“You stay the fuck away from my family.” I gasp.

“No, you do not get to do that.” King swings his angry gaze to me—Rook, Bishop and Kiara now stand behind the guys and my frustration grows at the sight of all of them. “Knight hasn’t done a thing to me or Mela. Your own jealousy and the fact you can’t get past what my sister did is ruining us!”

“It’s you not her—” My pent-up anger snaps. I march over to him and stop only leaving a couple of inches of space between us.

“You blame me for Christine!” I stop myself for a second. I don’t take my eyes off King as I speak to Knight. “Take Mela and do not take your eyes off her for a second. I’ll meet you both downstairs.” Knight moves toward Mela and King tries to follow but I stop him with a hand against his chest. Knight strolls past us a moment later and Rook follows after them. Bishop and Kiara stand in the doorway awkwardly but I don’t care, I need to get this shit off my chest.

“You are not taking my daughter.” I shove his chest but he doesn’t budge and it pisses me off more.

“Fuck you! I am taking her away from you and your house of horrors. I knew this was a mistake bringing her here. She isn’t safe with you. I was stupid to think it was because of your association with the mafia and what you do for your family. It isn’t, it’s you who is fucking toxic. You are taking out your anger toward my sister on me. I never coerced your thirteen-year-old brother to have his way with me. I never mentally fucked him up.Iwould never do that, but my sister did!” His eyes widen at my omission but I push on, I can feel Kiara and Bishop staring at me like I’ve lost my mind, maybe I have. “I’m not Christine, King. Until you realize that and sort out your shit, I am taking Mela with me and we are going home where she will be safe from you and all your bullshit. You need help, so does Knight, but you men are too proud to admit that.” He reaches out to grab me but I step out of reach and shake my head. “I won’t be your punching bag anymore,” I whisper.

“Allison—” Kiara cuts King off.

“I’ll take you home and stay with you.” We all turn to her in shock. “Gage, the twins and I will stay with you.”

“Like fuck. You aren’t going anywhere!” It’s the first time I’ve heard Bishop speak to her like that and it shocks me when she melts and smiles up at him with so much love in her eyes.

“Bish, you know I’m going with her even if you say no. Come on, let’s go pack me a bag and I’ll call Gage.” She grips his hand and leads him from the room.

“That little bitch isn’t staying with you!” he grumbles. Kiara just laughs and drags him after her. King and I stand here staring at each other. I see him in a whole different light now. I allowed his sweet words and beauty to fool me into a false sense of security. I thought that I could be a part of his life if I ignored what he did for a living and I did. It isn’t his job as Bishop’s underboss that has me wanting to leave, it’s how treats me daily!

“You’re not taking my daughter!” he speaks the words quietly but they have so much weight to them.

“I’ll leave her here with you if you can answer me three things.” He nods like the cocky fucker he is. “When’s her birthday?” He narrows his eyes at me and grinds his teeth. I open my mouth to answer but he cuts me off.

“Thirtieth of May, 2018.” That shocks the fuck out of me, honestly. I kind of expected him to know but wasn’t a hundred percent sure he actually knew.

“What’s her favorite color?” He flicks his gaze away from me and I know I have him. “Last question, what is Amelia’s middle name?” That has his gaze swinging back to me. I can see in his gaze he is pissed he doesn’t know the answer but I also know he wants me to tell him the answers, but won’t. I turn my back on him and grab the other bag from the closet. I snag one of his shirts from the hanger and pull it over my swim suit, grab the other bag off the bed and don’t spare him a glance as I make my way past him.

“Allison?” I stop right on the threshold but don’t turn to face him.

“What, King?” I hate that I can hear the heartache in my own voice, it is taking everything inside me not to break down and cry right now.

“I’m sorry I’m such a fuck up. I don’t deserve you.” I steel my spine and shake my head.

“You may not deserve me now, but the thing is you could. You need help, King, and I don’t think I am the one to give it to you. I can’t be. I’m already raising a child and I sure as shit never agreed to mother you as well. Come see her whenever you want. I’ll be getting a new bank account so please, stop sending money.”

“No, Allison…” I push on needing to get this out before I cry.

“I don’t want your money, we aren’t together, King. I’m not your problem. You can still do things for Mela though.” I take another step away from him and feel like my heart is about to shatter inside my chest and pause. “For what it’s worth, I think you are a good man, King, and I really wish we could have worked out.” I don’t wait for a reply as I head downstairs and away from the man that I now know owns my heart.



The ride back to my place is filled with silence. I rest my head against the window and close my eyes. Knight drives—Kiara, Rook and Amelia are in the backseat. Knight reaches across and interlaces his fingers with mine, giving it a small squeeze. His kind gesture is what breaks the flood gates. I burst into tears. No one in the car utters a single word, not even Mela, as I break down and cry. My heart is breaking. I think I always knew from the moment King first kissed me that he would have the power to obliterate my heart. Knight holds my hand the whole way to my house. When we pull up out front, I wipe away my tears with my free hand and take a deep breath. I need to pull myself together. I cannot allow Mela to see me break like this. I’ll cry myself to sleep tonight if I have to.

We all climb out of the car and grab our bags from the back. I lift Mela into my arms and hold her close to me and just breath in her scent. I came so close to losing her today and that is a loss I would never survive… Instead, I just lost her father and I don’t know if that is a loss I will ever recover from either. Rook wraps an arm around me as he leads me up the stairs. We come to a halt when Kiara squeals, and all turn to watch her take off down the sidewalk toward a man dressed in ripped jeans and an old rock band shirt. His blond hair is tied in a man bun atop his head—his green eyes sparkle with joy at the sight of the black-haired beauty charging toward him.

“Who is that?” I ask Rook. He sighs and shakes his head.

“That is off limits to you, babe. He already coped a broken hand for touching Kiara.” I lift my gaze to him in surprise.

“You’re joking?” He shakes his head as Knight comes to stand on my other side.

“He isn’t, unless you want to bury his body. I suggest you stay clear of him because King won’t hesitate to take him out if you so much as make fuck me eyes at him.” I balk at Knight.

“I-I wasn’t.” I try to defend myself. I won’t lie, the man is fucking gorgeous, anyone with eyes can see that. He has that rugged beauty and it’s effortless. He seems like the type to not even know just how good looking he is.