“That wasn’t a negotiation, Bishop, that was a promise. Carlina isn’t going to run shit and if you force my hand we’ll disappear and I guarantee you, no hacker will find us. If you don’t believe me just think back to when you couldn’t find her for months while she was with me in Brazil.” His jaw is locked as he tries to tame his anger. “Don’t force my hand. If it is something she wants to do for herself and not because you demanded it, I’ll stand by her side and keep her safe every fucking day of my life.”

* * *

We all have our night vision googles on and are strapped with vests, helmets and ear pieces. I’m packing heat all over my body and have my blades strapped to each thigh. I lift my Barrett M82 sniper. It’s fitted with a silencer and the perfect gun for what I need. I scope out the area making sure that there is a clear path for Bishop and his men to get through. King is leading the other half with Gage around the other side where they have another sniper set up. I’m the best long-distance shooter they have. It fucking pains me that I’m not down there with them but I promised my girl I would bring her brothers home and I’m no liar.

“Vincent, you set?” The hushed whisper of Bishop’s voice come through the ear piece.

“Hold five, I got three to the right and two moving east,” I answer as I line my shot up.


“Done, head right I’ll clear the path but stick close to the house.” And I do, every time I see someone not with us they get a hole to the head. I spy movement on the top of the house and make quick work of taking out two of the guards up there, what I don’t fucking expect is for one of them to fall from the roof. “We’ve been made, take cover!” I shout through the earpiece. I ready myself for the onslaught of men that will be coming, and chuck my night vision off before I get blinded when they switch on the lights. Not two seconds later we are bathed in bright lights and shots ring out. Bishop’s men scatter, no point in hiding now they already know we’re here. I keep Knight and Bishop in my sight and take out anyone who gets close to them making sure they have an unobscured path to their target. Once they disappear inside the house there is nothing I can do but wait and hope they make it out.

I spot Gage and King running toward where Bishop and Knight went inside, I take out the two guards in front of them and keep dropping guys until they are inside the house. Minutes tick by and still no sign of them, I try to contact them through the ear piece. When I get no response for the third time, I say fuck it and make my way down the bank. I don’t slow my pace as I pull my gun and drop anyone who gets in my way. With the amount of fucking money they must pay these guys, the least they could do would be teach them to fucking shoot!

I race through the house and come to a stop in the entryway. I look left and right but see no one. I creep further into the house to try listen for any sounds of a fight, that’s when I hear a cry for help. I take off down the hall and skid to a stop in front of an open door that leads to the basement. I keep my gun ready and in front of me as I slowly creep down the stairs.

“You’re going to pay for this!” The sound of Vinny Murelo’s voice sends a cold shiver of dread through me. I make sure to keep to the shadows as much as I can and stay silent. I reach the bottom stair and peek around the corner. Fuck! Vinny has a gun pointed at Bishop’s head, King is being held back by two guards, Knight is on his knees with Pauly holding a gun at his temple. I look around but don’t spot Gage. I turn the other way and decide to check out what else is down here and to make sure no one can ambush me from behind. I curse silently beneath my breath when I find a body sprawled out on the floor, I know it’s Gage. I kneel down beside him and check for a pulse, a sigh of relief escapes me when I feel one. I shake him a few times to wake his ass up, his eyes slowly blink open and he opens his mouth but I cover it with my free hand shaking my head. He nods, I stand and help him to his feet while giving him one of my other guns and a knife.

“They have four,” I whisper, Gage nods and follows behind me. I spot another entry point to where the others are being held and motion for Gage to go that way. At least then we will have covered their only exit.

“Say goodbye to the other twin, hope he finds the bitch we dumped!” Pauly taunts, he cocks his gun back and I nod to Gage as we burst into the room with our guns trained on both Vinny and Pauly.

“Drop the fucking guns!” I shout. Pauly fucked up and took a step away from Knight dropping his gun slightly. Gage took the opportunity and put him down. The two guards holding King shove him forward so they can draw their weapons. Knight grabs Pauly’s gun and jumps to his feet. Vinny keeps his gun on Bishop as he stares at me, I can see the shock in his eyes at seeing me alive.

“You’re dead,” the fucker whispers, earning a smirk from me. “You good for nothing bastard I should have sold you not your sister––” I don’t even let him finish, drawing my gun faster than he can blink and put a hole right in the center of his forehead. Two more shots ring out alerting me to the fact Knight and Gage took care of the guards. I watch as Vinny draws his last breath and crumbles to the floor like the sack of shit he is. I move forward and spit on the disgusting cunt that I shared DNA with.

“I’ll find Selena and I’ll bring her home,” I say to his corpse. I don’t wait for the others as I head out to end this fucking fight. I can feel Bishop’s gaze burning a hole in the back of my head as I leave the basement.


I don’t bother to turn back and watch the fireworks as Bishop pushes the detonator. A split-second passes before the loud boom sounds out behind us. I rest my head against the glass and close my eyes. I thought after all this, finally getting my revenge would make me feel… better but it doesn’t. If anything, I feel like more of a failure now than I did before. I could have kept him alive and pulled the whereabouts of my sister from him. I should have done something but my anger and hatred took over and I snapped.

“He wouldn’t have told you the truth.” I open my eyes and look to Bishop, but I don’t bother to move my head or speak.

“What?” Bishop scrubs a hand down his face and that’s when I notice he isn’t wearing a suit for once, he’s in a black tee and black cargo pants. His tattoos are on full display, I hadn’t taken any notice earlier but the guy is covered in ink.

“He would have told you what you wanted to hear just to stay alive. Vinny has no idea where your sister is.” I scowl at the fucker.

“And you do?” I grit out.

“I’ll answer that if you do something for me?” I eye him warily for a beat before nodding. “Work for me, Vincent. Do what you do best for me and I’ll get you your sister but trust me, you might not want to disturb her life.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I snarl, a sad smile graces his face.

“Your sister was what, around eight and you were about ten when your father… sold her?” I grind my teeth so hard I think they may snap but manage to nod. “Koby found her records and Luka managed to find her whereabouts now.” I sit up straight and turn to face him, he has my full attention now.

“Where is she?” I demand.

“She lives in Romania with her husband and three children. Selena Murelo is now Selena Albu. She is twenty-nine years old and has been married for eight years to the police officer who rescued her from a… house when she was seventeen. She is now a spokesperson who helps women heal after being trafficked and she runs at least four women’s shelters. Your sister is happy, Vincent. I swear to you, I had no fucking idea she even existed. I have never and will never deal in the skin trade. I am trying to do better. I may deal with drugs, guns, casino’s and all the other shit but I have never dealt with selling people.” When I feel something wet slide down my cheek I reach up and catch it with my finger. I’m crying? Bishop says nothing as he sits there and waits for me to process what he has just told me. Selena is alive, she’s happy and has a family of her own… a husband who loves her. That is all I ever wanted for her was to be happy, I want to bring her home with me but that would be selfish, all seeing me would do is bring back the memories of her own father selling her.

“You just gave up your only leverage to get me to work with you?” Bishop doesn’t comment on the fact I changed the subject, I appreciate that.

“Actually, I’m hoping you will just agree to work with us. You didn’t have to save me or my brother’s tonight. You could have run but you didn’t, and that right there goes a long way in my books.” I nod, unsure what the fuck to say to be honest. “There’s something else, it’s about Russia…” He clamps his mouth closed and pins me with a weird look when I laugh.

“You, King and Knight aren’t staying back, are you?” He rolls his eyes clearly annoyed that I figured out his plan.

“No,” he grits out. I shake my head. He is going to get his dick ripped off by his girl when she finds out.