Page 60 of In Pieces

When he got to the center of my bra, he slipped the knife under and yanked up hard. The material split and my breasts spilled free. Instinctually, I brought my hands up to cover myself, but Lyle slid the knife under my nipple and I froze my movements. I could feel my nipples budding in the cold air, and Lyle moaned low in his throat as he circled the peak with his knife.

“So responsive, as always, my little Bee,”he groaned.

“This isn’t for you,”I said through gritted teeth.

The knife point drifted down my stomach and over one hip, and Lyle moved down my body. He was too focused on the skin where his blade touched to even respond to me. I tried to lie perfectly still, afraid to anger him further, afraid of what his nextplan was. If he wanted to kill me, my mind screamed for him to just get it over with. I couldn’t handle him touching me any further.

Suddenly, pain lanced through my thigh and I screamed out. I tried to roll away, but Lyle trapped my leg under him as he carved shallow cuts into my skin. Each time the blade sliced, I would scream, my voice echoing throughout the warehouse. I screamed for Lyle to stop. I begged and pleaded, but he ignored me. His gaze was hot on where my blood ran from his slices.

Once he was done with his marks, he leaned back and inspected his work. Then he pushed my thighs apart, causing me to cry out again as he pressed against the wounds. He slid his hips between my thighs and I tried to back up and get away. He grabbed my hips and anchored me to the concrete, pushing me down painfully as he ground his erection into my core.

I began to gag and I could feel the vomit burning my throat. My mind was going fuzzy with the pain of my leg and I wanted to escape the feel of Lyle’s body against mine, even with him being fully clothed. Lyle leaned down and slid his tongue around one of my nipples, and the sensation seemed to snap reality back into place. Before I could react, he bit down around my nipple, breaking the skin.

This time, I didn’t just cry out. Acting as if I was trying to cover my breasts, I shifted an arm around my chest. As Lyle sat up to grab it, I slammed my elbow into his jaw. The blow wasn’t hard, but it was enough to cause him to sit up and let go of my hips. He sat back and I could see fury dancing in his eyes as he dropped the knife and rubbed at his jaw.

Pulling up the leg that wasn’t cut, I snapped out a kick that landed right in his chest and he fell backward. His head bounced off the concrete with a satisfying thunk and I knew that caused more damage than my actual kick did. With him off of me, I carefully climbed to my feet, no longer wanting to be vulnerableto him. I avoided looking at the cuts on my leg, because I knew it would pull me into a spiral of emotions that I couldn’t deal with at the moment.

“You fucking bitch,”Lyle moaned from the ground.

He was too far for me to reach, or I would have tried to jump on the advantage I had for the moment. The distance was increased as he rolled away from me. He slowly climbed to his feet and turned to glare at me. Before he could react, I snapped out a foot, trying to reach the knife that he had dropped, but my toes barely brushed the handle.

Lyle quickly collected the weapon and stared at me hatefully. I crossed my arms over my bare breasts and backed away from him, afraid of what his next attack would be. As he sheathed his knife and started to back away from me, I watched him warily. I didn’t let down my guard until the door closed behind him as he left.

I stood naked, shivering. I dropped my arms and tears sprung to my eyes as I studied the bite on my breast. My breath began to heave out as my mind began to crumble. I didn’t want to look at my leg, but the pain demanded attention. On the inside of the thigh that had previously been unmarred, the word MINE was carved, blood still seeping from each slice Lyle had made in my flesh.

I couldn’t stop the choking vomit that sprung up my throat. Spinning toward the wall, I let loose the bile that had been threatening since Lyle entered the room. I hadn’t eaten anything in hours and I was soon dry heaving.

Moving away from my puke, I spun toward the door, listening for Lyle or anyone else. It was then I started to scream. My desperation bounced around the room as I panicked and cried, hoping someone would hear me. I didn’t have any idea of where the warehouse was located, but I couldn’t let go of the hope that someone might walk by.

Realizing my blood was everywhere, I paused and looked down at my leg. The cuts weren’t horribly deep, but they weren’t clotting.

“Need to put pressure on it,”I mumbled to myself.

My torn clothing was the only option of bandage I had. I walked as far as my restraint would allow. The cloth was only a few feet away. Having a goal helped clear my thoughts, and I was able to breathe deeply to calm my galloping heart.

Careful of my injuries, I laid on my stomach and stretched my body until I could grab the pile and pull it toward me. A small thrill of victory passed through me as I defied Lyle and got my clothes back. That thrill was short lived as I realized the clothes really had been cut into pieces.

Using my torn skirt, I wrapped two pieces around the word branded into me and tied them off tight. I hissed in pain at the pressure, but not seeing Lyle’s claim of me made breathing even easier. My shirt was a loss, but I was able to use the leftover pieces if my skirt to tie around my breasts, giving me the illusion of coverage.

With my last task completed, I sat down carefully and pulled my knees to my chest. I knew Lyle wasn’t finished with me. He had been surprised by me fighting back, and I was sure he was reevaluating his plan for me. Making his abuse of me more difficult was the only weapon I had, and I planned to use it to the best of my ability.




The day dragged on,with only the position of the sun to tell me the time. I periodically screamed and tried to fight against the restraint. A voice in my head told me it was all futile. However, I was afraid to stop fighting, afraid it would cause the madness in my mind to take over.

I was being dragged down into my past, into the damage I had gone to years of therapy to heal. It was a place I thought I had put into a box and pushed into a dark abyss of my brain. But now that box had sprung open, and I was flashing back to the same defenseless child of a drug addict, who attached herself to a man who wanted her as a possession.

Exhausted, as the sun seemed to be setting again, I curled up on the concrete. I had tried to make a nest of sorts out of the last pieces of my shirt and skirt, but it did nothing to stop the chill that settled into my body. My thigh stung and burned, the bite mark on my breast pulled every time I tried to move.

I laid there wondering if Lyle’s plan was to break me, cut pieces from me, little by little. He was a master at psychological manipulation, something I learned and accepted in therapy. I fell under his implied charms as a young girl and let the fog of belonging hide all the horrible things he was actually doing to me.

Things were different now. I was no longer the weak little child, being brought to the group home whenever my mother was too high to remember she had a daughter. I had grown into a woman that had found the strength she had inside. And more recently, the confidence I had always lacked was surfacing. Thanks mostly to my new relationships with the Knights.

The pain was worse when I thought of them, wondered where they were, what they were doing. I had to fight down sickness when I thought about the chance that Missy had gone to them today. Would she act like she was sympathetic about my disappearance? Would she try to comfort them? I believed what I had said to her. They wouldn’t take her back just because I was missing. I would have to be dead and even then, I knew how Gideon felt about her. She had no chance with my guys.