Page 57 of Was I Ever Real

But I know Lenix. She’d shut down and lie if I’d even come close to forcing the truth out of her. So I let her be, and planned on teasing it out of her over the next few days.

But then I discover her bedroom empty?

I finally land on what I've been searching for after a few minutes of rewinding the recording. It only confirms what I already know. Lenix is trying to run. Suddenly, all this anger built up inside me is redirected back at myself becausesomething happened last night.

Someone must have gotten to her, and I just stood there and watched her unravel.

She asked me to protect her—and I did nothing.

I rewatch the footage, grinding my teeth and realize the timestamp is only from an hour ago. She might still be in the city. I dial Bastian’s number and bark through the phone when he answers. “Did you ever put that tracker on Lenix’s car?”

There’s silence across the line and I want to reach through the phone and rip out his fucking throat when he finally sighs heavily, “Of course, I did.”

“Ping me her location right the fuck now.”

Hanging up, I throw a white shirt and black jeans on and run out the door.

Twenty minutes later, I’m banging on Lenix’s apartment door, having bullied someone into letting me into the building. I question if she’s left her car in the parking lot but pound the door some more until I finally hear the lock turn.

“What the hell is wrong with you,” she hisses, grabbing my arm and pulling me inside.

“I could ask you the same question.” I leer at her, curling my lip in disdain. “You know the whole running away, works better when you actuallyleave.”

“You didn’t even give me the fucking chance!”

“So you were trying to run then...” I say with more vulnerability than intended.

She crosses her arms and gives me one of her looks that typically amuses me but right now all I can muster up is resentment.

“Leave me alone, Connor.”

Resentment turns to rage.

“It’s a little too late for that, darling,” I growl.

I stalk towards her, but then something catches my attention, my eyes landing on the diamond ring still on her finger. Her gaze follows mine and she quickly hides it behind her other hand.

I chuckle darkly, swiping my thumb against my bottom lip when I realize that her little escape was a feeble attempt at best. Some half-hearted bullshit. Or maybe all these little missteps were her subconscious screaming to be heard. Especially when something else dawns on me.

“You were gonna leave without your stupid cat?”

Her eyes well up, growing ever so wide, and she suddenly looks painfully innocent. Like she was never meant for this life. Like one day she just took a wrong turn and ended up here—with me.

“I didn’t know what else to do.” Her voice is so low, I barely hear her.

I watch as a single tear falls and travels down her cheek.

Two long strides and I’m pulling Lenix into me, her lips trembling as both my hands cradle her face. I force her to look at me, eyes still swimming in a torrent of sadness and I can barely contain the murderous rage building inside of me.

“You can trust me, Lenix. Tell me who to kill and I will.” I drag in a deep breath before speaking again. “I can’t protect you if you keep lying to me. I just want to keep you safe.”

More tears spill down her cheeks, but she keeps eye contact andGodshe’s so fucking beautiful it hurts.

“You’re going to hate me,” she whispers.

I smile, gently kissing her forehead before fixing my gaze back on hers.

“My darling, I already do.” Her smirk is genuine but weak, at least it’s something. “Are you going to tell me the truth this time?” Her eyes widen in what feels like fear but nods, her face still cradled in my palms. “That’s my good girl.”