I smile up at him. “We’ll figure it out. For now, let’s just enjoy it.”
He brushes a strand of hair behind my ear. “That I think I can do.”
I think he’s about to kiss me again when his phone rings. I don’t really want him to take the call, but I’m a little unnerved when he merely looks at it and pushes the end call button. I want to believe it’s because it’s a spam call, but I can’t help wondering if it’s because he doesn’t want to have a conversation with me within hearing distance. It’s a stupid insecurity of mine, but it doesn’t make it any less real.
“Telemarketer?” I offer, opening the door for him to let me in.
“No, it was my friend, but I’ll call him later.” His phone beeps again, alerting him there’s now a voicemail.
“If you want to call him back, I can wait over there for a bit.” The offer sounds even lamer coming out of my lips than it did in my head.
“No, it’s fine, really.” His phone beeps again, and when he grabs it, the vein in his throat pulses. I’m afraid he’s about to chuck the phone on the sidewalk, but then his eyes widen.
“What is it?”
“My friend’s wife knows a local director and she got me an audition for an upcoming play.”
“That’s great, right?” I want to be supportive, and this sounds like good news, but the look on Derek’s face isn’t screaming congratulations. Or even yay?
He shakes his head and I swear there is fear in his eyes when he meets my gaze. “I don’t know. It’s one thing to understand I enjoyed acting. It’s another to take the plunge and actually do it.”
I place my hands on his arms. “Look, it’s just an audition, right?” He nods. “Then just go and see. It’s the only way you’re going to find out if it’s something you really want or just something you’ve been hanging on to since high school.”
He takes a deep breath and smiles at me. “You’re right.” His hands find their way to my neck and my body starts tingling again. “I’m glad we got paired together, Crazy Katie.”
Wait, did he just call me crazy? Before I can ask, his lips cover mine and I realize I don’t care.
“So wait, he kissed you?”Belle squeals as I share the story over dinner that night.
“Well, we kissed each other,” my face heats up at the memory, “but then the owner returned and we jumped apart when the door opened.”
“That’s a little embarrassing.” Charlie grabs another carrot from the basket in the middle of the table. She has decided we all need to eat a little healthier, so her dinner tonight consists of salad, a vegetable tray, and chicken. It’s a little bland for my tastes, but I didn’t have to cook, so that’s a plus.
“Yeah, he was definitely embarrassed.”
“That is understandable,” Piper says, scooping up a forkful of salad. “Not everyone is comfortable with public displays of affection.”
I’m not even sure Piper is fond of private displays of affection, but I let her comment go. “I thought it might turn things weird, but he kissed me again when we left.”
“And is he a good kisser?” Hannah asks, waggling her eyebrows up and down suggestively.
“You know a lady never kisses and tells.” I drop my eyes to my plate. There is a part of me that wants to spill every detail, but I have a sneaky suspicion the girls would use it the next time Derek comes over.
“Good thing you aren’t one then,” Charlie says with a laugh.
“Ha-ha.” I glare at her, but I know the blush on my face has given me away.
“Oh, this is fantastic,” Belle says. “Now when you go to the wedding, it won’t even be pretend. You’ll really be together.”
The wedding. I’d forgotten all about it even though it’s coming up in a few days, but I no longer feel the need to go. I realize I don’t have anything to prove to Adam or Amy, but it will still be fun to arrive with Derek on my arm as an actual couple. And the only thing that will make it even better is if Derek and I win the promotion. The reminder hits then that Derek and I are still competing against each other for this promotion, but I shake the thought away. I’ll cross that bridge if we come to it.
The next morning, I take extra time getting ready. I want to make sure I look perfect in case Derek wants to kiss me again. And I am rewarded with a wide smile when I pull up a chair next to him.
“You look great,” he whispers before glancing around conspiratorially.