“No, you and Mela had each other, King. I had myself and I lost my will to live. I didn’t want to live another second of that torture. The day Koby got us out, she wanted to bring me here. I said… no.” The distraught look on his face crushes me but he needs to understand. “I couldn’t allow you or Mela to see me…” Tears begin to prick the backs of my eyes but I will them back down. “I wanted to end my suffering. I wanted the pain to stop and I knew if you saw me you would try to take on that burden and I couldn’t have that. I needed you to stay focused on Amelia and not be… brought down by my fucked-up state.” He comes charging toward me and I tense in anticipation. Koby darts in front of me at the last second and I love her for it but King will kill her if she tries to keep me from him.

“You will not hurt her.” The protectiveness in her tone has my heart swelling. Dimitri clings to my arm in fear. He has become so attached to me in the short amount of time I have known them.

“You ever and I mean ever try to keep her from me again and I’ll make your worst nightmares seem like a daydream.” I reach out and tap her on the shoulder letting her know it’s okay and to step aside. She grunts out her disapproval but does as I ask. King strikes out so fast I don’t even have time to prepare. I stifle my gasp when he grips my face and peers into my eyes.

“There will never be a lifetime where I don’t find you. I will be the glue that keeps you together each time you feel like you’re falling apart. Mela needs you, Allison… I fucking need you. Don’t ever for a second think you are not worthy of living because, baby, you are the reason my life is worth anything. I love our daughter more than anything but I also love you so much it fucking hurts. I won’t lose you, Allison, I can’t.” Tears flow freely down my cheeks at his endearing words of love.

“Y-you still want me even after what I just told you? I’m not a sweet little virgin anymore, King. I’m tainted fucking goods—” He growls right in my face.

“You aren’t fucking tainted. You think you belong in the dark but baby let me tell you something, I am the fucking shadows that shroud you in the darkness. I’ll be your shadow or your goddamn light… Fuck, I’ll be whatever you need me to be.” I hear the truth ring out in his words and my heart explodes. I want to latch onto him and allow him to make me forget but he can’t. He cannot wipe away what happened to me. How can I love and hate him at the same time? I waited for him to find me and rescue me from the hell I was living in for weeks, in the end, I figured out I didn’t need a fucking king to save me. I rose up like the fucking queen thatIam and rescued myself.

“I can’t…” He gives me a little shake and I clamp my mouth closed.

“You can and you will. You are not going to push me away. You want to yell, scream, hit me, fuck, do you want to shoot me?” I gasp.

“You’d let me shoot you?”


“Yes,” Bishop and King both answer in unison.

“You are not shooting my idiot brother, that is a fucking order, King.” I can see it in his green eyes, if it’s what I wanted he would disobey his Don’s order and allow me to shoot him. I’m angry at him but I also don’t want to mar his beautiful skin with a bullet hole either, but there is another option.

“I want a fight.” King drops his hold and steps back. I spy Koby fighting her smile.

“The fuck?” I hold his stare asIshake off Dimitri and step into King.

“You heard me. You want me to hit you but I won’t do it unless you fight back.” He shakes his head.

“You can’t fight, baby—” I scoff, of course he would still think that.

“Says who?” He shrugs.


“Of course, you would think I’m some damsel in distress still. I didn’t need you to fight my way out and kill off the guards. I did that. I also didn’t need you to train me day and night to give me something else to focus on.”

“Who the fuck taught you to fight?” Of course, that is all he would take from what I just said.

“I did,” Koby answers for me. She doesn’t show emotion often, she’s like a statue but right now, pride shines in her eyes. King swings his gaze to her and if looks could burn you alive Koby would be ablaze right now.

“You taught my girl to fight?” His tone is flat and deadly, most people would cower but not Koby.

“I did. She was weak and easy prey but now, she will at least be able to put up a fight. If she continues her training there will be no way they will ever touch her… again.” King grimaces at the reminder but says nothing as he turns and reclaims his place next to Bishop.

“They stay but not in the house, they can take up residence in the guest house.” Of course, they have a guest houseanda pool house. Fucking rich people! “You will have round the clock guards. If I so much as suspect you are plotting or if you try anything that makes me think you are up to something, you will be dead before you can blink.”

* * *

“You both gonna be, okay?” I ask Koby and Dimitri as I stare at the guest house that is triple the size of my old apartment. King and Knight stand in the entryway. I want to stay with them but I also know King won’t allow it. I also need to get over my fear and go see Mela.

“We’ll be fine. You should go.” Koby comes off as blunt and rude but after getting to know her these past couple of weeks, I’ve learned she just isn’t someone who minces words. I nod and turn to leave but Dimitri grips my hand. King and Knight both move forward but I shake my head to them as I turn back to D. He is just a kid. He shouldn’t have the amount of fear he does in his eyes. He is haunted by the life he has had to live. Koby is doing everything she can for him and I admire her for that.

“You stay?”

“I’m sorry D, I can’t—” Koby cuts me off.

“Ostavte eye, ona dolzna uiti.”(Leave her, she must go.)Dimitri nods and releases my hand. I feel bad for not being able to remain with him but I need to see my daughter and try work out what the hell I am going to do next… and whether or not King will be a part of my next step.