Page 20 of Take a Chance on Me

“No, from limes. Evidently, I’m allergic.”

“They served limes at a dance studio. What kind of studio was this?”

“No, not at the studio. We went to lunch afterwards. Her eight-ball said we had to have Thai food.”

He chuckles on the other end. Chuckles! “Wow, you really might not make it to the end of this challenge.”

“This is not funny,” I say. “I could have died.”

His voice sobers. “You’re right. Are you okay?”

“Thankfully. Katie drove me to the emergency room-”

“Wait, you let Katie drive Leia?”

“I didn’t really have a choice considering my face was swollen, but I’m not sure I should continue to work with her.”

“Why? Because of this? It sounds like an accident.”

“No, because…” I stop, unable to finish my sentence.

“Because you’re having fun with her? Because she’s not structured?” Tommy sighs. “Derek, you can’t let that accident rule your whole life.”

“I know.” But I don’t want to talk about it any further. It’s not a path I want to go down yet. “Listen, I’m home and feeling the need for rest. Thanks for listening.”

“Anytime, my friend. I’m always here for you.” But I can hear in his voice that he wishes I could get past this. I do too. I’m just not sure how.



As expected,I am peppered with questions the moment I walk in the door.

“How is he?” “Did any sparks fly?” “Will he recover?”

“He’s fine. They gave him an EpiPen and he has to avoid citrus fruits, but he’ll be fine. No, there were no sparks, unless you count the ones coming from his eyes when he looked at me. Pretty sure they were angry sparks. Or at least annoyed ones.”

“A reaction like his is relatively rare. Thirty-nine percent of people who have pollen allergies have an OAS to food, but their reaction is generally mild.” Piper looks up from her phone. “I’ve been researching.”

Of course she has. “Well, regardless of how rare it is, he had a reaction, and I feel terrible. I know I’m supposed to let the eight ball make all the decisions, but I told him he could pick the next place we go to. I hope you guys understand.”

“I think an exception can be made in this case.” Charlie glances around, gathering nods from the other girls.

“Thank you.” I sigh as I sink into one of the kitchen table chairs. It’s been a long day.

There’s a moment of quiet, and then an exchange of conspicuous glances between my friends. Clearly, something else is on their minds, but I’m sure it’s nothing good. “Has waiter boy called?” Hannah asks, switching the subject and referencing the waiter who asked for my number yesterday. I probably shouldn’t have shared that piece of information with them as it will no doubt be a daily question now, but oh well.

“Nope, sorry. If you guys hoped this eight ball was going to have me dating more, I’m afraid it’s backfiring.”

“Then I think it’s time we go out and see if we can help it along.” Hannah wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. Why do people do that? Do they think it’s likely to be more convincing? Because it’s not working.

“Ugh, not tonight. It’s been a long day.” I don’t normally mind going out with my friends, but after today, I just want to chill out with a movie or a really good book and relax.

“I’m afraid you don’t get to decide.” Her eyes slide to my bag where she knows the eight ball resides.

“She’s right,” Charlie says. “We’ve already given you a pass on tomorrow, so you do have to consult it.”

“Fine.” I grumble as I pull it out of my bag. “Should we go out tonight?” I turn the ball over and smile slightly when ‘My reply is No’ floats to the top. “Hah, guess it’s a relaxing night in after all.”