Page 32 of Take a Chance on Me

“Welcome to The Elite Escape. My name is Joe.” Joe. Even his name feels more redneck than hipster. “Do you have an appointment?”

“No, did we need one?” I glance around the room, confused, because there is no one else in here.

“Normally, yes, but it’s been a little slow today, so I can sneak you in before I close.”

I wonder if Joe is teasing us because I thought the place stayed open until ten. “Are you closing early tonight? Your sign says you’re open until ten.”

“Normally we are, but there was no one to cover the late afternoon shift and since we didn’t have anyone booked, the manager decided to close until six when she can come in and run it.”

“Oh, well thank you for letting us in. We appreciate it.”

Joe nods and scratches at his head. “Have either of you been here before?”

“No, this is a first time for both of us.”

“All right. You’ll need to read over this and leave your phones. Then, I can show you the room.” He reaches behind the counter and pulls out a single sheet of paper with a list of rules.

Don’t break anything - Furniture is not meant to be moved.

Don’t bring any bags or lighters inside - Nothing is to be taken out or burned.

Don’t show up intoxicated - No one likes working a puzzle with a drunk.

No phones or cameras are allowed inside - Taking any pictures of the escape room could result in you being banned from future escape rooms.

Have fun.

Derek leans over my shoulder as he reads the list. “We have to leave our phone with you?”

“Yep, phone, keys, pens, basically anything you could write with or use to take a picture of.” Joe turns and pulls a basket from the out-of-place shelving unit and places it down for us to put our stuff in.

“I’m not sure I’m comfortable with leaving my phone,” Derek says. “Especially if it’s just going to be in a box out in the open.”

“It will be fine.” I put my hand on his arm before turning my attention back to Joe. “No one messes with the boxes, right?”

Joe shakes his head. “Nope. No one is allowed behind the counter, so the only person touching these boxes is me.”

“So, our stuff is safe as long as nothing happens to you,” Derek says. “Are you even trained in any kind of self-defense in case someone aggressive comes in here?”

“Fun. This is supposed to be fun.” I lift my eyebrows to remind him of his desire to not be so structured.

With a sigh, Derek pulls out his key and phone and places them in the box. I drop in my purse and phone as well. Joe returns the box to the shelf and makes an exaggerated motion of pushing it in the square. “Okay, follow me.”

He leads us around a corner and down a hallway. The hallways itself is pretty bland, but the doors are anything but. He stops in front of a large metal door with a wheel. It reminds me of a door in a submarine.

“That’s just for decoration, right?” I can hear the anxiety in Derek’s voice and when I glance over at him, a tiny bead of sweat is forming on his forehead.

Joe shakes his head. “Nope. Once you go through here, there’s no getting out until I let you out.” He turns the wheel, and a squeaking sound fills the air. There is a loud click, and then he pulls the door open. The room inside is crammed with a mishmash of things. There are trunks and switches and maps and light bulbs and a host of other items.

“Now, we usually do groups of six or more so it’s easier to solve all the puzzles, so don’t be too upset if you don’t make it in time. However, it has been done before and there are hints available if you get stuck. You’ll have to look around to figure out the clues, and you have one hour. Do either of you need to use the bathroom because there will be no escape until you get out or the time is up.”

Derek glances over at me. The bead of sweat is now trailing down the side of his face, and I wonder if he’ll have another panic issue like he did in the elevator. “I think I will just to be sure,” he says.

“I agree,” I say, partially to make Derek feel better and partially because the last thing I want is to be trapped in the room when the urge hits.

Joe points to a pair of normal doors down the hall. “Right there. I’ll wait for you.”

When we return, Joe ushers us into the room and locks the door. The click of the lock engaging is just as loud inside the room as it was outside.