Page 88 of In Pieces

I cleared my throat, realizing that I was making everything way more awkward than necessary.

“I wanted to come and thank you for real, instead of snapping at you. I realized that it’s been a week or so and I should have said this before. But thank you for what you did to help the guys find me. And thank you for stopping Buzz…”I trailed off and looked down, not wanting to put to words what almost happened to me.

Cain’s heat hit me before I realized he had approached me. My head snapped up just as one of his fingers came under my chin, angling my face up even further. He continued to have the detached look in his eyes, but he studied me closely.

“For some reason, princess, I think I would burn the city to the ground if it meant saving you again.”

I couldn’t think straight, and his body was entirely too close to me. I forced myself to take a step back, and Cain’s hand dropped to his side.

“I…I’m not sure…why?”I asked.

“That’s the question, isn’t it?”He said.

I felt so confused. The feelings that were rioting around inside my stomach were familiar to me, but they were usually always associated with one of my men. I remembered theconversation with Jaxon in my office when he explained how our relationships worked. I could be with the brothers, but other men were off limits. And just at that moment, I felt a sliver of regret for that rule.

“Um, ok. Well, I need to go. Thank you again. And thank you for not making Jaxon go to his father. I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself if that was how far he had to go to save me.”I started toward the door.

“Anytime, princess. And feel free to come visit me whenever you feel like.”

I glanced back toward Cain and a lopsided grin was on his face and I knew he could read my emotions all over my face. I rushed out of the pool house and quickly closed the door behind me. Away from the effect of Cain, I took a deep breath of the clean outdoor air. With my heart under control, I made my way back to the main house.

As I opened the back door, Jaxon came around the corner and froze. His eyes widened when he saw me, but he didn’t approach. I hated the way they all seemed on edge around me and I knew my self imposed quarantine had created a tense situation. I took a chance and walked to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He hesitated for just a split second before his arms came around my back, pressing me to him.

“Where have you been, love?”Jaxon asked.

“I went to see Cain. I needed to thank him.”

Jaxon snorted, causing me to pull back to look up into his face.

“I’m sure he enjoyed that.”He grinned down at me.

“What do you mean?”I asked.

I knew how Cain made me feel, but he was distant with me. However, I thought about what he had said and I knew there was something else going on inside his head, even if his face didn’t show it.

“Nothing. We’ll talk about it later. How are you feeling?”Jaxon asked, his eyes searching mine.

“I’m ok. Cain lectured me, kinda kicked my ass into gear, I guess. He made me realize I needed to start moving on, somehow.”

“Cain can be an ass, so don’t let his words weigh too heavily on you,”Jaxon said.

I shook my head before laying it back against Jaxon’s shoulder.“He wasn’t wrong.”

Jaxon was silent, but his hand rubbed my back softly and it made me melt into him just a bit more. It was then I realized I smelled something delicious and my stomach suddenly growled. Jaxon released me and put his hands on my shoulders to move me back.


“Yeah, I guess so.”I smiled up at him.

“Gideon’s cooking, because nothing else seems to help him. Let’s go get some food in you.”

Jaxon’s hand slid down my arm until he could intertwine our fingers. He squeezed my hand, and I squeezed back, assuring him that his touch was completely welcome. It actually made me realize what I needed, and I would need to talk to them about it. After I told them the truth of everything that I had been through.

As Jaxon led me toward the kitchen, my cell phone chimed in my pocket. Pulling out the device, I realized I had missed a call from the hospital. I stopped walking and Jaxon looked back at me.

“I need to return this call. I’ll come to the kitchen after, ok?”

Indecision crossed Jaxon’s face for just a moment, but he cleared it before I could comment on it. He nodded, lifting my hand to his mouth. The kiss he pressed against my knuckles was innocent, but the feeling rocketed through me. My reaction to it almost brought tears to my eyes. For just a moment I didn’t feelbroken. I just felt like the woman that couldn’t get enough of the man standing in front of me.