Page 54 of Was I Ever Real

She pushes against my chest with just enough force that our lips part and I crash back to reality, causing my hold on her to slacken.

Her breath hitches slightly when she looks at me, stepping away from my arms. “You fucking twat,” she growls through a smile—still trying to keep up appearances. But there’s a lot less heat to her words than I expected.

“What?” I goad, swiping my hand down my mustache, effectively hiding my smirk. “I felt like kissing my wife. What’s wrong with that?”

She stares at me like I’m an imbecile.

“I hope you enjoyed that because you’re not about to do that again any time soon,” she replies, through a forced smile, turning her back to me and heading towards the bar.

“Care to wager, darling?” I tease.

I watch her shoulders rise, and her steps falter but resume quickly without acknowledging what I just said. I chuckle low, following right behind and slip beside her when we reach the bar. Lenix ignores me, flagging the bartender and ordering a Patrón on ice, and I order a mezcal neat. While we wait, I lean my weight on my elbow, assuming a casual pose while I do another sweep of the room. My eyes finally catch on Governor Morrissey.

Tall and lithe, a perfect picture of health for sixty-six. He looks nothing like his nephew, who oddly looks older than him while being in his early fifties. The governor’s salt and pepper hair is cut short and swept to the side, a neatly trimmed dark beard adorning his face, blue eyes sparkling as he greets his constituents with hearty handshakes. A small crowd is forming around him and my attention lands on Mayor Hawkins standing behind the governor. I nearly burst out laughing when I notice jealousy written clear across Hawkins face. He looks like a spoiled son standing in his father’s shadow.

The bartender returns with our order and I turn to Lenix to tell her we’re headed over there. I’m immediately distracted by her taking a quick sip, a small drop of alcohol slipping over her bottom lip, her tongue darting out to catch it. I groan.

Jesus fucking Christ.

“Stop that,” I bite out.

She rolls her eyes. “I didn’t do anything, Connor. I’m just standing here.”

Annoyed, I wave my hand in the air as if to dismiss what just happened. I take Lenix by the hand and surprisingly I feel her fingers coil around mine. “It’s time to play, darling. Let’s go dazzle the governor with your beauty, shall we? I hear he loves pretty young things,” I say with an arrogant bite.

“I’m notthatyoung,” I hear Lenix grumble behind me as if that’s the point worth debating while the crowds part for us with ease. We weave through bodies, pretentious cologne and old lady perfume clinging to my clothes, my eyes nearly water at the intensity of it all. Finally, we reach the other side of the room, making my presence known to the mayor first. He seems pleased to see me, at least one bastard is paying attention to him at his own event.

“Connor, my boy!” he bellows.

Fucking hell, I hate when he calls me that. I accept his brandished hand anyway, while his other hand lands on my shoulder practically shaking me where I stand.

“Always a pleasure, Henry,” I answer with a tight smile. “You remember my wife Lenix.”

His eyes sweep over to her, and I grind my teeth as I watch him drink her in, like she’s something to be enjoyed by anyone other thanme.

“Of course! How could I forget that face?” He winks at her, and my entire body tightens. He then smiles back at me conspiratorially. “And how can I forget such a whirlwind love story? Still in your honeymoon phase I hope?”

“More than ever,” Lenix answers for us with such delicate grace, I almost believe her.

“Enjoy it while it lasts, kids.”

He winksagain. My jaw ticks but I keep the rest of my face relaxed. You’d think he’d know better than to call the leader of the Sin Eaters,kid. But I afford him the slight, tallying it up and adding it to all the other stupid shit he’s ever told me over the years, biding my time. I have no doubt I’ll end up killing him one day. I let my frustration filter into that locked vault until I need to use it—and paste on a permanent smile.

“We sure are,” I reply, my arm finding Lenix’s waist like a magnetized puzzle piece.

The mayor’s eyes look over my shoulder and his face falls for a split second before fixing the fakest fucking smile I’ve seen tonight. I don’t need to turn my head to know who’s approaching us from behind. Governor Morrissey is finally coming our way.

Chapter 33

“ThereyouareHenry,”Governor Morrissey says.

I watch Mayor Hawkins’ eyebrows dip but smooth out quickly. “Been here the whole time Josiah,” he answers tight-lipped.

“And who do we have here?” Morrissey asks, looking Connor up and down, barely affording a glance my way.

Great, one of those.

“Connor Maxwell, sir. Pleasure to meet you. And this is my wife Lenix.” He exchanges a hard handshake with him and still, the old man barely looks at me.