“You fucking bitch!” Mikey screams. I step forward ready to beat his ass but Allison’s laughter has me halting. She twists the dagger causing him to scream out, tears leaking from his eyes.

“Oh, don’t be silly. From where I’m standing, you’re the bitch now! I get to do whatever the fuck I want to you both and there isn’t a fucking thing you can do about it. You sick fucks broke into my home and tried to take me and my daughter.” Donny’s brow furrows causing Allison to laugh again. She yanks the dagger from Mikey’s cock and without warning, stabs it into Donny’s, the fucker screams just as loud. “I saw you asshole’s pull up. I hid her. There was no fucking way you sick pigs would ever lay a hand on my daughter.” She yanks the dagger out again and then spins to face us, none of us move or speak as we stare at her. She has the same blood thirsty look in her eyes that I get when I’m down here. “You said you would get me whatever I want and help me do whatever I want, right?” I nod like an idiot, at a loss as to how to answer. “Good. I need a blow torch and a bat wrapped in barbwire.” She turns but pauses and looks back over her shoulder. “Could you boy’s help me get them on their hands and knees first, please?”

I fucking love this woman!

* * *

Bishop and Gage keep shooting Allison side glances as we eat dinner. It’s starting to piss me off! I look beside me and see Mela has finished her dinner. She even ate her veggies like her mother ordered. I whisper in her ear that she can go play in her room. She smiles and jumps from her seat and races up the stairs. I shoot Luka a look from across the room. He nods and follows after her. There are still two families vying for us, so until we take them out, we have a full security team in and around the house. I pin both Bishop and Gage with a glare and snap.

“Why the fuck are you two looking at her like that?” Bishop scoffs. Gage rolls his eyes and drops his fork to his plate.

“How the fuck can she sit there and eat after what she did?” Allison just chuckles and continues to eat her chicken.

“What’d she do?”

“Shut up Rook!” I snap.

“I shoved a barbwire baseball up the asses of the men that raped me and then used a blow torch to burn their tiny cocks and made them eat it before they died.” Rook, Knight and Kiara gape at Allison’s answer. I puff my chest out like a proud motherfucker, my baby had them fucking screaming and begging for death. Bishop even offered her a job working for the family as ourinformation expert. I declined but she fucking accepted and skipped out of the bunker like nothing happened.

“Uh, yeah, nope. I’m not even going to ask.” Allison laughs at Rook’s response. Pretty soon everyone joins in and laughs along with her.

I sit here and gaze around the table at my family. A few months ago, I never thought this would happen. I had planned to torment Allison and make her pay for hiding my daughter but instead, I fell in love with the woman who saved my child and raised her without asking for a fucking cent. I am in awe of Allison daily. Even now, when we have all the money we could need at our fingertips, she still won’t allow me to throw Mela a lavish party for her fifth birthday. This woman is going to keep me humble for the rest of my life. I pull out my phone and send a text to Luka. Within a few minutes, Mela comes racing down the stairs and straight into the dining room, heading straight for Allison.

“Mommy?” Allison reaches out and strokes her cheek.

“Yeah, baby?”

“Daddy and me got to ask you something special.” I stand from my seat and move around to the other side of Allison where Mela stands, then drop to one knee beside my daughter. Allison’s hand comes up to cover her mouth as she gasps, tears filling her blue eyes.

“Fate doesn’t always get things right in my world but she did this time. You’re perfect. You challenge me at every turn, you love me even when I don’t deserve it. You’re the best mother to our daughter and I want forever with you. Will you marryus?” Before she can answer, Mela cuts in.

“You have to say yes. Daddy says if you don’t, he’s gonna spank you, Mommy!” I groan and the others laugh. Allison does as well. Mela pulls out the ring from her pocket and holds it out to Allison, it’s a simple diamond band with a red ruby in the center of it. I grab it from Mela and slip it on her finger as tears leak from her eyes.

“She didn’t say yes!” I snap my gaze to Rook and glare at the fucker. Allison grips my face and turns me back to her.

“Yes, in this life and every other life, my answer will always be yes!”



I’ve just put Mela to bed when I can hear shouts coming from down the hall by Knight’s room. I head to his room to tell him to shut up but pause when I see, Rook, Gage and Bishop in there with him.

“Shut the fucking door behind you!” I do as Bishop orders and stand here with my brothers at a loss at to what the fuck has happened.

“Someone want to fill me in?” I ask.

“Your baby momma’s Russian friend is a fucking spy.” I glare at Gage.

“Watch your fucking mouth when you speak about my fiancée!” The threat in my voice is clear.

“He’s not lying. Koby isn’t who she says she is.” I hold Knight’s gaze.

“Someone want to explain how the fuck you know this or are we just gonna stand here all night and hold each other’s cocks?” Rook shudders and shakes his head.

“Tell him!” Knight snaps. I follow his gaze to Rook who seems pissed off at his twin.

“You’re a fucking snitch, brother,” Rook seethes but Knight just shrugs it off. Whatever Rook knows has Knight wound up. I may be the one who can inflict pain and don’t bat an eye but Knight, he craves it like he needs it to survive. Whatever Christine did to him has him fucked up and going down a dark fucking path that I don’t know if he can come back from.