Page 57 of In Pieces

My eyes flew to Jaxon and his face went white. How was it possible that our pasts were connecting in more than one way?

“Why would Randy be fucking with us now?”Aiden growled out.

“So I’m not sure he even knows. What I was trying to find was where Lyle was getting funds. He obviously isn’t showing up for his parole appointments, there are warrants for him. But he’s living on something. I saw someone that looked a lot like him picking up shit from one of my dad’s guys. That was before Jaxon called and I got a photo of the prick,”Cain explained.

“That could explain how he’s staying off the radar of the cops and still making enough money to pull the shit he’s been up to,”Gideon said.

“If Randy is involved somehow, we need to know that. Is there a way for you to get accounting information, Cain?”Aiden asked.

Cain took a sip from the tumbler before looking at it like he was astonished.“You guys do everything fucking fancy, don’t you?”

“Cain...”Jaxon said.

“What’s the point of having money if we don’t drink well? The accounting?”Aiden said, a wry grin on his face.

Cain looked around the room, taking in the dark decor of Aiden’s office before focusing on the man behind the desk.

“Maybe. But if Randy’s books man catches me, it’ll be a problem. I can’t tell him what I’m up to,”Cain said, pointedly looking at Jaxon.

“If my father is involved, I don’t give a shit if he knows we’re working on this. Brooklyn is the priority, and we aren’t fucking around with Randy and his business. We just want her back,”Jaxon said with conviction I wasn’t sure he felt.

My brothers and I all nodded in agreement. Cain let out a low whistle, looking at each of us.

“What is she to you all, anyway? Jaxon made her sound important before, but seems she’s more than important.”

“She’s ours,”I replied.

“Yours? Like all of yours?”Cain asked.

“Does that really matter, Cain?”Aiden asked, his irritation shining through.

“Not really. Just curious what this woman has, to have you all willing to dive back into the trenches for her,”Cain said. He shrugged his shoulder, indicating he didn’t really care.

“Find out if Randy is involved in Brooklyn’s abduction, or if he knows that Lyle is connected to her. We don’t want to be surprised by anything,”Aiden said.

Cain nodded, tossing back the last of the alcohol in his tumbler.

“What’s the plan until then?”He asked.

Aiden looked to Jaxon and me, his eyes asking how much we trusted Cain. I was surprised Aiden agreed to Cain being involved in the first place. Though I grew up with Cain, I could admit I didn’t know what type of adult he had grown into. I wanted to believe the good kid, with a sense of humor and a trickster gleam in his eye, hadn’t been ruined by the life he was leading.

Jaxon didn’t hesitate to nod, and I followed suit. Maybe this would help Cain, as well as us. We left Cain behind once, and I felt more than guilt about that when I thought about it. For years, I hadn’t thought of him, and until Jaxon had called to ask him for help, I had never known for sure that he was still in Randy’s organization. We had gotten out before Randy became too powerful. Now he had an iron grip on his men, Cain included.

“We try to convince someone of the impossible,”Aiden said.

Cain looked around the room again and a goofy grin broke out across his face.

“I’m so in.”




It had beenmy idea to pull out all the stops and wading into territory we had fought to stay out of. Brooklyn was worth every step we had to take. Now that we were riding to Club 4 with Cain in the limo, I felt an anxiety in my gut I hadn’t experienced in years. It was the same feeling I used to have when we weresecretly planning our escape from Randy’s business. Since then, I’d felt in control of my life. Until the day Brooklyn was taken.

Cain was calm and cool as we talked about tricking Missy into thinking we were open to her affections. The words were acid on my tongue and I was sure bile was rising in my throat. The idea of letting Missy close enough to touch me made me imagine what it would feel like wrapping my fingers around her throat and squeezing. Even though that image was more palatable in my mind, I knew we needed the information she had.