Page 14 of Take a Chance on Me


Today is goingto be a great day. I can feel it. Yesterday, during our brainstorming, I got Derek to agree to dance lessons at On Your Toes dance studio, and I can barely contain my excitement as I hurry into work to meet up with him.

“Are you ready?” I ask when I reach his desk.

He frowns up at me, but I don’t take offense to it. It’s pretty much his normal expression after all, which is kind of sad because he might be attractive if he didn’t frown so much. He definitely has the right bone structure with his chiseled features including the cleft in his chin. Whoa, what am I doing? I am not supposed to be admiring his facial features.

He sighs, pushing the traitorous thoughts from my head thankfully. “Not really, but I did agree.”

“Yes, you did, and this will be amazing. I doubt Mark has thought of adding dancing to the list. He probably has two left feet.” Actually, he’s probably an amazing dancer as Mark seems to be good at just about everything he does, but pondering his good qualities does not help me focus on squashing him at all costs. I wish there was a way to know what Mark was working on to be sure that ours was better, but regardless, I am positive our spin on it will be much better. I doubt anyone has thought of using a scavenger hunt like we have.

“I wouldn’t put anything past Mark,” he grumbles, but he grabs his coat and follows me back downstairs.

I am literally bouncing as we drive to the downtown area again. I’ve always wanted to take dance lessons, but I never wanted to go alone and going with my girlfriends was just odd.

“Are you okay?” He glances at me from the corner of his eye. He still won’t let me drive, but I don’t mind. I don’t love parking downtown anyway. Parallel parking is my nemesis. Why we can’t just have normal parking lots is beyond me.

“I’ve always wanted to dance. When I was little, I wanted to be a ballerina, but my parents could never afford lessons. When I got older and could afford them myself, I didn’t have anyone to go with.”

“I didn’t think you minded doing things alone,” he says as he turns off the engine.

“Hah, what gave you that idea?” I may come across as outgoing and social, but I’ve never enjoyed doing things alone. I much prefer having a friend along or even a group of friends.

His forehead furrows in confusion. “I guess I misconstrued your willingness for spontaneity as confidence.”

I laugh and shake my head. “I like being spontaneous and I don’t even mind surprises, but I hate doing things alone. I won’t eat alone. I won’t go to the movies alone, and if I absolutely have to go somewhere solo, I always make sure to have a book so I don’t look like I’m alone. There’s a big difference between being spontaneous and whatever the word is for doing things confidently alone. I definitely don’t have whatever that is.”

“I think the word you’re looking for is self-assured,” he says, opening his door, “but, regardless, I stand corrected. Shall we go?”

I nod and join him on the sidewalk, taking in the building. I’m glad it’s not one of those with a front wall of windows. I have no doubt we are going to be awkward for a bit and I don’t need people walking by to stop and stare at us.

The front door opens not to a studio, but to a small foyer where a lady behind the counter checks us in and points us in the direction of the correct studio. I don’t know exactly what I was expecting, but it is not the larger-than-life woman in a skin-tight red dress, red lips, and poofy black hair who greets us as we enter.

“Welcome to On Your Toes Dance Studio. I am Pauline, and I will teach you how to,” she sways her hips in an exaggerated manner, “find your rhythm.”

Derek turns to me, fear in his eyes. “I’m quite certain this has been a mistake and we should duck out now while we can.”

I elbow him and shake my head. “It will be fun, and you promised to try fun, remember?”

He rolls his eyes and whispers, “I really think we need to come to a consensual definition of this word fun.”

I mash my lips together and shake my head as Pauline continues. “Dancing is the movement of love. It can be very sensual, but there are rules. You must keep proper form and you must feel the music.” As she says this, her body moves in a way that looks more like a convulsion to me, and I hope that move won’t be in her instruction today.

“If you have come with a partner, please stand with them now,” she says. “If not, I will find you a partner.”

“This is why I never came alone,” I whisper to Derek as Pauline begins walking around the room and placing strangers together. “Those poor women are getting teamed up with someone they don’t even know.”

“We barely know each other,” he whispers back.

“Yes, but we work together.”

“Okay, now that everyone is paired up. I will show you the proper form for our first step.” She motions one of the men over and places his hand on her waist. Oblivious to the man’s discomfort or the blush creeping up his face, she continues. “Men, you will place your right hand on your partner’s waist. Women, your hand goes on your partner’s shoulder.” She demonstrates this and the poor man looks even more uncomfortable. “Finally, your free hands join, but you must remember to keep the space in between you. Now, you try and I will correct your form.” She walks away from the poor guy, who scurries back to his partner.

“You must place your hand here on her waist,” she says to Derek when she reaches us.

There is a moment of hesitation as Derek closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. I could feel offended, but I know this is hard for him, and so I wait, hoping he won’t chicken out. Finally, his eyes open, and he places his hand on my waist. A weird and slightly unnerving feeling courses through my body at his touch.

“Now you put your hand here on his shoulder,” Pauline says, clearly unaware of the emotions running through me. “Then you grab hands.” She puts our other hands in the right position. There, now you are ready.”