Page 83 of In Pieces

When I just raised an eyebrow at him, he sighed and showed me the bottle.“Pain killers. The doctor said we needed to stay ahead of the pain, so you don’t suffer.”

“Yes…nurse,”I said, gulping down the pills with the cool water.

“I’ll make you pay for that later.”Jaxon’s voice pitched low into a playful growl, causing me to cough on water.

“Hey, you’re not supposed to kill her, you’re supposed to help heal her,”Ash said, before bursting out into laughter.

“Whose side are you on?”I asked, after I could stop coughing.

“I’m just here to watch the show, girl.”




I wasn’tsure how many days I had stayed in my room. The black-out curtains stayed drawn, and I only got up to go to the bathroom. Jaxon came in like clockwork to ensure I was taking my meds. Gideon brought in three meals a day, though I wasn’t finishing everything on my plate. Ash came in and laid in the bed with me during the day, giving me support in a silent manner.

Silence was my only companion. After the first day, everyone stopped trying to talk to me. They realized I wasn’t ready, so they came to check on me, but no one forced me to speak. My throat was feeling better every day, however I hadn’t tried to use my voice in a few days, so I wasn’t sure I was sounding any better.

Gideon had just left my lunch. He quietly left, closing the door behind him. I sat up in bed and picked at the pear salad he had brought me. My fork was between my mouth and my bowl when my door opened again, startling me. I dropped the fork when I saw Cain standing in the doorway. The rough-looking man had avoided speaking with me since I got home, not that I had given him too many chances.

“How long is it you’re going to hide yourself away in here, huh?”

“Excuse me?”

My voice was a whisper, as if I had forgotten how to use it. Cain didn’t seem to allow an argument as he stalked into the room, going straight to my curtains. He ripped back the material, allowing the offending sun to blind me.

“What are you doing?”I exclaimed, my voice gaining some strength.

“Opening the window.”

“Obviously. Why?”I crossed my arms across my chest, realizing I was wearing my camisole nighty and nothing else.

“Because the sun is good for you.”

His overly obvious answers were starting to annoy me and he seemed to know it as he took up a spot next to the windows. I couldn’t help myself as my eyes roamed over his body. He was dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt. His feet were bare, which caught my attention immediately. His blue hair was swept back, but fell forward into his eyes when he moved. The shaved sides of his head had dark stubble, that I was pretty sure he liked to keep clean, but hadn’t made it to the barber lately.

Hazel eyes locked onto mine and I couldn’t find the strength to look away. I stared back into his face, refusing to back down or lose whatever battle of wills we seemed to be having. A small grin appeared on Cain’s face, and his lip ring glinted in the sunlight. He stepped forward, walking slowly toward the bed, until he was perched on the edge, looking at me.

“The guys treat you like you’re made of glass. Not forcing you to leave this room for days. I have no such inclination.”

I sputtered for a moment before remembering how to speak.“What is it any of your business?”

“Oh, it’s not, really, yeah? But for some reason, I feel the need to push your buttons.”

Deciding I didn’t want to seem bothered by him, I picked up my fork again. Though I didn’t really feel like eating, I had to admit that the salad was delicious, as was almost anything Gideon put on a plate for me. I felt bad for not eating the food he was taking the time to prepare. I knew if he was bringing me three meals a day, he was likely not going to work, making me even more of an inconvenience.

After I was halfway done with the salad, I looked up to find Cain sitting in the same place, watching me eat. I raised an eyebrow and waited for him to say the next quippy remark he was coming up with. He just tilted his head and stared back.

“What do you want, Cain?”

He moved until he was lounging across the foot of my bed. My mouth dropped open, shocked at his audacity to make himself so comfortable in my room.

“How long are you planning on doing this?”He repeated his original question.

“Doing what?”I pushed my hair out of my face and fidgeted with the lettuce left in my bowl.