Page 28 of In Pieces

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I tried to work the morning away, keeping my mind focused on my tasks and not on what was to come. Lunch came, and I was relieved to leave the confines of my office. Frank drove me to my class without a word, but his silence was enough for me to know he really didn’t approve of this continuing.

I was determined to not get hurt again in this class, so as I dressed I pushed everything from my mind. When I got to the mat and was paired up with a partner, my mind was completely in the movements and I wasn’t caught off guard again. I took out my aggression during our bag work, and my partner commented on me needing to lighten up a bit.

My teacher stopped me as I was going into the locker room. He waited while all the other students left and I stood and stared at him, waiting for whatever was coming.

“Brooklyn, nice job today. You seemed a bit aggressive, but that’s ok. Everything good?”He asked.

“Yes, sir. I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful next time,”I replied.

“No, no. I want to see you bring that much strength to every class. I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t check in with my students once in a while,”he said, laying a hand on my upper arm.

The gesture was casual, but his hand lingered. I fought the urge to look down at my arm and make an obvious issue with him touching me. He smiled kindly at me. I knew he wasn’t much older than I was, but I looked at him as an authority figure and the private moment started to feel uncomfortable. I was just debating on stepping back, when he dropped his hand.

“I was also wondering, hopefully, I’m not being too forward, if you would like to get a drink with me one evening. After you’re off work, of course,”he said.

Before the shock could paint itself across my features, I schooled my face into kind resignation.

“Oh, thank you for the offer, really. But I have a boyfriend,”I replied.

Disappointment flashed across his eyes, but he smiled brightly again and nodded.

“Understood. Good job, again. See you at the next class,”he said, before turning to move toward the gym office.

I let out a huge gush of air, glad the uncomfortable moment was over. In the locker room, I slowly dressed and let the moment replay in my mind. The instructor was handsome and fit. Often, he fought without a shirt and it was hard not to notice the way his muscles were sculpted. However, noticing wasn’t the same as being attracted to him, which I wasn’t. All I saw was all the ways my guys were more attractive to me.

Which only made going to Ash’s even harder. I wanted to be with them, even if they were pigheaded and controlling. The desire to just run into their arms at every opportunity was still in me. They had ignited a sexual awakening that most people probably had when they were younger than me. But even that didn’t mean they controlled me as a person. There needed to be respect and understanding between us as well.

In the car on the way back to the office, I decided to drop the bomb on Frank.

“Frank, instead of going back to the office, can you take me to the house?”I asked.

Frank glanced up at me in the rearview mirror, his brow furrowed in question.

“Are you done for the day?”

“No. But I need to get some things from the house before the guys get home,”I replied.

I knew I was hedging and not coming right out with it, but I needed Frank on my side for this. Gideon would freak out about my safety, but if Frank was already agreeing to watch the apartment and still drive me, it might make it easier on the big man.

“Ok. What’s going on, Brooklyn?”Frank asked bluntly.

“I’m going to stay with Ash for a few days until things calm down at the house. I’m hoping you’ll keep your position with me, but at the apartment,”I said.

Frank didn’t say anything, but I did see he was changing our direction, taking a turn that would lead him away from the office.

“I can’t cover that on my own, Brooklyn. I have to sleep. Gideon will need to hire a second man,”Frank finally said.

Shit, I thought to myself. I hadn’t considered that Frank didn’t watch the house when I was there. It was protected by a wall and an alarm and four guys that could handle anything that came our way. I chewed the edge of my thumbnail, thinking. Frank continued driving toward the house while I pondered.

When he pulled through the gate, I held my breath, worried one of them would come out of the front door as soon as we pulled up. But when Frank opened my door, there was no movement anywhere. I felt relieved, but also sick about leaving without facing them. I just knew if I saw them, I’d cave and that wouldn’t solve anything.

In my room, I quickly packed a few outfits from the closet and grabbed items that I needed from the dresser. Once I had everything packed in a suitcase, I stood and stared around the room. I tried not to let my eyes linger on the bed, where I had spent so many nights in the arms of my guys.

And they were mine. Even though I was angry with them at the moment, and needed to get some space, it didn’t stop how I felt about them. I knew that would be hard for them to understand. Thinking of that, I set down the suitcase again and went to the small desk my room had. I fished out a small piece of paper and wrote a short message. I knew one of them would be looking for me eventually, especially after the blow up during breakfast.

I only spared one last look at my room before jogging down the stairs with my suitcase. Tension thrummed through my body, holding me taunt as I looked around every corner. I didn’t fear seeing them, I didn’t fear them hurting me. I was more afraid that they would find a way to stop me.

In the foyer, I hesitated and glanced around. Everything was still and silent, the only noise the beeping of the buttons as I set the alarm again. Closing the door behind me was the hardest thing I had done. Frank took my suitcase as I leaned against the front door, trying to comfort my heart before I had even left.