Edith places a hand on my arm. I didn’t know her in high school; she and Tommy met in college, but I feel like I’ve known her forever. She has that way about her. “Derek, I know what happened to your parents was awful, but I don’t think they’d want you to pretend to be something you’re not.”
“You didn’t know my parents. They were just like me. They thrived on structure and routine, and if I hadn’t been in that play…If I hadn’t invited them to come…” I can’t finish the sentence. “They never liked me pretending.”
A silence fills the air as Tommy and Edith exchange glances. Finally, Edith sighs, “You’re right. I didn’t know your parents, and I hope that your perception and memory of them isn’t accurate, but even if it is, your parents are gone now. You can’t keep living the life they wanted if it’s not the life you want.”
I open my mouth to speak but pause. Is that what I’m doing? Is that why I’m sleeping through my alarm and why Daring Derek appeared today? “I don’t know if I even know what I want,” I finally say.
“Then I think it’s time you find out,” Edith says softly.
I glance at my watch,hoping to come up with some excuse to get my friends out of the house. I love them but with Derek coming over any minute, I don’t want this to turn into an interrogation. Derek doesn’t seem to handle new people well anyway, and my friends can certainly be intense.
“Why do you keep looking at your watch?” Hannah asks, looking up from her dot painting. She has a billion of these things. They look pretty when she’s finished, but putting the dots on the page seems mindless to me. She calls it therapeutic, but it is not therapy when I find them stuck to my leg randomly or on the bottom of my feet.
“No reason. Are you sure you guys want to stay home all day? Just because I have to rest doesn’t mean you can’t go out and enjoy yourselves.”
Belle’s forehead furrows as she looks outside. “It’s pouring down rain. What exactly would we do outside?”
“Go to the movies?” I suggest, hoping I don’t sound too desperate.
“I much prefer a book,” Piper says, glancing up from whatever tome she is currently reading.
“And I’ve seen everything in the theater currently that I wanted to,” Charlie says. She’s furiously scribbling on a notepad, probably working on new ways to torture her clients.
“How about a coffee then? I could really use one and I’ll treat.”
Hannah fixes me with an intense stare. “Is there a reason you want us out of the house?”
“No?” I say, but the knock sounds just as I get the word out of my mouth. Crap.
“Are we expecting someone?” Belle heads for the door.
I sigh. “It’s Derek. Please be nice.”
“Derek?” Hannah has suddenly lost all interest in her dot painting and leans forward like a dog pulling on a leash. And she has that rabid look in her eye that says she’ll be analyzing his every word and move to figure out what type he is.
“Please don’t freak him out. I still have to work with him for another week or so.”
“We’ll behave,” Charlie says and I shoot her a look full of gratitude.
The front door opens and Belle’s perky voice carries back to us. “Hi, I’m Belle, and you must be Derek.”
“I am; is Katie here?” I can hear the confusion in his voice. He probably thought it would be just the two of us, but alas. With five women in one house, there is almost never a time when one is home alone.
“In here,” I call, waving from the couch.
He follows Belle into the room, looking very much like a fish out of water and also different though I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. I make the introductions as I study him. Same pressed slacks, same button-down shirt, but something is different. “Derek, this is Charlie, Hannah, Piper, and you already met Belle. Girls, this is Derek, my co-worker.” I point to each girl as I make the introductions, but I don’t expect him to remember all the names.
“I was wrong,” Belle says, walking around Derek and studying him. “He’s a much better slate than I thought. I’m talking nine material, maybe ten.”
“What is she talking about?” Derek asks, taking a step back. The look of alarm on his face is comical, but laughing would only make the situation worse.
“Nothing.” I shoot Belle a knock-it-off look.
“Tell me, Derek,” Hannah says, joining in, “Would you like to dance with Katie again?”