“We haven’t done anything to you,” Belle says, sitting next to me. “What are you talking about?”

I pull the eight ball from my bag. “This. I’m talking about this. I’m up for a huge promotion at my job, and I have to pair up with this guy to create an app. How can I do my best work if I’m having to ask this thing for every move?”

“Ooh, there’s a guy?” Hannah sits down on the opposite couch and leans forward. “Do you know what type the guy you’re paired up with is?” See? She’s jumped to the enneagram already.

“I have no idea,” I say, shaking my head. “I’m not even sure what type I am.”

“Oh, you’re definitely a seven,” she says, taking a sip of her drink. “I’ve already told you that a million times. Tell me what you know about him, and I’ll tell you what I think he is.”

“I don’t know. He’s quiet, doesn’t talk much, kind of stiff. He always wears a suit even on casual Fridays, and I’m pretty sure he schedules everything, including bathroom breaks.” I don’t actually know that last part, but I did catch him one day looking at the bathroom with a longing expression and then down to his watch. He did it like five times before he sighed and finally went to the bathroom, so I don’t think I’m too off base in that guess.

“Oh, he’s definitely a type one then.” She draws out the words and there’s a tone in her voice like she’s pitying me. Or him? It’s really hard to say.

“Whatever that means. It’s a really big promotion though, so I have to do it.” And I could use the money. I’m not the kind who goes through money like candy, but things have been tighter recently, and I could definitely use a little breathing room.

“Can you work with him?” Charlie asks. “That’s really the only thing that matters. Work with him long enough to win and then show the boss why you’re the better option.”

My nose scrunches as I think about it. Derek is different, but there are worse people I could have been paired with. “I mean I don’t hate the guy. He’s a little odd, but it could be worse.” At least he’s punctual and hard-working, and he doesn’t smell. I think about the other options. Mark would have been worse. His ego is so big that I don’t know how he fits in his office most days, and while he’s nice to look at, I’m not sure what else he has to offer. Hairy Harvey was also a contender, and that would have been awkward with a capital A considering he’s asked me out more times than I can count. Ditzy Darla would have driven me bonkers. I know Belle is ditzy too, but it’s different. I’ve known her longer, and she’s smart about most things. Sometimes. Anyway, it’s different. So, yeah, it could have been worse, but I still have no idea if Derek and I will be able to work together. Especially with the eight-ball playing into the picture. I have a feeling he’s not going to be sold on that idea at all.

“Well, then I think you should do it,” Belle says. “Especially if it’s the only way to be a contender for the promotion. You’ll never get ahead if you don’t throw your hat in the game.” She looks over at me and her brow furrows. “Even though you don’t wear hats, but you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, maybe.” I don’t know why this decision seems hard. Yes, it means working with Derek, but it also means going out into the city and experiencing things - which is fun. “I just didn’t think I’d have to use it for serious stuff like this. What I want to eat for dinner and whether I should go to the gym or not are pretty harmless. This is way more important.”

Charlie shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “I can’t believe going to the gym is even a choice, but you agreed to the dare, and you know what happens if you break it.”

Oh, I definitely know. Back in high school, Belle broke a dare, and we had made her life miserable for a week. She had to drive to every event and pick up the check whenever we went out. I don’t have the time or money to do that, and now that we are older, I’m sure the punishment would be much worse. “I’m not planning on breaking it. I just wish it weren’t this month.”

“Well, you could always ask the ball if the experience will be as bad as you think,” Belle says with a shrug. “Maybe it will say it’s going to be great.”

“That’s not really the way it works, but I suppose I can ask a few questions.” I lean down and grab my bag from the floor beside me. Then I pull out the magic eight ball and turn it over in my hands. “What do you think I should ask first?”

“Ask it if you’ll fall in love with the guy.” Belle claps her hands together and bounces on the couch next to me.

“What? No. I am definitely not falling in love with Derek.” I almost laugh at the thought of Derek and I together. We’d be like oil and water, black and white, light and dark. We would never work. Of course, Belle and her boyfriend Jaxon were like that when they first met too, but Derek and I are different.

“How about you ask it if you and Derek will win,” Hannah says pragmatically.

“You all do realize that whatever answer it gives, it will statistically be only fifty percent correct, right?” Piper looks at us as if we’ve lost our minds which earns a chuckle from us and lightens the mood.

“Yes, Piper, we know, but where’s the fun in not asking?” Maybe they should have saved the eight ball for Piper. She definitely could use some going with the flow.

She shakes her head but motions for me to continue.

“Okay, will Derek and I be able to work together?” I ask before turning the ball over. ‘Yes’ pops so quickly into the window that I almost wonder again if it’s broken. Usually, it takes a bit to get the triangle in the window correctly. “Well, it seems confident.”

“Why don’t you ask if you’ll win,” Charlie suggests. Of course Charlie would be thinking about winning. She is definitely the most competitive one of us.

“Will I win?” I ask and turn the ball over again. This time, the triangle seems to take forever to land in the window and when it does, the words, ‘cannot predict now’ appear on the screen. “Well, I guess it’s not so sure about that.”

“Don’t worry. I have faith you can win,” Charlie says.

“Me too,” Belle adds.

“Your odds really aren’t that great,” Piper says, “but I believe in you.”

“Just watch out for his one tendencies,” Hannah says, even though I have no idea what one tendencies even are.

My friends might be a little crazy, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world.