Page 6 of Was I Ever Real

“Anyway, what’s this meeting about? New client?” I ask.

Sunny pops her head up and settles back in front of her computer looking guilty. “Of sorts.”

“Of so—"

Before I can even finish my question, I’m cut off.

“Ladies,” a deep smug voice drawls from the door.

My heart drops to the very depths of hell knowing exactly who that voice belongs to. Bespoke three-piece suit over broad shoulders, eyes as black as his slicked back hair, sun-kissed white skin, square jaw and a perfectly trimmed mustache over full lips. When my eyes finally land on the devil himself, I’m not surprised to find him leaning lazily against the doorframe looking like a bored king gracing his royal presence to the masses.

Chapter 4

“Ohforfuck’ssake,”Lenix exclaims and I flash her a side grin, pushing myself off the doorframe and strolling into their small office, peering around half-interestedly.

“So this is where the magic happens,” I say, sliding my hands into my perfectly tailored navy slacks. “Cute.”

“Sunny!” Lenix practically screeches, looking like she’s about to launch herself over the desk and wrestle her best friend into finally looking at her. “What ishedoing here?”

I chuckle, dropping my ass down on the green velvet couch close to the door. “What darling? You can’t even say my name now?” I give her a mock pout I’ve seen her do a thousand times before. “You wound me,” I say, placing a hand over my heart to further taunt her.

“I swear to fucking God Connor—"

“Okay, everyone shut up,” Sunny interrupts our bickering—right when it was getting interesting—and stands up facing both of us, hands on her hips. She looks like she’s getting ready to scold a bunch of unruly children.

“Lenix,” she says firmly, her index pointing straight at her. “Did you not just tell me I was the planning part of this whole thing? Well, this is me planning.”

Lenix’s mouth slams shut as she listens to her best friend nullify her petulance towards me and I laugh under my breath. At the sound, Sunny’s shoulders shoot up to her ears, spinning on her heels to face me fully. “Andyou.” That same pointed finger is now being shoved against my shoulder. “You’re the boss of the biggest crime organization on the West Coast for Christ’s sake, maybe start acting like it.”

I drop the smile, seeing Lenix trying to conceal a smug look on her face and I roll my eyes. “I liked you better when you were terrified of me.”

She lets out a small huff and falls back into her desk chair. “Can you two be civil for one fucking second while we discuss this?Please.”

“What do you even need planning for anyway?” Lenix asks with slight disgust.

“My birthday is coming up.” Her eyebrows shoot up, but I don’t let her comment before continuing, “I need a reason to have some of the most important players in the city in one room. Perfect excuse really,” I say while casually stretching my arms across the back of the couch.

“Which is?” she asks.

“Wouldn’t you love to know, darling,” I drawl, pinning her with my stare and feeling her body tense from across the room.

I could do this all day.

“So,” Sunny jumps in, sounding all business-like, which makes me smirk remembering the party girl I first met three and half years ago. “Not only will this be the biggest event we’ve ever planned but this will also be the most influential party of the year. This could be huge for us, Len.”

She stares at her for a beat and finally exhales long and deep. “Fine.”

“Fine?” Sunny repeats.

“Fine,” she answers glumly, crossing her arms over her chest. “How long do we have?”

Sunny perks up. “April, so a little over two months.”

“It’ll cost you a pretty penny,” Lenix tells me with a superior look, a challenging glint in her eyes.

“Shocking,” I deadpan while standing up and smoothing my hands over my suit jacket with a bored expression. “Anyway, this has been quite the delight.” I take one last glance at Lenix, winking at her. I swear her ears burn red before I head for the door. “I’ll have Byzantine forward you the details,” I tell Sunny from over my shoulder, not even bothering to wait for a confirmation, and walk out of the office.

“What’s up with the porn ‘stache anyway?” I hear Byzantine say from above me.