Page 13 of In Pieces

That was the exact opposite of Brooklyn. What we had was working. My brothers and I didn’t feel like any of us were less in the relationship. None of us felt like we had to fight fordominance or Brooklyn’s attention. We all had our piece with her, and it all added up to one whole.

That meant there were things we hadn’t been faced with before. When we were dating Missy, if she talked to one of us about another, it was always her talking shit, a lot of it untrue, and just to create chaos in our family. I didn’t believe Brooklyn would be that way, evident by the fact that she was even asking if it was ok to talk to me.

I had to make an executive decision. Sometimes she was going to need to confide in someone. There were four of us and if she needed something, I wanted to be sure she was getting that from us, emotional or physical.

“I think it’s ok if you need to talk and it has to do with one of my brothers,”I finally replied.

“Ok…well, Aiden picked me up from work today. When he came to the office, it was clear something was weighing on him. But then he was sweet, and we had some fun together,”she said, her voice taking on a slightly wistful tone.

“That sounds like a nice afternoon,”I said, trying to encourage her.

“It was. It really was. It’s just, for a moment, I thought I saw more of Aiden. I feel like he’s always keeping me at arm’s length. But as soon as he started to open a bit, he shut down. And he shut down hard,”she explained.

I didn’t really need her to explain how Aiden could be. Since we were teenagers, Aiden knew how to use words to cut to the bone. He was quick witted and way too fucking smart for most people in the room. And since the debacle with Missy, where Aiden was sure he was in love, he had avoided complications in the relationship department. I thought he was willing to try with Brooklyn and that was why he had started dating her as well.

“And I don’t like the feeling it gave me,”she continued.

Brooklyn propped herself up now, so she could look into my face while she spoke. I could see that tears were threatening again, and I reached my hand up and cupped her cheek. She leaned into the caress and closed her eyes for a moment.

“None of you have ever made me feel like what we have is wrong. But how Aiden treated me, I just felt dirty. And it made me hate everything I thought he and I were building together. I think I was wrong about him. But I hope I wasn’t wrong about all of you,”she said, her voice getting small at the end.

Anger and panic flared in me. I was back to wanting to storm into Aiden’s office and punch him in the jaw. I didn’t speak for all of my brothers, but I was pretty positive Oliver and Gideon felt the way I felt. Brooklyn was perfect for us, perfect for our family, perfect for our home. I wanted her to feel cherished and as priceless as she was at all times.

“Don’t do that. Aiden has his own fucking issues. That has nothing to do with me, Oliver, or Gideon. I promise you,”I said, my voice harsher than I meant.

I pulled her face down to mine so I could kiss her sweetly, holding back all the desire I always had in me when she was around. I just wanted to pour unspoken emotions into her without scaring her from the house completely.

When she leaned back, she smiled sweetly down at me, before laying back down on my chest.

“Could we just sleep and cuddle tonight?”She asked.

There wasn’t anything she could ask for that I wasn’t going to give her.




Pleasure coursed through my body.I was fuzzy, just waking up, trying to distinguish reality from dream. As I tried to shift, a steel band came across my hips. I opened my eyes and realized I was lying on my back in the middle of my bed in the Knights’house.

Another wave of pleasure coasted through me and my back bowed involuntarily, a moan escaping my mouth. A chuckle from between my thighs had my gaze snapping down my body. I was met with the sight of Jaxon’s face buried at my core, his tattooed arm holding my hips down.

His tongue circled my clit before dipping into my entrance, and I moaned again. His eyes lifted to meet mine and desire shown in his chocolate brown depths. I was now fully awake and able to participate in the sexual delight that was happening.

As he moved back to my clit, I grabbed at his short brown hair, trying to guide him where I wanted him to stay. I grounded myself against his mouth, grasping at the orgasm that was causing my thighs to start to tremble. I cried out as I fell over into bliss and Jaxon slowly kissed up my body, until he was laying next to me.

“Good morning, love,”he growled in my ear.

“Mmmm,”I mumbled.

“I’m not done with you yet.”

He turned me so I was on my side, my ass cradled against his hips. His hand slid up my shirt, to my hardened nipples, pinching them before drifting down my stomach. His palm glided along my hip, until he could pull my leg back over his, then he pushed my upper back away from him, giving him the perfect access to my wetness.

My orgasm made his entry smooth and slick, both of us groaning as he bottomed out.

“I can’t get over how fucking good you feel. I could sink into your pussy every day for the rest of my life,”he groaned.