in a low voice.

I ripped the phone from his hand, glaring up at him now, feeling as if he had switched sides on me. He held up his hands in an innocent motion, but I wasn’t buying it. I put the phone to my ear.

“Yes, Gideon,”I said.

“Stellina, I was trying to call your phone. Is it not working?”

“I already told you what I was doing. I wasn’t sure what else there was to talk about,”I said.

The line got quiet for a moment and I almost pulled the phone from my ear to see if the call had dropped.

“I thought I made my position clear this morning, Brooklyn. We’re just trying to keep you safe,”he said, his voice low and slightly menacing.

“And I said I would take Frank. Plus, aren’t your guys at Club 4 really good at what they do? Lyle can’t get in there,”I reasoned.

“Still feels like a risk.”

“Well, sometimes life is risky. And I want to have fun with my best friend, end of story. So, we’re going. Can we use the VIP area?”I asked, throwing in a fake sweet tone at the end to get what I wanted.

“Yes. We’ll see you there.”

Then the line did go dead. I pulled the phone from my ear and stared at it. That son of a bitch. Because he couldn’t control me over the phone, he was going to crash my night out to make a point. I held the phone out to Frank, who took it gingerly, as if I was going to explode. He wasn’t far off.

“Frank, we’re going to Club 4.”

On the drive to the club, I explained that our night was about to get busier with three Knights in tow. Ash took it all in stride, though she was giving me feminist accolades for standing up against Gideon, even though he was big and intimidating.

“Nothing wrong with having that eye candy around. And if they keep you occupied, I can find my own,”she joked.

I pushed her shoulder and laughed just as Frank opened the sedan door for me. We were parked in the back of the club, in the 4K parking. I rolled my eyes, but I could admit having rich boyfriends that owned our favorite club did have its perks. We entered through the private back entrance and went up the stairs until we were on the owners VIP level.

For now, the level was empty, minus Viv, the normal waitress. She came up to us with a huge smile. I gave her a side hug. She had always been very nice to me whenever we were in the club, which was often enough. She didn’t question the relationships or why I had free rein, which I appreciated.

“Do you ever take a night off?”I said loudly, to be heard over the bumping music below.

“Sunday and Mondays every week. You are never here on a weeknight! Special occasion?”She asked.

“Just a night out with my best friend,”I replied, motioning to Ash.

I did quick introductions and Viv was off to grab us two of my favorite fruity drink. If I was going to be in the club on a weekday, I was going to enjoy myself. We settled ourselves into a booth with our drinks, laughing and talking more about life. When“Dirrty”by Christina Aguilera and Redman came on, Ash jumped up and grabbed my hand to go down to the dance floor.

As we made our way down the VIP stairs, I noticed the security guards watching us closely, no doubt instructions from Gideon before we arrived. Frank followed loosely, keeping us in sight the entire time. Pushing through the crowd, that was even packed for it not being a weekend, Ash and I started dancing.

Almost immediately, a man came up behind Ash, and his arm snaked around her waist. When she met my eyes, I scrunched my nose, knowing he wasn’t her type. She grabbed my hand, and I swung her out of the embrace until we were grinding together. She looked over at the guy, smiled sweetly, and waved him off. He turned around dejectedly, and Ash and I couldn’t help but giggle together.

The next guy that approached Ash caught her eye and she looked over at me for agreement. I gave her a smile. For a moment, I couldn’t find one thing attractive about the guy. My mind just compared him to my guys, and in every area I could see, he was lacking. But as I tried to pull that lens back, I could see where Ash would be attracted to him, so I nodded my head with a brighter smile this time.

The music slowed a bit, catching the crowd off guard with“Impatient”by Jeremih. Ash was in the arms of the new guy and they were swaying and grinding to the beat. A moment later, arms circled my waist, and I froze. I looked down and immediately didn’t recognize the person touching me. I spunaway, and the guy followed, trying to hold on to me and grind against me with the beat.